Mr. Bungle's self titled got unbolded on RYM

>Mr. Bungle's self titled got unbolded on RYM

ITT: Musical justices

What's your opinion on California, Montie?

weird, it's their only good album

what does that mean?

The best one of the three

Reminder that Montie is a high schooler whose favorite bands include Oasis and Coldplay.

I remember when you used to shit on Mr.Bungle
What made you change your mind?

Oasis are honestly not that bad desu. I loved them when I was 15. Say what you will about their originality but they knew how to write hooks and fun dumb rock anthems.

What does the bolding even mean

But you're admitting that Montie is an idiotic teenager and no one should take him seriously

Oasis and Coldplay got me into other music.

I found out about Sufjan Stevens and shoegaze from Coldplay

its pretty cool tho

who did the jumpcut genre mashing thing before bungle? id really like to know

I wanna shit on Montie for this but I quickly realize he's done more with his life in high school than I did :^(

Wasn't defending Montie just defending Oasis.

Montie's taste is pretty shit but he's only like 17. He'll (probably) mature and have better taste in 2-3 years time.

>This happens to random aIbums every day
>lt IiteraIIy doesn't matter at aII to anyone
>Everyone Iikes what they Iike, and they don't what they don't

You sure know how to make a shit thread and samefag in it user.

I am not 17, I can assure you. Talk to me on Skype sometime

Disco Volante > California > S/T

Only plebs disagree

this album seems to have a rocky relationship with RYM

Reply to this or Montie becomes a mod

fuck you i'm not replying to your struggle post

Another shitty thread on it's way to 4 0 4. Are you reaIIy this reatrded to post aII day in hopes you might get some attention for being anything other than a faggot?

Or is the fact that your actuaI Iife is faIIing apart enough to keep you Iocked here?


I never listened to their debut but if Montie hates it it's probably great.

>I found out about Sufjan Stevens and shoegaze from Coldplay

Oh good, you're of-age, that's good to know