Post some thicc musicians
Post some thicc musicians
lol fat pig
so fat
do you not understand the difference between fat and thicc?
Being overweight is not a good thing OP, go back to tumblr.
do you not understand the difference between fat and thicc? [2]
that is NOT fat
>being a complete faggot
Who is this demon of semon
[HEY intensifies]
Thicc is just a twitter term that's normalising obesity, there is no difference.
>all these homos that wouldn't DICK DOWN Angel Olsen
Lick a camel's ass
Lick a moose's dick
Suck my doggie's cock
Suck a honey badger's ass
Suck my dog's dick
Suck my dog's dick
Suck my dog's dick
Suck my dog's dick
Suck a racehorse's booty hole
Suck a snow leopard's ass
Suck a constipated goat's dick
Suck my Doberman Pinscher's cock
Suck my dog's dick
Suck my dog's dick
Suck my dog's dick
Suck my dog's dick
Suck a jackass's dick
Suck a buffalo's ass, fucking jerk
Suck my dog's dick
Suck my dog's dick
Suck my dog's dick
Suck my dog's dick
Rock over London
Rock on Chicago
Goose Island
It's Chicago's Crab Brewer
Why do you post always the worst pictures of Bjork?
>implying that pic is bad
don't be a delusional pleb senpai
Frances Quinlan
you thin obsessed faggots are almost as bad as the fat positive faggots
ooh yes
>not the gif
why bother
Have you seen this guys?
There's nothing wrong with being obsessed with a healthy BMI, however.
ye there is
you're missing out on the thiccness m8
Just admit that you're too much of a pussy faggot to come out as a fag and you make up for it by exclusively sleeping with boyish af grills.
I get the impression you're obsessed with quasi-anorexia model-tier thinnes, such is your repulsion for thickness though.
>he's not homo AND a thiccfag
the fucking plebs on this board I swear to god
i wanna obliterate that puss so badly
This man did it so you don't have to.
makes me sad to think that a fucking nigger like that dated her
BMI is a shit-tier measurement that completely shits itself when someone with a mildly significant musculature is weighed.
>a nigger
>disrespecting Goldie like that
Get out.
to think this would've been blatant bait only a year ago
what the fuck r u talking about
any other pics of bork butt?
remove Sup Forums
kys Sup Forums
>you will never embrace prime bork
listening to medulla asap [spoiler];_;[/spoiler]
bjork posters are so fucking creepy holy shit.
>ywn pork bork in her prime
I don't think they're nearly as bad as grimes posters
fug those look milky
you should see lavren posters
fucking kill me breh
it's ok, boys. there is a new queen. you all know who she is.
depressing af
I'd rather cut my dick off than even entertain the idea of being near Grimes. fucking disgusting
Bjorkfags are cool with me
At least their waifu makes good music, Grimesfags and Laurenfags are just pathetic
Poast away boys :)
>tfw no wata gf
literally why even exist
C'mon Grimes is a lot better than fucking CHVRCHES
I'm just glad waifufags don't meme on Purity Ring. Shrines is the shit.
this basically
as a homo, I can confirm without bias that björkfags are the only decent waifufags, largely for this reason
>tfw no asian gf or bork gf
>implying bjork and grimes are different
>Asian woman
forgot pic
>tfw wata willl never sit on your face whilst hammering out world-ending guitar drones on her les paul
if this board wasn't work safe boy i'd prove you wrong
make a thread elsewhere, then link there
To piggyback on I could show you some shit that would turn you straight
I doubt that.
this man. this man is a genius. goes without saying he's not half the genius the queen is.
I could show you some shit to turn you homo
>Band has two Borks
thanks for calling me a genius, but shrek jr there sucks m8
What band is she in?
gotcha fampai
but that's barely thicc at all user
>belly fetish
I want delirious brainwashed robots to leave
time to get bend
If the gut was a bit smaller she'd be 10/10 in my book
if that makes me a brainwashed robot then I don't want to be anything else desu
This makes me proud to be Australian.
Fucking Christ prime Bork makes me want to die.
He's a lot thicker these days
what the
i don't even
*boner cockslaps own face*
what would you do if you found this in your bed?
Pop a cyanide a die with her in my arms.
tfw no thicc qt bf
good evening fellow Hawkwind-bro
Ricardo pls
ask her if she wants to listen to my grimes collection with me
Bjork listens to all kinds of music
Battles, Animal Collective, John Cage, the list could go on...
holy shit. her axxent is qt.
who is my waifu now?
who is she?
Bjork then:
Bjork now:
her accent is forever cute
is she a cat?
Wow, isn't she 50? She looks and acts like someone less than 30 in the second vid
no, she is swann