>log into linux machine
>enter password
>open settings
>hi user plz enter password to show settings dialog
>try to set some menial setting
>user plz! enter password to continuar now
>updates are ready
>plz first enter password
>try to copy config file into folder
>password, do you have one
>screen locks, move mouse
Log into linux machine
>not just doing what you wanted to do in command line instead
ya its quite useless for a machine that only you use. login and screen saver password is enough
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
>uses an actually secure operating system for the first time
>gets mad
the absolute state of Sup Forums
It's funny because it's true.
Linus Torvalds himself got triggered by this.
Literally told SuSE devs to KILL THEMSELVES
Pentagram dubs confirmed
>wireless network
never knew this was a problem at all, desu. Probably an opensuse-only thing
If I remember correctly, even Windows requires elevated privileges to modify any aspect of the date and time. Granted, it doesn't usually ask for a password if you're logged in as the admin account.
an admin password would very likely be required on windows too when you install a printer. especially on shitty corporate computers with policies that block even keyboard shortcuts so you have to use the mouse for everything.
>Uses GUI instead of terminal in GNU Linux
Go to Windows faggot
Let's see you do the following in terminal, user:
>edit a photo
>create vector graphics
>edit CAD files
>edit blender models
>compose a soundtrack
>navigate on a map
Good luck
Kek what a coincidence, I use Windows for all of those
the absolute madman
Delet this.
and Windows has an Ubuntu bash terminal
>tfw you forget your password so you have to throw away your linux computer and buy a new one
retarded os
But you can just live CD into it, scrape data and reinstall
do i look like a hacker to you? fucking retard
>tfw you forget your password so you have to throw away your iPhone and buy a new one
retarded phone
>Uses an OS designed by autism.
>Expects anything other than autism.
Why user?
OpenSUSE is a dumpster fire
The only aspect where this is dumb is that OpenSUSE apparently asks for the root password (password of root) rather than the user's password, which is more in line with regular sudo.
Otherwise, it's perfectly reasonable that ALL of those things require elevated permission.
Editing photos in CLI is a piece of cake.
But you dont have to you can reset it with you apple account and you can reset this acount with your email you retard
>Log into Linux machine, enter password
Literally any DM
>Open settings, Hi user plz enter password to show setting dialog
Drop whatever distro you're using and get literally anything else.
>Updatees are ready plz first enter password
Fucking duh
>Try to copy config file into folder, password, do you have one
>Screen locks, move mouse
Literally any DM, easy as fuck to fix.
No it's fucking not you autistic moron. Take Linus's advice and kill yourself
I switched to Windows because of this change. It's great.
linus is a bit rude
Why annoy his daughter with a different OS?
Let her use MacOS in peace. Most girls don't want to mess with loonix
>please just kill yourself now.
Did he really say that? I knew he was frank which I liked about him. But I did expect him to at least try and hold some form of professionalism.
Those poor kids
Is Linus retarded? It has nothing to do if it's an "everyday" thing or not, it has to do with the potential to affect the underlying security of the system.
Password, Password,
South Password,
Password !
I Love Password
Password All the Time
run visudo as root and change these:
81 ## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
82 # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
84 ## Same thing without a password
T H E A B S O L U T E M A D M A N O P E N S U S E B T F O!
He's making a point which he has made before as well. That security people are nuts and their ideal world is where user can do absolutely nothing because that's safer. There has to be a middle ground where you compromise SOME security to make the system at least usable. Nobody is going to use your fancy system no matter how safe it is, if it's a constant burden in everyday life. Linus has said how security people just try to push patches where everything is disabled because they found holes, when the right method is to keep them enabled and just come up with a fix. They care about nothing other than security.
Well problem is that these things, without authentication are basically free root access to your device, hence the authentication.
He's also told people that they should be retroactively aborted (I think it's pretty funny desu): lkml.org
Problems need solutions, not sweeping under the carpet.
You're right. Strangely enough, it's the permissions systems of the kernel that make this a necessity.
>Press winkey type control panel
>Go to control panel.
>hunt for 5 min to find Users and accounts
>hunt for 10 min to find User Account Control
Are you sure?
I mean, are you REALLY sure?
>type cipher /wc:/windows/system32
Absolute kek
User pass is different to root btw.
>using a cucked account
>not running everything as root
>runs his browser as root
Goddamn retard. You're probably that Gentoo guy who got ransomwared because he logged in as root.
>not using a browser with decent sandboxing inside a docker container inside a kvm instance
Are you really this stupid user?
>The absolute state of linux
You don't have to do it that way, its just that if you're good with the command line it's usually quicker than clicking through a whole bunch of GUI to find the one option you want.
>he relies on his browsers security features to keep his os safe....
The flipside of course is lazily scrolling up or down thru bash commands and rm'ing something you didn't mean to...
This issue exists with windows also in a lot of companies. Staff cant even update the time on their machines without admin privileges. This can be a problem when you have a laptop and need to access an outside wifi network and cant because of some stupid issue with the time on the computer.
> Having UAC enabled
>>edit a photo
>>create vector graphics
>>edit CAD files
>>edit blender models
>>compose a soundtrack
>>navigate on a map
i can do all of these in the command line with one simple command
rm -rf /
>But I did expect him to at least try and hold some form of professionalism.
Like he said in the later. He argued for weeks about this. I'm sure he was professional until finally he realized the morons could not understand reason, and needed to be given both barrels in public. And this is how it should be.
De macaco
>running an os that gives the user root privileges straight out of the box...
As much as Windows is horrid in that regard if I were to lose access to the internet I wouldn't know how to find what commands to use on Linux
Just log in a root
linux isn't windows and windows isn't secure anyway you dipshit
what is wrong with you?
Can anyone post more articles or images of linus being a loveable asshole?
That's what phones are for...
>he hands over the Keys to the Kingdom....
Bitch. The kids of Linux will run what papa linux makes them run.
>probably brlcad
>write in GNU Lilypond format
>add a new printer
Whoops! You just got hacked kiddo
We had CrapBooks in highschool. Those required an admin password to add printers as well.
Is that serious? Connecting to wifi or adding a printer is free root access? For who exactly? It shouldn't be any different than plugging in an ethernet cable which if I recall correctly just works(tm).
Post more linus roasting retards on mailing lists. I collect this stuff
>Cry me a river, Jeff.
Every time
>rm'ing something you didn't mean to...
How is that even possible? You have to type the filename/foldername and then you have to confirm that you want to delete that file/folder.
please suck on shotgun you softly spoken autist
Adding a printer is adding printer drivers, and running code as root. Connecting to wifi allows altering wifi certificates and cryptography, allowing MITM.
The reason you're being prompted for a root password is because root is being used to run some code, and it needs your permission. You can change this code to whatever you want, so while the OS thinks it's 'installing a printer', it's actually running virus.exe
> be me
>dload open directory of ummm.. pics
>find some of the folders that aren't what I wanted - (nothing srs otherwise i'd wipe with a few passes) by using feh -rF /somefolder/thatsdefo/notfullof/gayporn
>press up in terminal to repeat last command and then home, replace feh -rF with rm -rv then press end but accidentally backspace a few times...