Visual Studio Community vs. Visual Studio Code?

I'm a newb to coding and I was wondering what's the difference between Visual Studio Community and Visual Studio Code?

I want to improve my C++ skills and I've been recommended to use the Simple DirectMedia Layer game library because I'd be making fun projects while making good use of practicing my c++ coding (particularly learning good memory management habits)

If I'm going to be coding SDL projects, is it better to get VS Community or VS Code?

VS Code is faster and less clunky, right?

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VS code is just a text editor. You want Visual Studio 2017 and it's C++ compiler.

Get visual studio mate, it has everything from everything c to java, to python. You need a key though. You can find legit keys online, thats how I got vstudio 2017 for free

Not much difference. Mainly debugging tools.

you won't be doing shit on VS Code, use Community
It isn't clunky if all you're doing is SDL

install emacs

>not using vim+cmake

If you have a university email address use CLion.

>I want to improve my C++ skills

Learn data structures and algorithms and practice coding them up.

any books or tutorials you recommend for that?


> coding

It's programming not coding.

Much obliged

you can install c# or c++ compiler in vscode

VS code > VC Communism

can you install SDL on vscode and make games that way?

>writing Java or python in VS

get Visual Studio 2010
find it on tpb

if you need c++11 bullshit (like std::thread) then get VS2012

Then you have to go out of your way to install clang/llvm or w/e to use it.

>VS10, VS12
>pirating it

Why? Just get the latest VS2017 so you have most C++14 and some C++17 features.

>not writing java in intellij
>writing python on windows

vs2017 is bloated win10-tier garbage

on SDL's website, it doesn't mention you can install SDL on 2017. should i try it anyway?

SDL doesn't have special integration into VS so it shouldn't matter which version you use. Download the dev binaries and extract them somewhere.
Project Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Include Directories -> [add the path to the headers]
Project Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Library Directories -> [add the path to the lib (make sure you use the right 64/32 version to match your project)]
Linker -> Input -> additional dependencies -> [add without quotes "SDL2.lib;SDLmain.lib;" in front]
Copy SDL2.dll to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 or C:\Windows\SysWOW64

>java and python on Visual Studio
Good lord. Developing on Windows sounds like hell.

you use linux?

Just use VS2017 community. If you're developing on windows professionally you'll end up using it anyway.

Download the source, there's an old visual studio project in it somewhere you can use to build the binaries.

Yes, just add the include/library directories in project settings and link the library with your executable.

What IDE do you use for python?

>VS Code
literally a web app, complete with insane memory usage


what kind of projects you make on python?

VS code is a cross-platform code editor.
VS community is a Windows software suite with an IDE, a C++ compiler, a debugger and a libc

You can install a c# or c++ plugin for syntax highlighting and autocomplete but vscode does not install compilers. You would need buildtools or one of the GCC on windows things.

Just installed SDL on VS 2017.

Is it ok if I use the x86 version SDL files even though I have a 64 bit system?

Yes. AMD64(x64) is backwards compatible with x86(Win32). Just make sure to compile it under x86 as you can't link 64bit code with 32bit libraries.

Though if you using x86 because you don't know how to switch to x64, just click the drop down that reads "x86" and change it. (You might have to update the project properties for each of the debug/release and x64/win32 settings and re-include the headers/libs)

Use SFML instead of SDL. You'll thank me later.

Community addition is free and has all you need. You mainly miss out on some of the team oriented features, but let's be honest... You don't have a team

why tho

never use 64-bit SDL unless you're building for linux