Why can't the linux community ever contain its autism?

why can't the linux community ever contain its autism?

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>no upstream patches

I'm still using Unity. It is somewhat a frankenstein DE but it's the only decent DE right now.
Fuck cuckhat shills

Because Linux is a server operating system that was adopted by computer hippies.


Check this out

Desktop Linux is not a consumer product.

I can unlock my laptop with my fingerprint instead of typing a big fucking password, or use my watch. Same thing with administrative privileges.
Not to mention the same AI that I have on my phone is present on my laptop.

What turbo nerds don't get is that we are in a unified platform world now, where the cloud is a fully realized vision of what Steve Jobs wanted it to be.

Linux will never be more than a slow retard worker to be my bitch for code.

People don't understand consumer products vs business products.

>the only decent DE

Would be funny if there is an Unity flavor.
I have always used the main flavor but definitively I'll move in the next lts

unity is shittier than xfce, cinnamon, kde and even enlightenment

To my taste. I have tried almost all DE.
The only thing I haven't tried yet are WM but I don't really like to.


>mfw gnome-screensaver

Because Linux was created by autists

Ubuntu is shit
source: i've used Linux since 1993

Ubuntu is not good. In fact, most modern GNU/Linux distributions are not good. FreeBSD, DragonflyBSD, and GhostBSD are not good. Modern Solaris and its derivatives are not good. Modern Mac OS X is not good. Windows has never been good. There are very few operating systems out there that aren't total shit. Sure, every platform as benefits and drawbacks, but there are only a handful that I can think of that aren't just utter dumpster fires.

Void Linux is one of the only good distros I've found. It has runit which is a much more sane and secure init system than systemd, and it uses xbps which is an excellent package manager, which allows you to easily install binary packages from your local system or Void repos, and with xbps-src you can compile from source for maximum freetardation.

Consumer products is simply code speak for cooky-cutter trash that gets mass produced and sold to tech illiterate brainlets, such as yourself. Through your own post you've admitted that you don't really understand the technology you use beyond the graphical interface and some stupid NFC shit and other sensors. Your computers might as well be magic to you, since you don't know how they work due to the software and hardware being abstracted and simplified to the point that you're just pushing buttons here and there like a retarded ape. I would make fun of the root bugs and pajeet scribbles that cause crashes but you wouldn't even comprehend it outside of the social implications of me having an excuse to bash your fruity toys. Hell, this entire paragraph probably went right over your head, because you know nothing. Not only do you know nothing, but you're also a bitch. I bet you can't even come up with a retort to my shitpost beyond "haha ur poor". Absolutely pathetic.

Just remember this, iToddler; I don't hate you because of the products you use. I hate you because you're a fucking idiot.

this is your brain growing up on phone shit instead of a general purpose computer

Void is literally just a clone of Arch without its flaws

quick rundown?

lmao terry davis tier shit posting, get the actual fuck out of here, you brainless wojack poster

> Linux ccommunity
Linux is a kernel. Hoe is shuttlecuck involved with the community around the kernel?


xbps is pretty much a pacman clone as well

If it's a clone of pacman, explain why it works.

pacman works

>pacman works

"to effect" could be syntactically correct in this case, although it wouldn't make a lot of sense.


>a big fucking password

I think you've used too much Windows and it's fried your poo brain.

I've been using arch for like 3 years and never had that happen

I remember win Linux users shit on Windows users for things that were easily disabled by clearing a checkbox. Suddenly Linux users are okay with the same thing in Ubuntu. Fucking fanboys

>implying anyone around here recommends fucking ubuntu

The new *buntu botnet will make it into every fork.

What's the "new" botnet?

Am I supposed to know who that prison inmate is?

He turned to a life of crime after running Canonical at a loss for so many years.

>Arch without its flaws
So the perfect distro?

Is he in prison?

is it bad I'm still on their side?

No it's just his pajama

>be in highschool
>hear my parents talk about how computers used to be back in their day
>I think that it will be only too fast before I grow older and the generation younger than me grows up super computer literate and leaves me in the dust
>10 years later
>they're just sending eachother coins for facebook games then paying to go see the angry birds movie
