They're Back!
>mfw It's shit
it's good user
do you rechon it'll be a throw back to simpler times?
more stripped down stuff?
for me their best album was Cheshire Cat
if they pull something like that off again I'd lose my shit
This sounds like a Jarrod Alonge parody of +44.
Generic as fuck
I'm not sure but I'm sure it'll be fun. Bored To Death was a nice little track.
I'm hoping the album will be a good summer album considering its release date.
looks like its summer again
blnk 182 are 20 years old dude
there's nothing le summer underageb& about them
>disliking blink-182
I know this is supposed to be the lamest board on Sup Forums but at least make an effort not to be.
Literally everything is underage about them, get over your wasted life.
>literally everyone born the year of their first album is 20 years old
>le get out underage b& normies REEEEEE
stay mad you faggot
The autistic faggotry is reaI.
welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend
this has been out for ages tho. Its better then Tom's solo Neighberhoods for sure but no where near there self titled. Chorus is corny af.
how dare people like what (You) don't like.
>life is too short to last long
>like what (You) don't like it
>Dat horribIe engIish
Autistic faggotry AND retarded Imao
>Trying this hard
>FaiIing miserabIy
IiteraIIy autism
Sounds like something I've heard hundreds of times before.
Not great, but not unexpected either.
This thread proves why Sup Forums is truly the worst board, it can't have any sort of coherent discussion, it's just memes and name calling. Sup Forums is more intelligent than this place.
>These Ieddit may may faces wiII cover up my mentaI issues!
>Sup Forums is more intelligent than this place.
I wouldn't go that far.
>Reddit boogeyman shitposting
kek, I guess I won. might as well close the tab, my man. It's just going to get more and more embarrassing for (You) from here on out.
blink-182 were one of my favourite bands at one point. It's a shame Tom had to break up the band back in 2005 when they were one of the biggest bands in the world and at their creative peak. They put out a few good songs for the while they reformed but why they even got back together at all is questionable.
As for the song, it's okay. It doesn't sound like blink-182, more like +44, but the fact that the band is still called blink-182 is jarring. Travis' drums are on point as usual, Mark sounds as good as ever but Skiba's voice doesn't have the distinctive sound that Tom's did, and he actually sounds like Mark as well, which is unfortunate.
I probably won't listen to the album but Mark seems like a nice guy who just wants to make music so I'd like to see the album do well and be popular.
>l guess l won
>This mad about being caIIed out for Ieddit may may faces and post deIeting autism
We both know you're refreshing this tab with anxiety for messing up so much in your samefag thread Imao
no shit, (You)'re talking to one person, newfag.
(You)'re only supposed to call it a samefag if it's two different replies to the same post posing as different people.
>PIease Iet me expIain how l use may may phrases and onIy use them this way
>Autistic obsession with (you) posting yet no one is Iaughing
>Thinking being new around here is worse than being someone Iike yourseIf who has spent a Iarge amount of time on this site over years
You've compIeteIy faIIen apart at this point.
>l guess l won. might as weII close the tab
>Stays here and samefags an entire thread instead using AND attempting to expIain may mays
Has your Iife aIways been this big of a mess?
Why are (You) so obsessed with (You)s and ad-hominem?
>Uses (you) 3 times in one post
>AIready used it in haIf a dozen posts
>CompIains about obsession
You are not a very knowIedgabIe person.
Fuck it, this is dumb. I give up on yo and this thread.
And they're still shit.
Blink-182 is the definition of lame.
>I give up on yo
ln before he autisticaIIy deIetes and reposts again Iike
you have to be 18 to post here.
nice falseflag
That wasn't me.
This is absolute shit
why is this board so fucking shit for music discussion?
>implying this board is meant for music discussion
memes and shitposting user, memes and shitposting
Sounds like something that would go right on they're self-titled.
Considering they're self titled was genuinely god-tier I approve of it
Tom was the magic behind the band. He has the most knowledge and his seemingly random lyrics actually made sense if you're aware enough. Angels and Airwaves is the shit.
Mark just put random shit together and is trying to make money off of it because he has no other way of making money. His voice is retard babble tier. I make the same voice when i make fun of retards.
Travis is disposable, he's really nothing special in today's drumming scene.
with that said, still my fav band from childhood
>Tom was the magic behind the band
yet I can't think of any song he sung in besides Carousel, whihc is actually my fav
thot it was a good blink tune but when the chorus hit felt like i was listenting to some pussy shit like justin beeber or something tbqhimho