What ISNT a botnet?
What ISNT a botnet?
That's a colloquial use of the word.
MS dos
Incandescent light belb
My home server, from which I run all my home automation and recording stuff (sprinklers, lights, media [audio and video streaming throughout the house and remotely], thermostat, files, etc).
All of it local, none of it on the cloud. Fuck the cloud. The cloud is botnet. Be your own cloud without the botnet part of it.
What specifically are you using for sprinkler and lighting and such? Honestly I'm looking for someone to hold my hand through doing this so if you say you just roll it all yourself, imma just bounce.
I'm using Calaos running in a VM for most of the home automation stuff.
Even real life is a botnet.
uTorrent has terrifying privacy problems.
The GNU operating system.
Even quarks?
We're all running (((physics))) whether we like it or not. Just accept it.
Paying cash.
Free (as in freedom) software.
You won't ever have to worry again about evil botnets using microphone or webcam. Even load-modules can be checked to see which kernel functions they call. The recently introduced random ordering of kernel objects (KARL) makes it very difficult to call a function without explicitly linking to it.
Life in the forest
GNU Libreboot , GNU GuixSD, GNU Linux-libre on a pre-2006 Thinkpad.
You joke but I'm pretty sure my webcam and headset work in OpenBSD. If Chrome and our proprietary teleconferencing application worked on OpenBSD I could use it for work.
Could aswell just use win10.
A book collection, presuming you buy all your books in person with cash.
Our brilliant management decided to move TO a Flash based conference platform this year, and a shitty voip system that wraps qtwebkit and webrtc in a proprietary Windows binary or Chrom* extension. They seem to be violently allergic to standards. If it were just regular SIP or WebRTC, OpenBSD would be completely usable.
Is it running on an Intel processor? Sounds pretty botnet to me.
Most things Sup Forums calls botnets aren't botnets
It is not.
Botnet: the post.
Can't be a botnet if you don't connect to any networks
It's just that you haven't seen the light.
Also post examples.
It's just that you don't know what a botnet is. What you call botnets are actually dataminers.
>examples of "botnets" (dataminers)
>examples of botnets
>being this new
I've been here since before the ebin botnet meme was a thing
Is anime a botnet?
Sup Forums and Google
Legit this. Botnets, traditionally, are a malaware that will run a private network amongst all infected computers generally controlled from one central location. This is usually without the permission or knowledge of the owner of the infected machine
Chrome collects a metric fuck-tonne of data that it has no business in obtaining, but it’s a long shot to say Google is running a malicious network amongst all chrome users.
Windows 10 on the other hand...
no desu. Sup Forums is actually cia and they want us not to watch it.
t. cia
Be your own botnet.
Muh dick and ya mom's pussy
>He thinks the Linux kernel isn't compromised by the CIA and doesn't have zero-days stacked up for when they need them
big man over here. watch out.
Richard Stallman's asshole
>Even quarks?
>What is quantum entanglement
Of course, you uneducated macaca
>he doesn't know about grsec
>Chrome is botnet
You agreed to the terms of service and they tell you exactly what they track, where it goes, what they do with it and you can at any time, opt out by deleting your account and it's the exact same with Windows 10.
is Sup Forums frozen in time but with evolving technology?
Botnet bot detected.