I'm in love

I'm in love

Kometenmelodie 2 is p great too

What are some of their good albums? This is so god damn toasty I love it

Trans Europe Express, The Man Machine, Computer World

>that second half of Étape 3


>listening to nazi synth music


>fahr'n fahr'n fahr'n auf der Autobahn

I think it's hilarious that one of the most important and pioneering groups in electronic music is a a couple of dorky Germans singing about driving on the Autobahn or pocket calculators

Radio-activity is a better ambient album, but Autobahnis definitely there most "daring" (from that point)


Ralf and Florien were the important members

really any of their studio albums are good. computer world, man machine, electric cafe, radio-activity, etc.

Nice. Is Autobahn the "OK Computer" of their discography?

>not listening to nazi synth music

pretty much all of them, I like Electric Cafe the best


its self conscious

look up early kraftwerk when they were just krautrock without the robot shit

they even had an iraqi in the band playing bongos

>Is Autobahn the "OK Computer" of their discography?
don't say that ever again. ever. you got me kiddo?

there needs to be an auto-ban for anyone who dosent like this great record


Why is Krautork not discussed more often in Sup Forums? I thought this board liked 'obscure' music, but i'm starting to believe it is just bad taste