what are your thoughts on this tranny's album
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sucks dick!!!
! get it!
I'll drone bomb xe if u know what i mean (^;;;;;;;;
close your eyes and try to focus on opn and hudmo's beats
close your eyes and try to not comprehend the inane lyrics
He's not very good
I'm sick of these threads about a mediocre album that are clearly just bait to start a flame war about whether or not she's a lady.
>waahhh trannys arent women >:(
its fucking music if you dont like the fact a trans woman made it just don't listen to it. you guys are actually fucking retarded.
I think it's more the fact that the whole lgbt thing is getting really fucking annoying. I'm all for their right, but fuck I'm getting so sick of it.
I hear far more about lgbt people from people complaining about them than from actual lgbt people.
Because it's been shoved into everyday life now. I'm fine with them, and I think that they should have rights. The constant influx of it being in the media's really annoying. You can't escape it. For example, I saw some article on facebook talking about how they want the "frozen" character to have a lesbian girl friend, does it really have to be forced into everything? Does lgbt even belong in children's movies? It's just going to piss people off more. I'm a generally accepting person but I want to vote for trump in hopes that he'll make this shit stop.
Would you say straight people are forced into the media? It's annoying when a character exists solely for the purpose of being gay, or whatever, but there's nothing wrong with characters that happen to be lgbt - straight people exist in children's movies (see, all of disney)
Being straight has always been accepted, we're moving towards a society where it's generally accepted but my gripe is, when is too much, too much? Does it have to be in everything? Plus, is it worth having little boys and girls question their sexuality and who they feel like at a young age? I don't fin that progressive or anything, I find it sick, and it's fucking with peoples minds, esp people who are really impressionable like kids. With this popularity, what's going to happen to the kid who feels gay (because it was in a tv show or movie) ends up sucking dick, doesn't like it and is labeled a faggot for life? That can cause some serious damage.
who fucking cares what a fat fuck that works at walmart thinks about anything?
>I'm a generally accepting person but I want to vote for trump in hopes that he'll make this shit stop
reads like a parody LMAO
I don't work at walmart, and you're scrambling to invalidate anything I said. With out having a legitimate argument or even trying to add to the conversation here.
Fuck off Brandon
This is kind of inane. Having diversity in children's shows doesn't suddenly make children gay, it just shows them that there's more than one way to be, in the same way that having shy characters, sporty characters or short character. Does having straight people in TV shows or whatever turn gay people straight? I find this to be the strangest argument and I'm not really sure how to respond.
Then have a rebuttal against what I said instead of simply telling me to fuck off.
Honestly what the fuck are you even talking about? Does the same thing happen to straight kids who see adults make out or some shit?
Production is alright.
Lyrics are blunt, he could've been more subtle on what he wanted to attack. Vocals are pretty good.
What's your favorite Steven Universe episode
I really really need to know
he's saying that kids are impressionable and thinks that it'd be detrimental to their growing minds.
I wonder if he still hates Obama now that he supports the right for creeps to whip their cocks out at girls in schools.
That's the point that I was trying to make, I'm drunk so I rambled a bit.
I hate that show.
You're brandon a literal meme trip that people laugh at (not with) why would I even bother
fuck off brandon
i like that track he did with the wise aboriginal elders youtu.be
you are always drunk because you are a pathetic lowlife obese bitch that eats and eats and eats and eats
this is such a shitty album cover
funny and hilarious
What next? Triggered? Cuck?
I'm a drunk because I have serious problems with depression, and anxiety. I know Im fat, I know I'm a loser. There's really nothing you can tell me that I already don't know.
lol I can't wait for you to finish your associate's degree in sociology and for reality to set it
:( best of luck overcoming that dude, but there's really nothing to fear from the gays.
Just change your pronoun and watch how many friends and allies you gain :-)
you should try to get better
but you don't, you do nothing, give excuses, and whine about how you've had an empty life. you made your bed, now lay in it motherfucker.
He never said anything about fearing the gays you autist
he made a remark on how their way of life is always injected into popular culture despite being max like 3% of the population in 1st world countries
6 out of 10
I hope you kill yourself
I don't.
