How to Erase data on SSD before pigs come?

How to Erase data on SSD before pigs come?
Standards programs don't work. Help

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Microwave it and put it in the blender

I want to have SSD intact

Just do a secure erase dipshit.

is there way only wiping freespace?

Too late, kiddo. Should have encrypted from the start so you could make it unreadable just by wiping the header bits.


Why are you guys such boot lickers

The quick solution is to just rm the stuff.
This does not take a lot of time and makes it hard to recover the data.
Then, you generate new files to fill the disk with.
Fill with 0 is faster than random, but you should use random if you really care.
BUT: Given the FBI seem to be stopped by a fingerprint login on an iphone, I doubt that whatever you do is that important.
If you know which parts are very important to erase and which parts are not, you can always just keep a disk around with garbage data and use that as a source to overwrite the most crucial stuff.

DBAN and rip the controller out of the SSD

this also as the last resort you can delete files then fill the free spase of the ssd with big files, so it gets overwritten, definetely doesnt guarantee that old data is gone but its better than nothing

Bleachbit, sponsored by Hillary Clinton.

Just create a partition in the empty area and do some dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdxx

btfo you pedo

but that would just overwrite the sectors that are least affected by wear leveling.

But as you've already stated in this is pretty much the only thing one can do without manipulating firmware/destroying the device.

Burry it somewhere.

a large file(s) that take up for example 90% of free space will overwrite 90% of free space(physical sectors), it will specifically overwrite the most fresh/unused sectors
a command mentioned in will overwrite logical sectors of the partition but depending of existing wear leveling only the most unused/least wear leveled physical sectors will be overwritten, there is no way of knowing how many % of actual physical sectors will get overwritten this way, could be anywhere from the whole partition to anything 40% or less

Could I use Copy paste technique to fill up all space?

I guess it depends on a ssd controller, it should work but its much safer just to copy new files from external storage onto an ssd
(or just generate a large file with random data)

that should do the trick


Type of people like you that shit up every place they come need to be tortured slowly.

>The SSD can tell the difference between artificially inflated data and an actual large file

You can always use this as a last resort

it cant, thats not the point

if you're afraid you might go to prison just destroy the ssd

risking your freedom for $200 isn't the best idea


What he said.
Don't be stupid cheap.

I am going to switch to Linux. Which is good choice for privacy and safety?


full system encryption on ssd, preferably buy a new ssd and encrypt it straight away, then transfer old data of the old system and destroy the old ssd just for that 100% guaranteed safety. Also look into external/separate bootloaders. Have a bootloader on a external sd card/usb drive/cd,, so no one can tamper with it and it can be easily hidden (if its on micro sd card)

Cant I do now full disk erase and then make new fresh encrypted OS?

cat /dev/zero > trash

literally just
cat /dev/zero > anyfilename
until your disk is full and then delete anyfilename


If it's a HD I can just write 1s on it right?

or this.
not that tough, OP

What are these fucking commands I am win7 amateur user.
Translate plz

>What are these fucking commands I am win7 amateur user.
>Translate plz
holy shit. just download something big and copy and past a bunch of times until your out of space and delete it.

on a ssd there is no guarantee that process of encrypting the drive will overwrite every physical sector

I am positive that after encrypting and substantial use there wont be anything left to recover but there is simply no guarantee. Depends why you want encryption but a single incriminating filename (not file itself, just a filename recovered) can land you in jail for many years. A new ssd and an old one smashed to pieces is small price to pay for freedom.

Install gentoo, then type these commands.

Send bobs.u so butiful show me ur vegana. Send me neked pic hello bitch lasagna


Do not do this. File systems have copy on write and dedupulication. And SSD controllers implement their own deduplication. There's no guarantee the copied file will actually overwrite any unused space.

fuck off you autsist
no one is going crazy over it, it's just something I don't see everyday, it's cool


Holy fuck the pic got me

You can't. Your only hope is to encrypt, then reencrypt. Or hope the manufacturer provides such a tool.

