So how did you like the new Burial song, Sup Forums?

So how did you like the new Burial song, Sup Forums?

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I have no idea who Burial are, but I'm going to comment on the pic. Like everyone else, I'm seeing hundreds of pictures of women every day, but this outfit and hairdress captured my attention. Nice, OP.

Best song won

I am Russian and this triggers me.

Commies so buttmad


germany ;..;

>mfw checking the Sup Forums thread

I was kinda rooting for israel

I'm not Russian but this triggers me.

does anyone have the stats of how Russia voted just to compare?

>> its literally degenerated version of the türkü


I thought we had a chance.

Ukraine, 1944

The Ukraine just appealed to all the Eastern European countries which are afraid to get swallowed by Russia or are still butthurt over communism. The rules say no politics for the lyrics but they had to make an exception for poor poor Ukraine boohoo. I neither wanted Russia to win. I just hate that people bring politics into this contest.

Me too.

nigga mit der scheiße?


nobody gave a shit about the vocals and all about the sicc beat

so fucking bad song hope it doesn't come on radio at all

>sending casting show losers that no one in Germany cares about after a week to the ESC EVERY.FUCKING.YEAR
>expecting to win

we will never learn

>mfw 1944 starts playing


better than anything Burial himself has done after Truant/Rough Sleeper, in fact

Top 6 wär schon drin gewesen imo.
Naja wenigstens nicht 11 punkte :^)

I really want the beat/instrumental version of it

it's the whole or int rn


I mean, that stuff is barely even Garage


kek you're right

Post link faggot.

How do people even like Russia's bland song better than that of Austria, Georgia and even fucking Malta?

catchy as fuck tho

this now im curious

yeah. I wanted ukraine to win but bulgaria was my runner up and I'd have like to see them come higher.

She's a qt

o shit its actuallly burial


>australia literally had a scary insect giving their points

>Those Polish diaspora votes

This is why we need jury voting

looks like a protoss aboo , tbqh

I fucking knew it was Burial beat.

To have this confirmed makes me the happiest I've been all week.

Don't have a screenshot, but the Russian audience gave 12 points to Armenia, and 10 points to Ukraine.
Viewers don't care about geopolitics, but the juries sure do.

Sweden another country with Polish diaspora also gave Poland a high score from televoting (10 points)

Germany again, 10 points to Poland

UK, 10 points to Poland

It's all part of their insidious plan into space.

>Poles are the largest minority in Ireland
>10 points

>Poles are the largest minority in Germany
>10 points

>Poles are the largest minority in Iceland
>10 points

>Poles are the largest European minority in the UK
>10 points

>Poles are the largest European minority in the Italy
>10 points

>Poles are the largest European minority in Italy
>7 points

>Poles are the largest European minority in France
>7 points

>Poles are the second largest European minority in Lithuania
>6 points

>Poles are the largest European minority in Latvia
>5 points
