Any estimates on the new nvidia series hashrates?

Any estimates on the new nvidia series hashrates?
Should I sell my shit now while it's 2x what I paid for it or just hodl?


The important factor is the release date. If it's still 3+ months away, it's not worth it to sell, since 3 months of mining is enough to cover it entirely


Not a single minerbro with info on this?

gr8 thred


Probably 40% better but good luck getting a card lol

buy more gpu

Retailers are probably going to sell most of them to large scale miners(100+ card orders) first. So good luck getting the scraps of whats left.


how about you miners fuck off. My 2500k system is on its last legs and I havent been able to game in months and cannot afford the ridiculous prices of a new PC

First new nvidia cards will still fall behind Vega in hash/card. They will likely be close to the power/hash efficiency of Polaris. If you have a 1070/1060 rig, they may not offer an improvement worth the investment unless you can gain additional capacity if prices are inflated at release.

Get a job

>I havent been able to game in months
is there a problem with that?

Oh I have a job, I just refuse to pay 3x the amount that something is worth

Keep them and mine, especially if you have some higher end cards (1070, or 70ti/80ti).

>Non-miners "new" cards are going to be the actual previous year cards because bulk buyers wont let up until a new card is released

40% better for 200% more?
keep in mind a 470 goes for $200 and gets 28mh with a modest bios

>is worth
It is worth whatever the price is, l2 econ you dumb marxist.
You probably think the production cost=retail price



I got some vegas for msrp when no one knew the potential kek. Then some nerd optimized a miner for them for 2k hashes each

and why is everyone expecting prices to be inflated at release? Isn't the price fixed at launch?
Assuming you go to a non-jewish retailer

I would cum all over that, liquid cooling and shit

>mfw I got a 1070 right before the prices skyrockted

one of those extension cords actually melted and could have started a fire. We organized it to make sure if shit happens, only 1 rig goes to shit

I got 14 before they sky rocketed.
My houses shitty power can't handle much more so it's good enough.

Cards have tripled in price in a few months. Companies were making a profit at the original price, otherwise they wouldn't have been in business. So no, I don't think they are worth what they are currently priced at. It's just that idiots are willing to pay it for a seat on the crypto rocket that may or may not be going to the moon

Israeli detected. I have the same stuff on my windows.

Long live Jewish crypto.

>same stuff on my windows
What did he mean by this?

Because everyone is waiting for the new cards, ready to order the minute they go online. So unless nvidia completely and utterly floods the market (which they won't, not in a million years) , you compete with pissed off gamers, miners, semi professionals who need nvidia cards for neural network training or photogrammetry and huge numbers of actual scalpers.


Also the RAM I bought last year is now 2.5 times as expensive.

Ampere won't be any good for mining.
Literally Maxwell but worse. PPW and PPD won't make sense.

Turing OTOH. AMD is gonna shit themselves when literally every market they thought they had slips through their fingers.

m88 window shutters are available everywhere.
They're pretty common downunder.

I have some friends with hardware stores so I don't really have to worry about shortages. Now you got me thinking about actually buying to scalp instead of mining


says the minerfag

AMD allways releases their shit without warning.
Wouldn't surprise me vega 72 16gb hbm2 mining brick edition

>what is passive income

Turing is what you want then. As mentioned, there's a good chance that Nvidia will launch some kind of curtailed, gaming focused GPU line sometimes in Q2 to cater to their "core" audience. Next gen Turing during Q4