That was mostly tongue in cheek, but I really don't see how representation in media is a bad thing. It's just entertainment folks. Also I believe the estimate is closer to 10%
I'm not transphobic but I have a really hard time thinking of him as a woman. he looks exactly like he did as a man.
Hang in there.
You're the only one so far in this thread who would actually deserve that.
>I'm not transphobic
>he looks
side 1 >>>> side 2
but I really liked side 1
It's not really a bad thing, I just think it could negatively affect kids, teens and that it doesn't need to be a part of everything in life. It doesn't need to be forced down peoples throats. If you want acceptance, I think small does would work, not this almost overwhelming presence in pop culture and life.
Take this for example, what's some guy going to do when it's been told to him that trans is ok? So he takes the hormones, dresses, and acts like a girl and eventually get's the whole surgery done and months later realizes he fucked up? Is that what we really want to do to people?
I feel you.
That's not what he said. You're obviously a lefty because you always twist people's words into some sort of idiocy that they never said.
>every thread about Hopeless derails into social politics
>Sup Forums - """"""""music"""""""" discussion
The lyrics are shallow and rather uninspired, the singing can be grating at some times, OPN and Mohawke carry the album.
Lmao being trans is a lifelong struggle, it's not something people see and think damn, I'm gonna get all this expensive hormone therapy and surgery on a whim. This is on par with saying violent video games are likely to make children into murderers.
Also please direct me to these pieces of pop culture in which there is an overwhelming presence of lgbt content, because I certainly can't find it!
>Lmao being trans is a lifelong struggle, it's not something people see and think damn, I'm gonna get all this expensive hormone therapy and surgery on a whim.
he's saying that there's a possibility of that happening.
His implication was that lgbt characters in children's shows may have a negative influence on them, I didn't twist his words, though I also didn't respond very eloquently. I'm suggesting that seeing lgbt characters has no more of a negative influence than seeing straight characters, for example.
Tbqfh I really think "trans" is the cool, trendy thing that all the tumblrites are promoting.
just report these threads. we seem to have a janitor that actually does some moderating now
people have been saying similar things since the 60s and it's still as untrue now as it was then
Anorexia is a lifelong struggle. Nobody looks at it and thinks "damn, I'm gonna survive on coffee and cigarettes on a whim"
But when you find an online community full of those similarly disposed and they're all telling each other how beautiful they look in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that option becomes much more palatable.
real nigger questions: I'm no conservative but the whole idea of this "feelings" generation really does make me think we're raising a bunch of first world pandered pussies.
I honestly think their is nothing wrong with men being manly or women being feminine.
This whole breaking down of the stereotypes and saying men are evil and women are still heavily oppressed and underpaid is absolute bullshit.
Why is there such a HUGE gender divide right now?
>But when you find an online community full of those similarly disposed and they're all telling each other how beautiful they look in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that option becomes much more palatable.
Holy shit this. This is the problem with all these kinds of movements.
There isn't. 90%+ of humans are still normal/healthy for the most part.
The problem is this board's demographic is college kids. They've always held stupid dogma. That's nothing new.
They grow out of it when they find a real purpose in life.
I really hope so. At this point I'm mostly sure it's a straw man. I only know of one person like this in real life. An ex girlfriend who is quite literally a tumblr feminist. She's been like it since she was 16. And now almost 19 she shows no signs of slowing down. I honestly think that website raises a bunch of brainwashed kids and they keep forever reading it and it just continually reinforces the same message.
>They grow out of it when they find a real purpose in life.
Yup, just like how the older I get the more to the right I go. I'm still a democrat, but fuck I can't stand some of the idiocy in my party.
19 is still really young though.
There will always be losers who cling on to this stuff.
For the same reason there's men who still play Pokemon or watch My Little Pony.
But that's not the population at large.
>Sup Forums - """"""""music"""""""" discussion
>valuing music on its aesthetic value whilst ignoring social and political context
you realize you guys are exactly the same, just on the other end of the spectrum right?
In what sense?
