Archlinux or Gentoo? help me decide
Archlinux or Gentoo? help me decide
do you like systemd ?
i suggest GNU/Noose instead
Install Crux
Compiling modern browsers or DEs on laptops is generally a bad idea. Gentoo every time on a desktop.
Install source mage the most shilled distro
This. Install Crux you fucking piece of shit.
This is a technology board. Anything but Crux, is the wrong answer.
I have a feeling that my CRUX challenge from /glmg/ has started a meme.
Manjaro with windows 7
Sure you need to ask? Install Gentoo.
It's no meme, shit-heel, Crux will open your eyes and your mind. Crux is the answer and the question.
Crux is the REAL KISS distro.
If you still haven't realized Arch is a joke to troll Linux newbies, use it.
Get Windows Vista faggot
Hak5 told me Gentoo is the real joke.
Plays 8bit version of Detroit Rock City at the grub screen.
>what's this?
KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid
vista was just approved by the U.S. Navy a few months ago or some shit
no, this is REAL KISS
How about LFS?
Stop memeing people into failing their UEFI boot.
>invest time on initial setup
>get a stable rolling-release system
>invest time on initial setup
>invest more time fixing broken configurations and dealing with ABI incompatibilities each update
Both are autistic, but at least one actually lets you use your system.
Why would you even consider Arsch linux
Gentoo, obviously
Arch is the fucking shit
> Crux v2
Even the "testing" branch of Gentoo is fairly stable, just don't use keyworded packages.
No, it's not.
>Pretends to be minimalist and give you choices
>Actually does this
enjoy your botnet
you can always do distributed compilation if you have a desktop, tho.
But if you only have a laptop, it's up to you
Apparently this re-re has never heard of Arch LTS.Gentoo a shit.
>le minimalism xD
linuxlets begone
This, not memeing is fucking cool.
unkeyworded*, keywords specify which branch they're in (stable or testing). No keywords means it's a live ebuild or isn't even in the process of being tested.
>Debian user calling me a linuxlet
ok kid
9 days uptime wtf?
Your a fucking moron Gentoo isn't minimalist.
Minimalism is a meme anyways. There is just more functionality and less functionality. "Minimalists" are people who use their computers to just browse the internet and admire themselves. Waste of genes and even sadder, waste of good electronics
>chroot installation
>0 documentation
Archlinux - shit distro and unstable with systemd.
Gentoo most best distro ever.
*your Stallman*
Your a sad little fucker eh? Don't worry I'm sure your productiveness will banish those feelings of worthlessness eventually.
Gentoo is a power, I spend a lot of time with my old pc (365/7) compiling everyday and control everything. You can’t hack me, cause my kernel is custom.
Found the "minimalist".
Do you also open 5 terminals with cmatrix, htop and a random config file and then touch yourself to it?
>replying to the worst triptard on Sup Forums
if you can install gentoo or arch then that should not be very hard.
how fucking retarded can you be? it's literally the first hit on google.
>t. desinglet
I bet you have your screen full of icons that you dont use.
Arch: If you want to waste time
Gentoo: If you want to force yourself to waste time
>shutting your pc off for no reason
Now that we have uefi installation is creating two partitions, mounting, and unpacking a stage4 tar.
If you can't figure out a fast easy way to do something then Gentoo isn't for you. The flexibility to do whatever the fuck you want is the only reason to use Gentoo.
gentoo is great and makes installing bloat less likely because compiling bloated software takes much longer than compiling minimal software.
You just like to say whatever stupid empty shit pops into your head eh?
how is it better than slackware?
share your PS1 please
Gentoo is amazing. I can have multiple conflicting versions of packages, or 64 and 32 bit libraries at once. And it's all fine because the programs that depend on specific architectures or specific versions of programs are compiled from source, so portage just links them with the version it knows it depends on.
If you've ever had to deal with dependency issues with packages you'll know why this is awesome.
Also being able to manually include (or exclude) certain features from any package or your kernel is extremely useful. For example, I was able to simply remove the SSL heartbeat extension and recompile my packages when the heartbleed vuln came out.