You can't erase blocks on an SSD accurately because it'll never write back to the same block (trim)


he is windows user,and makes cp because he cant use tor

if you want to overwrite a lot of data fast create aes encripted partition with luks, than mount it and fill it with /dev/zero it will be 300-400MB/s if you have AES-NI instruction set

Why does Sup Forums hate pajeets so much? I mean, I know that all of Sup Forums is racist, but for some reason Sup Forums seems to have quite a fixation on Indians, even more than explicitly racist boards like Sup Forums. I'm not a Pajeet myself, I'm just curious.

because IT jobs are being outsourced to poondia

It's like you aren't even aware of the board's topic.

normal format the drive. then full write it with horse porn or your favorite goat porn. Then format it again.



It's just a meme. Influenced by the fact programmers are much more likely to work with Indians. Or with code outsourced to India. And Sup Forums is the only place it's socially acceptable to make fun of them.

>Erase data on SSD
ATA Secure Erase.

>before pigs come

It's just the meme cycle, Indians are the target right now but it will change eventually. Sometimes things stick longerthan others, right now it's Indians but notice some people trying to push soyboys or some other stereotype to target, you'll have to hang around long enough to witness the cycle yourself to understand it, there's no predicting it either.

As said, here is the only place we can have this kind of fun, where people can be a little more relaxed. Don't take any of it personally.

Oh I know it's a meme, I actually find it funny. I was just wondering why they were bashed prominently on Sup Forums when most of the other Sup Forums boards bash more on Jews and black people than in Indians. I guess the "IT jobs being outsourced to India" explanation makes a lot of sense, must be a shitty (no pun intended) situation. Is this a thing only in America, though? I've never heard of such a thing in my country (most people here think that people in India spend all time meditating, or doing yoga or some shit).

Remember that each board has its own users and thus its own little inside jokes that thrive and die. Indians happen to be the thing on Sup Forums right now and may overlap with other simillar interest boards, for instance some people on Sup Forums are also Sup Forums browsers so you'll see it there but probably not on a board with a less likely user overlap, on those boards they've developed their own jokes almost in parallel to ours, same ideas but with different subject(s).

Sup Forums is actually very diverse in topics and users, and even when you look at it deeper, on a per board level, the users that interact with each other can be very different despite gathering to the same place. Amazing.

Most modern drives have a secure erasure option through their software.

I read this as "is there a way of wiping feces?"

ok rape you next week

Tech companies in the US hire a lot of Indian immigrants. And outsource a lot of stuff to India. Indian universities are allegedly terrible diploma mills that have no quality control. And Indians go into tech because they see it as a high paying job to get out of poverty. Not because they have any ability or interest in it.

This gives them a pretty bad reputation.

This. Indian developers in Bangalore are paid about $5,000/year. Shitheel C-levels think it's a good deal but as always - you get what you pay for.

>wants to wipe drive before the feds seize it
>cares that the drive remains intact
The fuck are your priorities?

>go into _____ because they see it as a high paying job to get out of poverty. Not because they have any ability or interest in it.
I can't blame individuals for this but it doesn't make it any better to hear. I wish things were not like this, for everyone's sake, but there's nothing that can be done to accelerate a better world, as it is we must deal with these things for now, and make light of them in the meantime I suppose.

>Sup Forums is actually very diverse in topics and users, and even when you look at it deeper, on a per board level, the users that interact with each other can be very different despite gathering to the same place. Amazing.

That's why I love this place, and why I can't escape.

mkfs -t ntfs /dev/sdx1
inb4 muh filetypes better

What's the best way to do that binary to decimal conversion?

A destroyed drive is a lot more damning than one with a totally normal, unecrypted partition and a hidden partition where you keep the recipe to KFC's 11 herbs and spices secret sauce.

Without knowledge of the hidden partition and the key to get in, the only thing they'll find is your shitty Windows 10 install filled with normie memes and pictures of cats.

Security through obfuscation on top of encryption. In some countries refusing to decrypt or just encryption full stop is illegal; hard to pin you for that if they can't prove it exists.

Honestly I don't even want to commit crimes, I just want more people to encrypt their shit and make things a nightmare for the state-funded terrorist organizations we call "agencies".

My father worked in IT since before I was born. From his experience, the H1-Bs that actually work in his building are fine people and programmers, but the company uses them to phone home late at night to manage the workers in India, who are just starting their day. Those are the ones who write code that he may have to eventually deal with. Though, he was in accounts payable and worked with Lawson software, so he didn't deal with India's code as often.