I hope she grows out of it. She was rather nice other than that. The feminism made her a complete narcissist arrogant unlikable fake weirdo.
The internet fucks people up more than they think. It helps to get around real people and real situations for once.
holy shit i cant believe a real person made this image lmfao
That's why I've been trying to quit the Internet lately. Have you ever sat down and thought about how legitimately fucked up Sup Forums is? The people who literally waste their days fighting, arguing, purposely shit posting, spew hatred, legitimate racists and sexists. I've been here for far too long and I even contributed to such utter garbage.
I actually read something before about how heavy use of the internet can cause mental and social issues but I can't seem to find it.
>>>gaming in ethics
>>>reddit in general
Go back there. You belong there.
Quads never lie
The thing is, most of those 'tumblrites' are probably going to grow out of it. Surgery and hrt aren't offered to young children, and you have to get counselling and a professional medical opinion before either anyway. Let them have their teenage phase if it's just a phase.
The difference being that anorexia decreases quality of life. You're actually talking to someone who has struggled with disordered eating (though not due to body image issues), and I can tell you that it's a whole different issue to being transgender - it actually negatively affects my mental and physical health to the point where medical care is necessary. For transgender people, transitioning actually improves their quality of life.
Not really.
None of us are complaining about a Jewish conspiracy or ranting about the gold standard, so we're not on the other side of "the spectrum." We're just normal human beings waiting for you to come to your senses and get with the program already.
>butthurt that horseshoe theory exists and he's just as annoying as any sjw
>the internet is the cause of mental problems
No, the problems are already there, and the internet does a very good job highlighting, exaggerating, escaping, etc. such problems.
Dont blame some inanimate object for your problems, thats like blaming video games for making people fat or blaming guns for killing people.
I don't really like her voice. I don't really like the production. Don't really get the hype around this but whatever, maybe just not my cup of tea then.
>For transgender people, transitioning actually improves their quality of life.
Which is why suicide rates *increase* after transition, right?
This is true, I've had some lovely conversations here but there's always a lot of hatred and negativity going around, it doesn't really cost anything to be nice to people and I hope people here don't genuinely believe a lot of the things they say.
Shouldn't you be watching the new anti-SJW video from The Amazing Atheist and Sargon?
embarrassing desu
I'm not blaming shit, I'm just talking about something I've read before. Still can't find it though, think it was a psychology.com article.
> i hold no opinion so i'm right
Based on a single study that was wildly misinterpreted by right wing news outlets? Okay.
i play pokemon as an rpg in bed because i'm an insomniac and it's monotonous and relaxing. don't shame me you disgusting cis male.
I'm very much the same. In fact, I've had some of the most deep conversations I've ever had on Sup Forums. But those are very few and far in between the thousands of arguments I've seen on here.
Please go then.
This was always meant to be a digital equivalent of the bathroom wall.
I don't know what you were expecting: a different format of Reddit or something?
This is somewhere people can go to have low-intelligence grunting matches full of inane driveby comments after a hard day at the office. If you care about "quality of discussion" or some other nerd shit like that, you were probably never a good fit for this site in the first place. Go feel better about yourself elsewhere.
Staring at a blue screen does nothing but exacerbate the problem. Digital displays are making us have poorer quality sleeps.
This thread is full of opinions dude.
I think you're just angry because you can't typecast everybody who disagrees with you as a Nazi/fedora.
Kek. I like you.
I turn the brightness down and I have a cover for the screen. I know about that, but the annoyance of having restless leg syndrome and waiting to reach the point of absolute exhaustion to fall asleep in just the dark is really depressing.
Like for example, the chvrches thing..I got fucked with so bad over it here where I literally had a breakdown. I literally thought I was going to get sued and my family (we don't have much) was going to lose everything, and was even talking about getting a lawyer. Then I had this moment of clarity and thought about how there's no proof of it and that I was a fucking moron for believing something I was told on Sup Forums.
I'm not saying that part of it wasn't real(I wouldn't doubt she saw my posts in the leave a trace vid thread), I just feel bad about it and literally formed an obsession over the situation.
xell be fine