Why haven't you gone paperless yet?
Why haven't you gone paperless yet?
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I have mostly for home, at work people still use paper and I don't understand why. People literally print shit, give it to someone and before the day is gone the page is thrown out. It's a complete waste of money on toner and paper.
What's wrong with paper?
inb4 load of rhino doo doo leftcuck arguments
Digital files are
>Easily searchable
>File sizes are so small you could fit a room full of paper's data in basically no space
>Easy to back up remotely, don't lose the documents in the event of a fire or some other disaster
>Cheaper because you aren't paying for paper and ink/toner
>Accessible anywhere
All around better than paper in every way.
Paper is a carbon sink, use as much as you can! In fact, we should all have at least two bookshelves' worth of books.
because most of my writing is mathematical and typing LaTex still takes longer than just scribbling notes in pseudo-notation
what is lyx
what is texmacs
Thisand if the government or thieves want your documents all they have to do at most is cut your safe in a few minutes, good luck cracking encryption in a human lifespan.
i am aware that bits and bytes are more transient than ink on paper
that being said I don't unnecessarily print and waste paper and ink. just the essential stuff that would be irreplaceable if the hard drive went to hard drive heaven.
>Easily searchable
easily hackable and interceptable
>File sizes are so small you could fit a room full of paper's data in basically no space
true, but data corruption is harder to fix than misplaced documents
>Cheaper because you aren't paying for paper and ink/toner
see above comment. also eventually all magnetic storage dies (and books and paper too, but it takes much longer)
>Accessible anywhere
by anyone with the right skills; or corporate- or government-sanctioned credentials
>keep paper copies* of the essentials. don't bet your life on ephemeral electrical charges on semiconductors
* as print them out. you can keep the digital as a duplicate if you feel like it.
>easily hackable and interceptable
Not using end to end encryption
>true, but data corruption is harder to fix than misplaced documents
>see above comment. also eventually all magnetic storage dies (and books and paper too, but it takes much longer)
Not having archived versioned backups
by anyone with the right skills; or corporate- or government-sanctioned credentials
Not having end to end encryption yet again.
Still have to do math with a combination of paper and calculators.
Tried note-taking with laptop. Can't pull it off. Surely some would call me a brainlet for it, but oh well.
Reading is a mixed bag. Lately with redshift and Okular reading on a desktop is finally tolerable for me. I still like paper books because it's more immersive.
It was scientifically proven that it's better for memorization when you take notes by writing instead of typing.
Because my eyes start to hurt after reading for a short time. Doesn't happen with paper tho
The only stuff I receive in paper nowadays are pay stubs (not checks, the money is directly put into my bank account). Honestly considering just shredding all this, I don't see any good use for my shoe box full of stubs.
Because I am not a millenial and my attention span can cover long texts. And you cant keep the same levels of concentration reading a book on screens as you can on paper.
No. You are thinking of notes vs no notes at all. Any repetition will help commit to LTM.
Doesn't beat paper. Especially if you want figures.
I mostly have, but every now and then I write out a check instead of using billpay to pay the landlord. This usually happens when I want to include a note with the check, so that I know he's read it if he cashes the check. Like I've been trying to get him to fix my bedroom door since before Christmas (it's an old pocket door, and the track is completely gone, meaning the door jams if you try to close it). Still hasn't happened, so I'm going to include a note with my days off with this rent check, with a schedule of my days off, and state that if he doesn't fix it by the end of next month, I'm going to fix it, and deduct the cost of the door and the labor associated with installing it from his next check, and will include a receipt showing what I paid.
Taxes. If you get audited, you should have 5 years of pay records.
I'm the same, but I hate how much space books take up. That's why I use a Nook Simple Touch. E-ink is just as comfortable as paper.
One of those with a Lautner cover has me perfectly content. Had it for 5 years, and it has something like 2,000 books on it (thanks to a micro sd card), and the thing is still going very, very strong.
Pretty much.
Use Canon network mfp with duplex scanner that automatically uploads shit to gdrive.
Works for me, could probably upgrade to some full document management system but that's probably overkill for private use.
i have a got a two in one for taking notes at uni it's great. I dont have to carry around 5 different notebooks and i can easily edit them without having to scribble stuff out. Can also back them up so even if i lose my laptop ill still have the notes unlike with a notebook
Would you need the papers though? A scanned in copy of it has all the same information on it.
This and
Not this
We're talking about books not your personal cp stash, why the fuck would the government care about a novel or some textbook.
Sometimes I ask myself how many of you actually wear tinfoil hats, the amount of paranoia is ridiculous
Jees if only it'd exist something that can perform such task
I can't find a good tablet pen.
>never use or need paper for anything except government
>they have essentially forced me to take up a giant part of my closet with a fuckhuge heavy ass printer/scanner/fax machine
Smash the state. Or better yet, update them.
>Have to go to the office in person and wait in a 5 hour line or fucking fax it to them in 2018
Why must life be this painful
>can I please just email it to you while we're on the phone
>>sorry sir nothing with your social security number can go through email
>Why haven't you gone paperless yet?
This meme is +50 years old.
>sir, we only take cash
>what is a cash
fucking bureaucracy
typelets btfo
Let me just break my neck so I can read this.
>1 fountain pen for 100$ and depletes almost immediately
>could rather buy 1000 bics for the same price and write until his last day
plebeian choice my friendo
You can buy ink in a glass jar, you know.
At least get Pilot.
pdf is pure cancer
fuck you
>responding only to the first sentence of a post
*tips fedora*
What would be nice is a nice 10 inch e-ink tablet that's actually affordable and could handle PDFs quite well. I've tried reading on normal tablets and monitors but paper is still better overall.
Jees if only there exists something that can perform the other task you stated
Jees if only there exist something that's comfortable for taking notes but also allows you to organize them later
>you technically don't have to carry around five different notebooks because you can just use a single large one
That's not really an argument. Btw I've actually used one of those for taking notes in uni before, and it wasn't that comfortable (although I'd say it was still better than having separate notebooks for each subject). You also failed to respond to his argument about being able to back stuff up. I guess you could scan your notes, but scanning multiple pages is a pain in the ass, unless you get an expensive scanner.
It's not very efficient for school manuals ( going back and forth between pages and whatnot) and I prefer to read paper than lcd screens, never tried a e-ink for my books but I am considering getting one in the future.
Sincerely my house doesn't go on fire on daily basis so I've never developed any backup measure for my papers.
The only damage I can think of is rain but ever since I've bought a waterproof backpack even that has become a non-issue.
Doing backup of notes is - by the way - an inefficient method, you can simply ask a peer for his ones if somehow you manage to lose or destroy your owns.
>why the fuck would the government care about a novel or some textbook.
Yes I almost forgot the gestapo daily raids my home for non-kosher books to destroy
>need to write down an automata
>let me look up the tikz package...
>okay I almost got it just need to tweak the node positions
>notices he's the only one left in the lecture hall
i rarely print stuff
>tfw still use printer from 2008
You don't use tikz for notes.
You take notes on a paper and then use tikz if you need the figure in a report or something.
I print out all documents I need to read.
It is great.