>parts of system just randomly stop working as they should after updates
I’m starting to realize that Arch might actually be a meme distro.
Parts of system just randomly stop working as they should after updates
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Stay on top of those pacnew files.
Keep checking archlinux.org news section
I run Arch as my main distro and I have none of these problems. It's as stable as you make it. Consider that it just might not be for you.
>>parts of system just randomly stop working as they should after updates
Whoah! You mean, just like every other operating system? How can this be?
said no one ever.
True story:
>2 days ago from now
>sudo pacman -Syyu
>notice new kernel update
>*worry* with a shaking hand press enter (Y by default)
>everything updates
>text I haven't seen before at the end...
>kernel panic
>chroot into system, try fixing bootloader (GRUB)
>everything fails
>try to use systemd as bootloader
>systemd enters some weird mode where I can access only TTY
>whole hour look online how to fucking fix it...
>turns out, systemd doesn't like mounting /boot in fstab
>put # to comment it out
>everything works
Sometimes I'm afraid to update or reboot my computer
I use arch btw
-Syu is the only thing you should be using when performing a routine update. Pacman is a smart guy, he knows what he has to do. They will tear you a new asshole on the Arch forums if you ever make the mistake of telling them you did otherwise. Just a heads up. I've seen it happen far too many times, and I don't want to give those dicks the satisfaction.
I mean if it was some bullshit from AUR that broke, hey fine but I’m running into issues with DHCPD and libvirt(I think)
I've literally never had that happen.
>parts of system just randomly stop working as they should after updates
You running Nvidia with the proprietary drivers? Because that's cancer.
Well, you know the drill, take a look at dmesg and systemctl.
>turns out, systemd doesn't like mounting /boot in fstab
You're lying though, I use systemd-boot and I have /boot mounted in fstab, since day one of this install.
I've used Arch for 2 years and it's as stable as a rock. What the fuck do you guys do to screw it up all the time
Ricing. It's the equivalent of letting my mother configure advanced settings in the routers firewall.
>systemd doesn't like /boot on fstab
What did it mean by this?
I can't tell, you're showing shit related to a VM.
>needing to constantly keep parised of system updates
This is why linux is seen as a time sink rather than a productive use of time.
Yeah, as of a few days ago, I'm having multiple problems, not just with DHCPD.
>Windows updates never break anything, ever
Do you honestly believe that?
This looks like a problem I had just the other day. I updated and everything was fine, but on next reboot, my network devices were turning on and off over and over again. I went into my network device settings, turned everything off for a minute, turned them back on, and opened a web page in a browser, and all was well again. Try it. It's quick and easy.
Sounds just like what I’m dealing with actually. Problem is I have to do that to fix it after every reboot which is annoying.
Once ever 5-6 years is better than once every few days.
Also, if it happens the fixes are far easier than Linux, more over the average user *never* has to keep themselves apprised of what updates are happening to ensure they won't break the system.
Simply not updating for a month in Arch will permanently fuck your system unless you read a bunch of documentation and changelists first.
That is not a productive use of time.
Arch is a for memers who have excess 'free time' on their hands to waste.
pajeet tier troubleshooting. that's how the arch breaks meme spreads.
Since we're discussing arch,
Should I replace *-proto with extra/xproto?
If I do I get a pacman error and can't upgrade, something seems to break libxfont.
This is the first time I have update troubles since the cert issue btw
Debian shills paid by Microsoft in full force again.
I hate arch
Worst package manager
Terrible long term setup.
I would run fedora and cent on everything I own but arch lets me tinker and work faster so I'm stuck with it.
What are fedora's selling points besides "it's not ubuntu"
But it stopped doing whatever it was doing.
Arch might be a meme distro, but it's good
It is bleeding edge version of Ubuntu IMO. But as opposed to Arch/Gentoo it actually works and doesn't break.
That retarded release cycle, though, and the "freetard only" repos without jumping through hoops.
An unbiased screenshot of the front page or r/archlinux.
I just installed fedora on a VM and now i see that i too have been memed
What is EPEL. You can literally type in a one liner to enable it.
I have been distro hopping for 2 years and during that time I tried every relevant distro and conclusion is that every distro is retarded one way or another and for me Fedora is the least retarded one plus it just works out of the box which is kinda nice when you want to actually make money doing dev stuff instead of constantly fixing your L33T custom tiling WM gnu/linux installation.
