Npm v5.7.0 critical bug destroys Linux servers

>By running sudo npm under a non-root user (root users do not have the same effect), filesystem permissions are being heavily modified. For example, if I run sudo npm --help or sudo npm update -g, both commands cause my filesystem to change ownership of directories such as /etc, /usr, /boot, and other directories needed for running the system. It appears that the ownership is recursively changed to the user currently running npm.

>I found that a selection of directories in / were owned by a non-root user after running sudo npm and many binaries in /usr/bin stopped working as their permissions were changed. People experiencing this bug will likely have to fully reinstall their system due to this update.


>fell for javascript meme
>fell for Node.js meme

Other urls found in this thread:

javascript was a mistake

Seriously, I unironically prefer the Rust meme to the Javascript meme. At least Rust is an actual compiled applications/systems development language, instead of this web shit, "lel let's make everything a fucking bloated electron webapp" garbage

But the only reason to run Linux is for tinkering. If you're not breaking your system daily you're doing it wrong.

Ah too bad. I'm gonna wait for the next patch before updating npm.
Rust ? Never heard of it.

You can't even write a linked list in Rust.

use std::mem;

pub struct List {
head: Link,

enum Link {

struct Node {
elem: i32,
next: Link,

impl List {
pub fn new() -> Self {
List { head: Link::Empty }

pub fn push(&mut self, elem: i32) {
let new_node = Box::new(Node {
elem: elem,
next: mem::replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty),

self.head = Link::More(new_node);

pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option {
match mem::replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty) {
Link::Empty => None,
Link::More(node) => {
let node = *node;
self.head =;

impl Drop for List {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut cur_link = mem::replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty);
while let Link::More(mut boxed_node) = cur_link {
cur_link = mem::replace(&mut, Link::Empty);

Rust is a new language that is attempting to replace C and C++.

until you fags stop shit posting all over the internet and actually port popular libraries from c to rust you are nothing. your sugar syntax and "safe" programming is going no where.

chill, my nigger. I am not for or against Rust. I think it's a great idea, but I also can tell that it needs more work.

> cool idea
> 8 years old
> still no proper ide debugging outside of shitty hacks with vscode and gdb


CLion plugin has proper debugging

Last time I checked the kekhub issue about the preliminary debugger (dating from mid 2016) is still open and it's buggy af.

Now make it doubly linked.

What else did you expect?

it would be fun to make a script for this that becomes very popular and then delete it or modify it so that things break.

Some guy did that and everyone had a panic attack for a few hours then the node guys forcefully restored the deleted package

jesus fucking christ

Why would you ever sudo npm

They tell you to in the documentation

why is the CEO a white dude?
this is backwards and problematic

Oh my god. This can't be real. This must be parody. I enjoy using nodejs, please don't say the CEO of npm is actually this kind of person.

>npm install updates to latest stable release
>npm update updates to prerelease alpha
>prerelease alpha has a release type version number
you can't make this shit up

does he honestly believe that?

>any other method of becoming root from a normal user
When will they learn? Being able to escalate privilege is a hole bigger than your mom's vagooo. I'm pretty sure the only good way to handle it is to SSH in remotely as root with ed25519 authentication and prevent root from being used in any other way.

>(((Isaac Schlueter)))

jews are white

> sudo npm
but you shouldn't do that, sudo is totally not needed when using npm both locally and globally

they are mongols who wannabe sandniggers
