When will these corps fall?

When will these corps fall?

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Not soon enough

Too big to fail. They have so much money coming in just from investments they literally can’t fail. They may fall into obscurity one day, like IBM did. But they shall persist.

this. even the old sites that no one uses are still up.

They wont, not stop making these shitting threads and go to /biz/

Facebook is already failing, Google is stumbling but its mafia keeps it up. Apple is running out of ideas.

You people have a real strange definiton of "failing" and "stumbling." Because both these companies are reporting record growth and have a near monopoly in their paticular fields.

they dont give away their work for free like the communist retards at gahnoo linux so never.

we're going to see these companies for decades to come. any potential competitors they will just buy/invest heavily in.

>Too big to fall
just like aol huh

facebook is only growing in the 3rd world. MS is no longer making as much money in OS sales, their gaming and phone divisions are constantly getting cut. Google is wasting resources on Chrome and Android only for Chinks and Cyka Blyat to strip it off their botnets and insert their own. Also adpocalypse due to SJW infiltration. It's a start of a slow decline for these fuckers.

Applel is doing ok I guess.

Apple, not likely. The whole "cult of Apple" thing is no joke. They've built themselves up to be such a tech monolith (through marketing) that unless something truly, truly catastrophic happens, they'll be evergreen.

Facebook is already on decline in the west, and is bolstered primarily by a much older generation and third worlds.

People are ditching Microsoft pretty quickly for Google, at least in the education sector.

Google, I'm not sure. They seem to be doing a good job of getting their little hands on everything tech related.

look at stock value of all these corps for the last 5 years and then we will talk again

>facebook is only growing in the 3rd world
This. It sometimes feels like it's only pajeets there.

Look at the "ios updates slowdown your iphone", Shit like that will freak out the average Apple idiot. I don't trust apple enough to not fuck up enough times in the long run

Its free as in freedom, free as in free beer comes second

Yeah I feel the whole cult thing is starting to fade a bit. Apple is becoming less and less relevant every year. They really have no new ideas

I don't know about these 4, but I can see Twitter and Yahoo! collapsing in the next decade.

AOL didn't have the cash reserves to eat another company, and then face competition.
Google and Microsoft do. Facebook might eventually get there, and Apple could be gutted by merely no longer being the top dog.

"Too big to fail" do not have that kind of meaning.
It means a company is too attached to the economy, to die without severely crippling it, meaning the rest of the economy will do things to keep said company alive.
There is a few oil companies that has attached itself to smaller nations, in ways that create such a effect. A lot of bigger governments works in this principle, except they are also able to levy more tax and wage war.
On a smaller scale, villages and some rural areas can be company towns, but its never to this scale unless there exists no infastructure, because its still a smaller cog of the host country.

There is also a similar things where some bigger companies like Volkswagen Group, where they are under heavy subdidaries to remain competitive in a global marked, because they bring in a lot of tax and workplaces to all the places it has tendrils.
The difference is that Volkswagen Group defaulting is a acceptable vacuum, if a bad one.

> too big to fail

My Facebook friend suggestions had like 10 of those fuckers before I deleted it. I'm not friends with any pajeets. Really my only friend on FB was my mom and my sister for messenger when they were switching carriers.

When normies learn to value their rights.

So never then

Facebook will die soon. LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID

When corporate capitalism dies, making room for a small-enterprise market-based system and a p2p internet.

Sooner than you think.