>instead of constantly fixing your L33T custom tiling WM gnu/linux installation.
I don't rice. I'm simply not a fan of non-rolling releases.
>I don't rice. I'm simply not a fan of non-rolling releases.
Then I hope you use Debian testing as every other sane person, it's the least fucked up rolling release distro out there. Fedora also has rolling release version but I don't know how broken it is.
>parts of system just randomly stop working as they should after updates
install linux-lts and linux-lts-headers packages
uninstall linux and linux-headers packages
then grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
thank me later.
>Then I hope you use Debian testing
when I make new arch installs I generally format my /boot to vfat, is this fine?
>it doesn't unless you enable testing repos
It's very unlikely to have >4GB files there so yes, it's fine. Or you can do like I did:
I nuked my 1TB HDD and made a giant XFS partition just for arch.
once you go pacman you never go back.
Once you go Pacman you never go back, man
It's the only filesystem that efi can actually boot from. You'd be ok using other filesystems if you're booting with bios though.
Things that non-rolling distros wait for the next release to deal with.
>Not seeing the benefit of not having system wide .conf tweaks overwritten by every update.
there's a community of "tech enthusiasts" (aka autists) who enjoy taking the hardest roads to solve the simplest problems under the guise of some moral principle, like muh open source freedom or muh privacy
these autists then feel the need to advertise their mental illness to everyone else in an attempt at self-gratification, like fags and furries. so while the silent majority goes about their business these deviants clog the public discourse and inevitably succeed in legitimizing themselves to gullible newcomers
but to answer your question, there are virtually no advantages in using arch over a mainstream distro like debian or ubuntu. the ability to customize every component from scratch is meaningless to most users who would be perfectly served by the defaults. the tradeoff of this "privilege" is a shitty broken OS that requires constant maintenance and steals all your free time (a limitless resource for the average arch neet)
>guaranteed replies
>i hate ricing so you should too
fuck off
I didn't do this and it seems that this package is working just fine, what should I do?
Found the arch neet. Ricing beyond wallpaper, color scheme, and PS1 is for turboautists who post on desktop threads.
Install gentoo
Capped for truth
Then install windows you lazy faggot. Is it really that hard for you to comprehend?
You just capped copypasta. Grats.
>he doesn't use a configuration manager
I use Arch with i3 for my personal workstations however I use Ansible to manage configurations. Not only do I use it for my setup but for about everything. I can easily deploy lot's of servers and manage hundreds of servers at the same time.
Even though i3 is only slightly tweaked with a decent color scheme for my migrating/changing or setting up a new setup is as easy for my as running a playbook to configure i3 and zsh which is only 2 short commands.
If you can't automate or manage lot's of servers at once you'd be a terrible sysadmin and you should stay clear of being one.
Just use Xubuntu. All the benefits of Linux without the hassle.
OP here, the solution I’ve come up with is to manually start DHCPD from now on.
I use Arch btw
No, that's gentoo.
it doesn't overwrite anything
and it tells you if there is a new version of file
that's why you keep your pkg cache when you update and have at least -lts installed too
>Worst package manager
[citation needed]
I swear I read somewhere that everyone should be using -Syyu over -Syu... (not really looked into man pages to see what's the difference)
>you're lying
nope. Unless I mount /boot differently (worked for GRUB though)
>and have at least -lts installed
did that after this kernel panic. will prepare myself for next updates :^)
again, me:
read pacman man page and difference between -Syyu and -Syu isn't much.
First one forces refresh of all package databases even if they look updated.
So I should be expecting very similar results with both commands..?
Syyu forces a refresh of all the package databases even if they seem up-to-date, while Syu simply downloads a fresh copy of the master package database.
>normies thinking the Reddit page is tech support
What did you fucking expect.
>Simply not updating for a month in Arch will permanently fuck your system unless you read a bunch of documentation and changelists first.
I do that all the time when heading into midterm/finals season. I hold updates for about a month prior as a precaution, then update after all exams are done. I've never had a problem so far. Longest I've went without updating is a month and a half.
It's Arch.
works on my machine
i use arch btw