Fun side story, the suits over my dad wanted to change from Lawson db to Oracle db software for some reason. In classic cubicle drama, this took the DBAs months and millions of dollars, and my dad didn't get to see the end of it despite being on the receiving end. He got laid off during all of that. I like to think it the transition still hasn't happened. If I recall, he found a job ad through Accenture or something. After calling, he had to decline because realized he would be working for the same company.

>binary to decimal conversion
Look closer. This code doesn't do any decimal conversion. It's assigning integers, which happen to be represented as decimal in this language. But it's not accomplishing anything.

Almost certainly your programming language already has a standard way of doing decimal conversion and you should probably just use that.

> he had to decline because realized he would be working for the same company
As in same company same position same wage? I'd come to the interview anyway just to see their reaction.

>What's the best way to do that binary to decimal conversion?
Thinking off the top of my head (in C):
1. Read an input string of ascii 1s and 0s. (not actually binary lol)
1b. Check that string is only valid chars.
2. Obtain length of string.
2b. Bound check length (16 bits? 32?)
3. Declare return integer, init 0.
4. For loop length, traverse the string front to end. int i =0, i < length.
5a. Assume big endian.
5b. If current char is '1', add 1

>1b. Check that string is only valid chars.
>2b. Bound check length (16 bits? 32?)
Literally only retards and cucks add data validation to their programs.

Why can't you just make sure you're only putting in valid data to begin with? Like don't fuck it up when you're typing it in. Easy.

The point is not to stop yourself, but to stop someone else. Think along the lines of user input or an attacker. While checking valid chars doesn't matter (just check for the 1s), integer overflow could ruin the rest of the program. Sanitizing input is a must for any kind of secure program. Plus, I don't trust the poor souls working data entry.
If you're writing a game or something that needs full speed, sure, omit them.

>Sanitizing input is a must for any kind of secure program.
Caring about security is a meme

Whoops, better delete all of my bounds checks now. Thanks user.

A real man would wing it. Throw caution to the wind, live a little!

Already on it; I still use Windows.

>A destroyed drive is a lot more damning

suspicious, yes. punishable? no. they can't prove you had anything illegal in the first place, so you can't be punished for it. It isn't illegal to destroy your own property.

>suspicious, yes. punishable? no.
No disagreement there, destroying your own stuff is definitely legal.

However, it would be best to incite the least amount of suspicion possible, right? From a legal standpoint, destroying your drive is just fine. But from a human standpoint (remember, FBI niggers are still people), it's better to limit suspicion as much as possible in order to limit how hard they'll look into whatever you're doing.

if the feds are already coming into your house and confiscating your shit, you've already gotten suspicion, and wiping a harddrive wont fix that. You'll have electronic tabs on you for the rest of your life.

Fuckin nuke the harddrive, and get clean you pedo.

>and get clean you pedo.
>implying being attracted to girls at the peak of their physical attractiveness and sexual fitness (15-17 or so) is morally or in any other way, wrong
It's 2016, I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

we're not the ones getting the feds taking our harddrives.

>What's the best way to do that binary to decimal conversion?
assuming strings to int, something like
string binary="011011";
int decimal=0;
for (int x = binary.length() ; x > 0 ; x--)

whoops, typo
string binary="011011";
int decimal=0;
for (int x = binary.length() ; x > 0 ; x--)

and static cast binary[x] to int also

Which language, before I judge you harshly?


>How to Erase data on SSD before pigs come?
Use CCleaner to erase date and do 16 pass overwrite for child porn.

why where you doing things to attract the pigs attention? why do you feel you have a right to be a paedophile?

Only thing I can see wrong for JS is 2^(x-length), which x - length starts at 0 and ends negative.

>not giving password is illegal
"i haven't restarted my computer in months, so i forgot the boot-up decryption password, shit happens, right?"

there you go, panjeet.

Watch out if they have you under oath.
Also I wonder if they'll make a computer negligence law lol

>not file itself, just a filename recovered can land you in jail for many years
STFU retard, you are a clueless stupid kid.
that's not how judicial process works, i bet you didnt even watch the devil's advocate eh?

dd bs=4M if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sd*