What's his favorite programming language?
Why does he hate C++ so much? Does he hate OOP in general?
What's his favorite programming language?
Why does he hate C++ so much? Does he hate OOP in general?
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The only reason he uses c is so no retards even think about submitting code for the kernel
Pajeet is confused by the idea of non-OOP languages. That's how he keep the kernel curry-free
He likes elegant languages, so I see no reason why he'd hate OOP in general. I'm sure he can appreciate a nice OOP language like Smalltalk or Self. But C++ is simply too nasty.
On a side note, I hope you realize that Stroustrup did not design C++ to be object-oriented. That was not one of his goals. He was trying to discipline C programmers, and he saw constructs like classes as a way to help them behave and follow better practices, but he never intended to improve software design and architecture.
This, if you can't into memory management and pointer arithmetic and need the language to handle these details for you, you shouldn't be contributing to the most important piece of software there is.
Unfortunately sweetheart at the lowest level of the OS can only be implemented using procedural programming, considering all and all that C++ is just syntactic sugar it doesn't hold any intrinsic superior power over C.
Also I challenge you to write any useful piece of code at bare hardware level without ever using a pointer.
>the most important piece of software there is
But we're talking about Linux, user. Not GNU. It's just a kernel.
Fun fact: even though Linus hates C++ with a passion, a few years back when he was still developing his hobby Subsurface project, he switched it from C/Gtk to C++/Qt when he realized he hates Gtk and its fucking developers even more than C++.
>What is CosmosOS?
GNU is just as important as Hurd, and Hurd is currently a pile of shit. And thanks to it's IPC architecture, there's no way it can ever compete with Linux's performance.
>muh performance
Gotta panic those kernels fast, huh?
Your logic is falling apart, anons.
It's always some Northnigger.
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>Does he hate OOP in general
He hates that men have used his wife as a sex object and whenever someone mentions OOP it triggers his PSTD.
t. c++ pajeet
w-what was it?
They don't exist
For starters it isn't properly a (toy) OS, more like a "lego set" which implements an abstraction layer so, no argument invalid.
>Pajeeta only contribution was spamming the word const
Maybe she read it in some java booklet
For a minute I thought Linus was wearing some dudes Panera bread shirt
It does show OSes don't have to be totally procedural and can be coded in dynamic languages, so your argument was invalidated.
>>at the lowest level of the OS can only be implemented using procedural programming
>It does show OSes don't have to be totally procedural and can be coded in dynamic languages
You appear to fail basic reading comprehension.
Cosmos might be written in C# but it isn't by any mean dynamic, the CPU can only execute compiled code. It probably use colossal amounts of unmanaged code. See it as sugar coated C.
Nobody who knows C++ likes C++.
Those who think they like C++ don't know it.
Isn't replacing #define for constants with const a good thing though? Though I agree that her role is overglorified.
>OOP in general
Suggesting that C++ facilitates oop is silly.
>why does he hate C++?
Needless complication.
Wow are there people who actually think GNU is anywhere close to as important as the kernel?
Most of GNU could quickly be replaced if we lost it tomorrow. It'd be catastrophic because lots of important things use GNU but it's easily replaced as software.
const in C doesn't actually define constants and constexpr is better for defining them in C++.
const just isn't worth the trouble in C desu
she has a lot of free time, read all the code and undestand where those const go it is a nice work
It's different for const globals.
For locals it's pointless because they're obviously deduced as const.
Worst case they're initialized by a runtime dependent thing. Which would not make them candidates to be constexpr. Maybe you'd like to compile-time error there. Tough luck.
It's natural instinct to hate C++ or OOP.
hi I like java how are you
You should interpret "const" as "read only" in your mind when reading C code.
It's because they took the POSIX definition of an operating system, which says things like cp and ls are part of the OS, and used that definition to pretend they're important.
>replacing #define for constants with const
The only reason for that I can think of is user space libraries. By making an actual constant you get an actual lvalue with an actual memory location and even an ELF symbol, while #ifdef gives you a compile-time magic number whose identifier doesn't actually exist.
ELF symbols are great because a consumer can explicitly link with that library and get its address. If you're in a dynamic language using an FFI, this is the difference between accessing a constant like a global variable and having to parse/copy paste header file definitions.
>cp is part of the OS
No wonder linux is so popular with neets
That's exactly the point -- GNU retards literally think that is an operating system, and when other people think of ways to improve the status quo and make stuff like graphical applications the autists start screeching "MUH POSIX COMPLIANCE WHAT ABOUT OTHER UNIX LIKE BSD??" as if anyone gave a fuck. It's fucked up.
Why do Indians do this? Every time some dumb Indian does something dumb, one of you pooinloos comes and says "oh it's only this type of Indian who's dumb".
Do you think we give a shit about the subdivisions you guys have? An Indian is an Indian. Poo is poo.
Linus must be laughing his ass off that the most popular Linux os is android
Yeah. Best thing to do is to literally scrap POSIX and start targeting Linux directly. Start using those system calls and all the great Linux-specific features that set it apart. Start using /proc and /sys. Use fucking everything and stop worrying about "portability" as if there were 500 OS and architecture combos to care about even though you're going to use Linux anyway. Fuck those retards.
Ironically, that's what the systemd people did, it's why it's better than everything that came before and also the reason why Unix way retards screech autistically at the mere mention of it and send death threats to the author
>Hello everybody out there using minix –
>I’m doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be big and
>professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones.
