Installing Arch live for some god-forsaken reason

Ubuntu decided to fuck me over so I'm installing Arch Live for your entertainment. Any help would be appreciated, I've already dd'd over my bootloader by accident: twitch/hedgeberg

trips for Jen 2

just RTFM and make sure you select a close mirror

Oof xD

1: Don't! Be! Mean! To! Anyone!

2: Don't ask when I'll be done/when I'll release. Please please please don't. Everything likes to go wrong.

3: No infighting. Apparently hackers like to break into factions, who knew? Don't bring 'em up, ffs. My chat is not the place for a freaking clan war.

4: Don't argue with mods. Please just don't. These guys are trying to keep everything civil just listen to them. They're good dogs, Bront.

Breaking rules 1, 3, and 4 will get you banned. Breaking rule 2 will get you a little bit of snark and make me a little sad.

In addition, 3 supplemental rules:
1: Be cool.
2: C'mon...
3: Niiice!




HAHAH Niiice!

admit it, you found a poor retard on twitch and now you want Sup Forums to troll him up

i mean no one here can be this dumb


Are you saying that I'm OP?
I'm just fucking laughing at this faggot with his shitty rules it's like the fucking FreeBSD COC all over again HAHA

>Are you saying that I'm OP?

how the fuck did you come to this conclusion?

y'all can sod right off, hegeberg isn't a retard and isn't a he. the rules are there for the legit viewers who go along to learn/talk about some of the latest hacks performed on the Nintendo switch

Just because he has a small pinus doesn't mean he isn't a he.

>isn't a he

sounds like a guy to me famalam

do you know her? otherwise you can't commment

I thought you hated Sup Forums and none of you visited here? Go back to your freebsd arch linux install nubbery. Shemales.

hedgeberg is a famous switch hacker on twitter, and the reason theres so many delays is because he's installing arch on the switch, just be patitent

dayum that generalisation XD you must be the life of every party you go to... oh wait, that would require "friends"

remember to rm -rf / when you finish

>needs a guide to install arch
>soyboy and sjw faggot mods
fuck off with your trash stream

adorable, because you seem to have forgotten the --no-preserve-root or to substitute it for rm -rf /*

i'm sure your first time installing arch you didn't just will it to work and it did