Are freetards the vegans of the tech world?

Are freetards the vegans of the tech world?

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Are microsoft apologists the cucks of the tech world?

>let's install a whole new shitty OS with no software because I don't know how to edit my hosts file

Are Microsoft users the McDonald's customers of the tech world?
>all my friends are there
>it just werks
>happy meal has muh games
>intuitive franchise, not 1000s of Linux restaurants that all vary in presentation and food

I don't need your soyboy cuckware because I am not a Sup Forums rapefugee. GCC works fine and that's what I care about.

Only if meat was made by jews who inject radioactive waste on the cattle's food, and make you agree to swallow a GPS pill that also sends reports to a shady company in India about your health, and if you're eating another brand's meat.

Umm sweetie friendly reminder that GNU is literally created by a soyboy neckbeard landwhale Berniebro ()


What about the plague of manchilds that infests Sup Forums instead of staying in their quarantine zone Sup Forums?

Great English, Pa(jeet|blo).

Windows network stack bypasses hosts file whenever it wants to

>What about the plague of manchilds that infests Sup Forums instead of staying in their quarantine zone Sup Forums?
The plague coincides with the release of new hardware that can be used for their childish games.
New graphics card are due soon, from both AMD and Nvidia. Expect endless floods of brain-dead posts about how "AYYYYYMD" and "le Nvidia housefires kek xDDDD", accompanied by unscientific charts depicting alleged performance in proprietary entertainment software.

No, i love meat.

I'm talking about ad servers (which aren't on the list) not Microsoft's miscellaneous servers. Plus, as it says in the article you can just use Windows Firewall for that, or just use LTSB with Anti-Beacon and ShutUp10 which I've personally tested with Wireshark and doesn't send shit.

>Has your child got autism
>Has got
I don't know why but this drives me up the wall.
Why not "does have" instead of "have got"?
Why not "Has your child autism"?

“Does have” is the correct English grammar.
Unfortunately America cares more about speaking Spanish than English.

>umm sweetie

You have to go back to

>Have to fight your OS to keep it from stealing your PC
just why


>run a program
>click a button
Wow so hard

>what is a joke
You have to go back to >>>/1stgrade/

it's referencing the 'got milk?' advertisements


Impressive. Did you use a Markov Chain to generate that?

I don't have a good enough image to show my disdain for you. Maybe Sup Forums isn't for you.

I'm a vegan and a freetard.

no u

every single vegan i know uses Mac. you are a liar.

So why using botnet system in first place when there is alternative...
Are you masochist?

Because I like to use my computer not rice it

I got not problems with any free software. Maybe you're disabled or something, which need to use always paid alternative of any software.

Is Cell PPC ASM the Dark Souls of low level programming?

Was your English education FOSS too?


I'm so fucking triggered right now omg

Microsoft apologists cucks of tech world confirmed.

>doesn't know about the got milk ads
I don't know about anyone's kids, but you're clear and present on the spectrum