>I’ve currently ported bash(1.08) and gcc(1.40), and things seem to work.
Friendly reminder Linus was using GNU project's achievements from day 0.
Friendly reminder there would be no Linux without gcc.
Friendly reminder there would be no Linux without GNU GPL.
Friendly reminder Torvald's dream of running Minix on a home PC is now everyone's reality.
>hurr Linus used gcc so it's a GNU project
>gcc, the compiler that mutilates your code because the standard says it can
>gcc, the compiler they reluctantly have to work their way around because there isn't anything better out there
My sides. Kill yourself. One day clang will be just as good and will also support every GCC extension the kernel people need.
>implying this doesn't happen fucking everywhere
>say every American is a fat guntoting racist, nuh uh it's only Alabama podinks and rednecks
>say every American is a liberal muscleless soyboy, nuh uh it's only Commiefornia
>say the Middle East is a bunch of sandnigger terrorists, nuh uh it's only Shia practitioners
>say Australians are wastes of space, get shitposted to death
I'd list a bunch of other stereotypes but I don't spend enough time on Sup Forums to know them.
I'm just racist towards Northerners cause they're all faggots and I happen to be from the South. Remember user, there's niggers in every race.
You forgot function parameters. const is pretty important there (for const pointers).
Shit like this is happening across all sectors.
Is is not clear that this sort of stuff is very damaging and demoralizing?
the kernel was written using SJW Rust
>He likes elegant languages
OK, so next patches will be filed in Rust. Or perhaps Haskell? I'll get the popcorn.
>Most of GNU could quickly be replaced if we lost it tomorrow.
>gcc [...] there isn't anything better out there
also, linux could be replaced just as fast in most applications.
My favourite programming language is the one that helps me solve the problem at hand in the most efficient manner possible.
Do not get attached to technologies, they are not your adorable little pets that youb love and snuggle up to. They are tools that you use to solve problems. All problems in programming are essentially the same, and all languages and libraries are essentially different flavours of abstractions we use to attemp to solve the problems in incrementally and gradually simpler ways.
There's not that many problems in computer science, what do we have? multitasking, race conditions, data formats, caching, synchronisation, maybe a few more. All language are just different attempts at solving those. And different languages have pros and cons in solving different problems.
>old c++
Abstract what you want into a class, use new and delete
be sure to give everything a type
loop over a vector until null
>nu c++
use gay shared and unique pointers, iterators, and type inference
Where did it all go so wrong?
ICC and MSVC are objectively superior to GCC, and critical software house don't use GCC anyway, so who cares.
>JUST a kernel
do you know what a kernel is?
Wait, I thought the North poos are the caucasoids and the South poos are the australoids. Calling someone a nigger here is quite ironic.
This pajeet has way too much time to be adding const everywhere. Still good anyway.
Why can't white women into programming, Sup Forums?
>because there isn't anything better out there
Why do you think that has happened, dipshit?
White women are too busy complaining there aren't enough women in STEM than actually learn something; it's easier too
I have no idea who Linus is or does, sorry.
He runs a popular youtube channel.
do you even program in c++ on a daily basis?
close to c performance with readability, maintainability, nearly never any memory corruption bugs. and with new stuff like variants we can finally get rid of horrible concepts like inheritance
He sold Sup Forums to moot
its a matter of perspective.
Can someone explain this to a non programmer
>Why does he hate C++ so much?
Because it's so easy to wite shitty code and people usually write shitty code.
>close to c performance
C++ is literally C with some makeup lmao
Fixed it.
Are you two retarded?
const indicates that the variable will not be modified. It's used to signal other programmers more than the compiler. This affirmative action token is the equivalent of an HR person sticking safety post-its on other people's work and calling it an hour's work; at least from what that image suggests, who knows what percentage of her commits are that worthless
Only good state in India is Kerala.
Seems to be some internship.. medium.com
>where she worked on securing the kernel from surface attacks by making the kernel structures read-only
aaaand normies and tech noobs will think this is some great accomplishment. some amazing technical feat.
>linux could be replaced just as fast in most applications.
If you enjoy using shit operating systems with no drivers, yeah sure.
Don't get carried away there.
Because GCC came first, you dumb cunt. Good software takes time.
pretty much the only reason why linux is popular. its riddled with awkward code and glued on features from corporations.
It's popular because it's better, and it gets more drivers as result. You BSDfags are reduced to porting scraps of functionality after we're done implementing.
>just a kernel
I know you're kidding, but I find it hilarious how GNU has yet to yield a viable kernel.
>Good software takes time
lmao GCC is maybe one of the most bloated software there exists, it's the definition of "it just werks"
They put freedom over implementation, GCC is a political statement not a viable tool.
OK, the Indian tea I will buy from now on will ONLY be Darjeeling.
You should get the rope instead.
indian tea manufacturers from those states should advertise that
Who cares? Just like Steve Jobs, Thorvalds has a zero achievement rate technologywise. All he ever did was type in the program code that was in the appendix of the Silberschatz book that is (or was) in every university library at the time.
Creative accomplishment: Zero.
If you know assembly then you know the oop is a hate crime and anybody who uses it should be gassed. H1B niggers have to go back.
That non-binary person gives me mixed feelings
Dont be jelly Richard
She knows what she's talking about. It wasn't even her who made the changes, she wrote a script that did it.