I still got a perfectly fine working AMD Athlon XP system with an radeon 9600 card. It's backdoor free Hardware. How long until I can sell it for much money to people still interessted in privacy?
I still got a perfectly fine working AMD Athlon XP system with an radeon 9600 card. It's backdoor free Hardware...
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Sell tinfoil along with it as a bonus
...actually I might just do that including a farady cage made of wood and copper mesh big enough to fit a chair and computer desk.
>backdoor free hardware
As far as you know.
Sell it as a retro-gayming rig.
>Sell it as a retro-gayming rig.
Would need a GeForce FX graphics card for that. Point out Splinter Cell only looks proper with the GeForce graphics card from that era.
You're stuck between WHIRRRRRRR
or a slow ass FX 5200, Get ATi
t. FX 5600 owner
ATi doesn't support the fancy shadows in Splinter Cell. Get WHIRRRRRRR and a cooler from zalman. Radeon cards are still good cards, but isn't that great for everything.
It's not worth shit. No one cares about privacy. May as well give it to the goodwill.
>May as well give it to the goodwill
Who will send it for "recycling". If you care, give it to people that knows how to reuse electronics without trashing them.
Don't even think about it, user.
You smokin crack user?
I was buying graphics card at that time, and the radeon 9x00 series was a smash hit. The FX series may have had the latest pixel shader, but it was lambasted as running hot, noisy and not much faster than than nvidia's previous 4x00 series. It wasn't until nvidias 6x00 series that they regained respect, such as the massively popular 6600GT.
Yeah, I remember the magic year the big guys fucked up
Athlon XP + Radeon 9XXX rigs shit on Pentium 4 + GeForce FX rigs that cost twice as much.
Shame the arms race ended as fast as it began when they came back swinging with Core Duo + GeForce 6XXX
I'm sober. I'm the huge Radeon faggot that told everyone to get a Radeon graphics card back in 2003 to justify my own purchase of a 9000 series card. It might have been a smash hit, but Splinter Cell still only looks right on GeForce graphics card (Ti and FX). This is due to the proprietary nvidia inventions splinter cell used at the time. On ATi Radeon graphics cards, Splinter Cell is missing a lot of the shadow effects that the game made great use of.
A system of that class is only good for DOS/Win9x
So unless it has ISA and an ISA sound card, it's pretty much useless shit.
There are much better systems for WinXP retro.
it's too slow for muh privacy. you could sell it as a win98 retro cpu but that's it.
This, you're better off using a Core 2 Quad as a daily driver, which it still does well.
The Intel Q6600 from 2006 runs great on Windows Vista these days.
>Asus p5K anything
That's a nice system, I'd probably still be using my Q6600 if It wasn't on the crappy business version of the 965 chipset.
Up to the point there are still PSUs with decent 5v rails.
>PSU on top of case making it suck hot air and make the case top heavy
Man, what were we doing back then?
>what were we doing back then?
Used the PSU as the case exhaust, as described in the ATX specifications. I don't know why people these days are so afraid of a little bit of heat. It's not like these things reach 200C, explode, and burn your house down. What killed these power supplies was manufacturers cheaping out and using crap capacitors and designs, not slightly higher temperatures.
old power supplies were less efficient than those from today and the CPU/expansion cards were less power hungry, so it was better to put them in the top to not heat the cards and CPU
PSU on top in tower cases came from an era where the TDP of CPUs was 20 Watt.
Sorry, I grew up in an era where TDPs were like 95w.
People built their systems like that during the Prescott days too. TDP of 115W. Trends were different back then.
It still has the memory sinkhole bug. Root in a VM sandbox = root everywhere.
>memory sinkhole bug
it's intel only
Are you a retard? ISA slots weren't a common thing on socket A boards; A few had them for legacy purposes. You're in the wrong decade of the wrong century.
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