Agalloch just broke up

Agalloch just broke up
"Following 20 years, 5 full length albums, many tours around the world, and numerous other recordings, John Haughm and the rest of the band (Don Anderson, Jason Walton, and Aesop Dekker) have parted ways. What the future holds for the separate parties remains undetermined. We collectively thank all of our fans across the world. There are also way too many other people to thank who made this band possible. You know who you are."

feels desolation song man

>inb4 shitstorm?

Even though I didn't particularly love their last album, their three album streak from Mantle to Spirit was fantastic.

way to end on a low note with their weakest metal release



Damn.... definitely one of the most influential bands I heard

I saw them on their Faustian Echoes tour
one of their opening bands didn't show up so they played a three hour set instead, it was magical

mantle/marrow/the white were all hugely important to me, got me through some rough times

wishing the best for all of them

on the bright side, maybe there won't be so many horrible agalloch ripoff bands


wish all bands would pull an Emperor when they felt they were nearing the end and do something crazy different and hard to swallow before bowing out

My favourite Agalloch album. Fire above Ice below is just so good.

I'm sad because I really like them, but I guess they wouldn't have done anything extraordinary anyway in the future, so I guess it's ok.

>one of their opening bands didn't show up so they played a three hour set instead, it was magical
>three hour set

Was that in Indianapolis? They did the three hour set thing when I saw them too.

Good. They have not done anything good for a minute, lets hope this change inspires something interesting.

Their last album wasn't that good and I had no reason to assume any of their future material might have been much better, but this is still saddening.

I guess they set the standard for their music so high with their early (first three) records it's been hard to come up with something original and still sounding like Agalloch. Last album being the proof of that. So as saddening as it is, I think it's for the best. I've never seen them live and that fucking sucks though.

RIP Agalloch you were like an actually good Opeth.

Nah, it was in Ohio
maybe they lost the same opener for their midwest tour dates

whisper metal is finally dead. thank god

>whisper metal

yo moriré y nadie se acordara de mi... mi

Que bonito es un entierro

aye, a lot of people who love their early work hate their post Anthems albums which are just as good in their own ways

I feel like they ran their course but