Best earphones under $100

>best earphones under $100

All of them are $99.99

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My general use headphones are the Sennheiser HD 439

$80 on Amazon, worth the price

I haven't had any problems with them, but you could check out the HD 202 instead. They're on-ear and not as comfortable, but they're much cheaper and the detachable cups make them a little sturdier. Plus, they're much easier to repair. I use them at work and have repaired cable problems without much difficulty.

anything sennnheiser is pretty much guaranteed quality. I have HD 280's and I love them

By earphones do you mean earbuds? Cause if so you should not spend more than $50 on earbuds

Yeah, I also own a pair of HD 650 and they are awesome. If I didn't use a microphone almost every day I would use those all the time.

I don't know, man. I just bought a pair of Skullcandy Strums for 45 dollars and they sound like fuckin' shit. I can't return them either.

People online were saying that the quality is good, but then again, those are probably the same people who are okay with listening to music in 128kb/s.

I have the 598's and they are garbage

>not under 100$
Where where you when OP was autistic

The point he's making is that one cent under $100 seems ridiculous to place in the 'under $100' section. He's not autistic from the post.
Also why does almost everyone on this board place the dollar sign on the wrong side of the number? It's $100, not 100$.