Why are these faggots always humping and jumping on social medias like they own them?
Why are these faggots always humping and jumping on social medias like they own them?
The real question is why are these faggots trying so hard to make those boots squeaky clean
>im gonna stage a revolt :DDD
>better not rustle any jimmies while I do it :DDD
This irony is worse than YouTube blatantly trying to censor content
How come these fuckers have some many followers(sheep) and they actually think they're going to make change by revealing: "We are going to attack better be prepared"
Chanology was a goddamn mistake.
Oh shit, it's Anonymous. The super heroes of the internet!
They're vegans now
They did a street protest thing just recently. Even in my home town. Next to them a full-on Hispanic folk brass band was playing, with tubas and shit. Added quite the comical effect.
Rumors say the hacker Sup Forums is the mastermind behind anonymous, but the FBI cant track him down because he uses incognito mode.
years ago, let the normies in, now they won't leave
So how longer until they're replaced by the next batch of edgy teenagers?
Wow one of them looks like he is already 18
this forever
Hacktivism was a mistake
>NZ Fail guy
This brings me back
They should team up with Sup Forums.
why do normies have to ruin everything?
>implying the "WE R LEEJUN" shit wasn't idiotic to begin with
the best question is why do they even exist
anonymoos stopped being a Sup Forums thing in like 2012 and now it's even more pathetic
maybe, but it intimidates normies. or at least it used too. now everyone knows what Sup Forums is.
Same reason faggots on Sup Forums are always complaining about captcha. Faggots gonna faggot.
kek the heyday of Sup Forums was around 2008...
i know, but mainstream media and the average normie was still clueless as to what Sup Forums was up until just a few years ago
>lol look at this retards that stand up for what they believe in
Does anything ever accomplish anything? Are Twitter activists the most useless activists in all of human history dating back to Atlantis?
wtf? Is that anime on that tv?
i think the "Sup Forums the hacker" thing on FOX aired almost a decade ago?
really? wow. well the point still stands that nobody i know knew what Sup Forums was until the 2016 election
>Does anything ever accomplish anything?
Not a single one of those lodies would allow themselves to visit this site
Didn't fappening happen around gaymengate?
They're a bunch of nu-commies and dumb-as-a-brick leftists who hijacked the name Anonymous because it was cool, it's been this way for almost a decade now.
the fuck is a nu-commie
I can't even....send these faggots to mental hospitals.
the cringe
Anyone who lives in the West and posts to their social media about how fun it is being a marxist from their iphone.
That's t_d, user. We're slightly more normal looking.
To DDoS useless sites and pretend to be edgy 1337 hacker
99% of anonymous is and always was DoSing skiddies
Everything is capitalism
>subreddit that was started by Sup Forums is not Sup Forums
kys you dumb Sup Forums poster
you too
Nigga they own the whole internet. They’re Anonymous. They don’t forgive, They don’t forget. Expect Them.
workers make the iphone, not capitalists.
wonder if its possible to deepfake a guy fawkes mask on to him
>muh apple sweatshop doesn't participate in capitalism lol
>owning an iphone totally isn't hypocritical I'm only supporting working chinks to death and creating massive inequality lol
Anonymous has as much relevance as the vaguely video game related scandal from years back now.
i don't even own an iphone.
they would be worked to death whether you buy the phone or not.
>they would be worked to death whether you buy the phone or not.
Oh, my bad. I guess that makes it totally fine to be a hypocrite.
Who gives a flying fuck about chiks anyways desu?
this always makes me kek
I know two of these guys, they actually invited me to this "gathering" but I wouldnt be seen dead with these cunts in public
missed out on being part of a meme
no regrets
>Why are these faggots always humping and jumping on social medias like they own them?
Why the fuck do you follow a literal troll on a literal SJW social media?
Are you gay or something?
Fucking illiterate fag doesn't know the difference between follow and following
Because most of Sup Forums is represented by Sup Forums and other rightwingers who don't understand that a private company should be allowed to service people according to its own rules.
These are the people screeching about capitalism whenever it is suggested that the country might be improved by a certain public measure, but if a private company does something they don't like they come screeching at the government to do something.
huh... it's almost like Sup Forums isn't one person