Did I even mention Portage?
>Portage works without any external repo.
>Portage supports using llvm icc etc to build with.
>Portage supports distcc.
>Portage supports slotting of dependencies.(multiple versions of python, ruby, gtk etc)
>Portage supports multiple kernels BSD Fedora debian etc.
>Portage can thread package installs and downloads
Meanwhile, with Arch
>overzealous autistic fan boys
>"you'll learn how Linux REALLY works!" When it's literally just configuring a package manager and letting scripts do the rest
>offers nothing that minimal net installs already offered for other distros don't.
>muh bleeding edge packages!! when you can just install directly from the upstream source in any distro.
>only reason to use it is the aur, which is full of broken and unmaintained packages and isn't monitored at all, most "packages" are just a bash script to download the package and it's install script from GitHub.
>aur is far worse than Open Build Service, which actually lets you package binaries and programs for multiple distros.
there's nothing it offers that makes it worth using over any other distros and it has the worst fucking user base.
downloading precompiled binaries does not count. only a retard would use gentoo that way.
this and you can use uclibc and musl to make it very minimal.
Musl isn't exactly a free ride though. A lot more packages won't compile with that.
You do have the option to write / apply patches and package.env to make different compiler configurations and stuff per package to get those packages to work where you just can't use musl, but it will take your time.
Not saying you shouldn't try if you're interested, but musl will take significant time to maintain.
I use Arch and I'll agree with everything you said.
>it's literally just configuring a package manager and letting scripts do the rest
Configuring pacman is literally moving your mirror to the top of the conf file. It's hardly configuration.
Userbase is terrible, everyone's a fucking soyboy, but their wiki is awesome. I know installing Gentoo is a meme but I've been toying with the idea of re-partitioning my drive and installing it to test it out.
Is it really that much better?
>1 (one) page of documentation
double dropped
Is better. Just this.
Arch if you want ezmode
Gentoo is you want autism.
Gentoo has great tooling but obviously compiling stuff isn't what every user needs.
>not Source Mage GNU Linux
You're didn't compile shit
>You're didn't
pajeet plz
>not lfs
anything else is ubuntu tier
Or Crux. The rest is pure meme.
If you want to use Arch you might as well use Ubuntu.
Real niggas use Niggentoo or Slacknigg
Just installed EndlessOS onto my disk with VirtualBox but it didn't seem to get the bootloader installed correctly. Is there any way to install GRUB from Windows? I don't have any media to boot from and for some reason it's never installed correctly when I do it from a VM and I always have to go back and add GRUB later.
Linux Mint
Both lead the user to non-free software.
So you're the idiot who couldn't even get crux to boot and then used Sup Forumsminimal as a Linux for newbs blog. You give yourself too much credit. Others were installing it too but had the common sense/decency not to turn Sup Forumsminimal into /help the retard
Gentoo in a vm on Crux. Screenfetch your Gentoo until you're blue in the face, but sleep well at night knowing you don't actually use that piece of shit in real life.
Fucking /thread, my preto!
I dual booted Gentoo and messed around with it for a while; managed to install it successfully along with a few basic packages.
Overall I liked Gentoo's wiki more than arch, its package manager is certainly a lot more powerful.
Use flags and slotting alone put it a step above, in my use case however I never found myself in dire need to do so.
Use flags and tweaking the kernel are neat however I find it to be a huge time sink as a result and find myself using the default settings anyway.
I'd rather stick with arch, already invested a fair amount of time configuring it to my liking and I can't be fucked porting it all over to Gentoo.
I prefer arch as I find it a lot simpler to maintain and prefer a binary based distribution, I have a few packages from AUR however I don't have to compile absolutely everything.
Haven't had any major issues with arch after a year of use and even then I have a plethora of daily scheduled backups that I can revert to.
SystemD hasn't been an issue for me but it is good to know that alternatives exist should it become a hindrance.
ok retard
Gentoo on a high DPI display is super comfy.