Post two albums with similar names. Other people decide which is better.
Post two albums with similar names. Other people decide which is better
Double Cup vs Double Fantasy
Glenn Branca no contest
The one that is not on the poseurcore chart
you haven't listened to either lmao
...neither of them?
Thunder Perfect Mind
Current 93 or Nurse With Wound
kill yourself Montie. the poseur shit is obnoxious as fuck and gets people to hate, rather than appreciate, complex and influential pieces of art
it's not funny and it's the reason I can barely ever discuss music here anymore. I despise you, go listen to the new mediocre Radiohead album
I think you need to settle down and stop taking the bait.
Also the new Radiohead album is not mediocre, you are just a elitist.
You're the biggest poseur ever
That's not Glenn Branca's good stuff (Symphonies and other works)
so Coltrane
pic related
>Also the new Radiohead album is not mediocre
Tell me a single thing it brings to the table that other music hasn't done better.
can you stop shitposting then? you aren't funny and we all hate you, because people like you make this board impossible to use for its intended purposes. the only people who shitpost as much as you are the retarded hip-hop kids who think they are being edgy for coming onto Sup Forums from 2013 onwards.
I'm gonna report you on RYM and send them your racist posts on Sup Forums so you get banned. I don't even care about that shit here but I hate you, anyone else who hates this kid as much as me should join in
Eyedea and Abilities - By the Throat
Ben Frost - By the Throat
(frost's is better)
>That's not Glenn Branca's good stuff
his other stuff is fine but calling it better than The Ascension is pretty contrarian
>Fugazi - Repeater
>Unwound - Repetition
Which is the better post-hardcore album?
>but calling it better than The Ascension is pretty contrarian
I mean because The Ascension is more popular but The Ascension doesn't have the stuff that makes him a notable experimental artist
I can like whatever the hell I want to like it's not your place to say what's poseur or not fuck off
Radiohead presents their ambient pop in a better way that Arthur Miller ever did. It is interesting, it infuses many genres into one album and it sounds great.
The bottom line for music is if it sounds good to our ears.
>in a better way that Arthur Miller ever did.
And obviously Arthur Miller is the only person to ever make Ambient Pop, because fuck Brian Eno and David Bowie and the countless other artists who did it far better.
>The bottom line for music is if it sounds good to our ears.
Funny: that's exactly like I'd expect a high schooler like you to say.
>"The bottom line for music is if it sounds good to our ears"
>"The bottom line for music is if it sounds good to our ears"
And what do you exactly know about what sounds "good" and what doesn’t?
Imagine a grown up man listening to songs like "Old McDonald farm" or "Mary Mary Quite Contrary" (inb4 stupid ass Can memes). Would sound kinda cringey and ridicolous wouldn't it? Well, to us people like you are exactly that kind of person. You are but a little child with no musical knowledge whatsoever to define what's "good" and what's "poseur", so insecure and at the same time so full of himself that he needs to be known in a site where you have the great possibility of debating your ideas and taste about music with someone else without risking Ad Hominem arguments and other retorical, childish crap like that too much. You are the cancer that is not only killing Sup Forums but the whole musical industry.
Also, your girlfriend looks like Roger Waters in the 70s.
was everyone not here when Montie's trip got cracked or are you just all acting retarded
I'm fairly sure this is his new trip
Either way this is how he'd actually behave so why does it matter?
>Oasis is good
Glenn Branca is on the (retarded) poseurcore chart, middle of the top row.
Most of this is actually really good.
Check out my RYM I explain what trips are mine. My old one got cracked, this is my other trip and I have a new trip I use as well when I feel like it.
Why do you always run away when people BTFO of you
Are you crying or something
so is coltrane
I don't believe it's you
post a pic of your face with timestamp fag
The poseurcore chart isn't half bad if you look at it as a guide to good experimental and avant-garde music rather than a blacklist.
two masterpieces. i'm gonna have to go with repetition though
S3xy ️Pic for proof
Repeater because it reminds me of Revolver.
and now a not so sexy pic
...But you like poseurcore.
Also you know nothing about music and haven't even heard either of albums.
Are you even old enough to post here?
He's 18.
But his RYM says 22.
you're such an attention whore, fuck off
what the fuck is going on w her teeth.
sorry famm, im sure she's nice. but damn.
>separated teeth
>horrible wall colour
>cum on shirt
>awful handwriting
you are beyond salvation its cool how unselfconscious she is about it.
but shes seeing montie, so there is something terribly wrong w her.
I like several of these albums, and yeah, I see how they could be poser but I don't think that devalues the album for me. If you're letting other people decide the way you feel about an album, you're being silly.
How's high school going lad?
jesus christ you're still here?
> better way that Arthur Miller ever did
>It is interesting
>it infuses many genres into one album
>it sounds great.
>The bottom line for music is if it sounds good to our ears.
This is the most typical Sup Forumsdrone review I've ever read. Stating nothing specifically musical just a bunch of vague nothings and calling it "fusion." Congrats on knowing nothing about music.
Thanks for derailing another perfectly good thread you shitposting pleb.
If you want to know where Montie went he's crying over here:
oh my god its gilbert gottfried
unlike gilber gottfried, he NEVER stops being an annoying unlikeable cunt
Hey fuck you Gilbert Gottfried is funny. Comparing him to a faggot like Montie is fucking gross.
thanks for derailing the thread you unbearable fuckwit. contracting cancer half as bad as you are would be too kind and too quick of a death.
hey don't hurt his feelings
he's actually really srs about music and likes oasis so don't hurt his feelings and he has a cute gf :(
Hi Montie!
how can you not detect the sarcasm
Repeater's more important but it's sound didn't age too well.
Repetition. I think repeater is my least favorite Fugazi record though it has some amazing songs, and Repetition is probably my favorite Unwound record.
>bases his opinion on Sup Forums charts
is that Deakin?
Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy
Ministry - Houses of the Molé
Repetition for sure, although the importance of Repeater can't be disregarded. I genuinely think Unwound has a stronger discography than Fugazi.