Naomi "Sexy Cyborg" Wu is a liar and a fake

More evidence connecting Timaz to Sexy Cyborg Naomi Wu. This pair is using her "fame" to rip people off. They hide behind their army of White Knights and SJW feminists when anyone critiques her bullshit backstory and cry sexism instead of addressing the points made. Now they are trying to ruin people's careers. They are scumbags and the truth needs to be shared.

In this thread, user Timaz talks about his Up Plus 2 and Leapfrog Creatr

In this article, Wu talks about the same type of printer

She also has it listed on her thingvirse

In this reddit post, someone links to timaz' living room setup

Here is the linked photo to his living room (note the workshop in the back, the style of tables, and the chair:

and the linked photo to his stereo

Cool chair Naomi, you are such an inspiration!


> Girl can't do anything herself and has others do everything for her.
> Rallies personal army of mindless defenders to shut down every ounce of critique.
> "I'm such a nerd look at me~"
Same as always.

Transcending history and the world, a tale of souls and swords eternally retold.

Who cares?

People with high IQ's apparently.

Nice sleuthing.

>copypasting post from another site
>"""nice sleuthing"""

wait, this was a surprise for you? she literally walks around with her tits out, what were you expecting

don't be a dick. i'm the same guy that posted on the other sites. i did the sleuthing. bring something to the conversation or stfu

I don't see much point in being excited over this.

She's what every gentoomen wish they were.
A bit titted bimbo chink waifu who gets lots of (you)s while knowing jack shit about computers.

They are trying to ruin people's careers. They are manipulating social media and feminazis to swindle people out of money. If honest people don't call crooks out on their bullshit, then who will?

Why do you even care? It's a dumb thot that will never achieve anything other than just being present at dumb conventions.
At least she's one of the thots that doesn't give a fuck about feminism or whatever, she just want to wear her dumb skirt and show her fake ass tits, let her be.

The tech community have bigger issues at hand than a possible post-op mtf with implants.

Jesus Christ, pick your fights better.

Oh no. I'd have much preferred if she had a cock.

Doesn't give a fuck about feminism? They are using feminism as a fucking shield and SJWs are coming to her defense with the usual lack of critical thinking.

She was just fucking featured on the cover of Make because they sicced their SJW army on the editor when he was critical of her backstory and behavior.

Weird I believe feminist will say she is sex fantasy nerdbearck sex doll yellow fever and more misogyny things.

So much salt for a post.

No, faggot, he's right

through much effort and at great personal risk, I bring to you the secret method for defeating people like this

you ignore them

>reddit spacing

get a life nerd

>reddit spacing
>some bullshit eceleb post
Fuck off.

Literally who?

more like naomi who

am i rite


post her lewds

>giving attention whores attention

Not really sure what you are trying to discredit here. I don't see any proof of her being incapable of the things she does. There is also videos of her doing it.

Her backstory. She never admitted that someone else was pulling the strings and working behind the scenes. She has said she gets help with her English, but she learned all this by herself. Her bf is the puppetmaster and just used her as a mascot to get free shit and patreon money. Her whole look is designed to appeal to fucking losers with an asian fetish. The videos and photos are stages. He shows her how to do the shit and then he films her doing it. Under his tutelage, of course she will eventually be able to grow her skillset. My issue is that they are liars and have tried numerous times to ruin other people's careers for even questioning their narrative. People like this should not be rewarded for their dishonesty.

How are they ruining careers?

This thread smells like sour western roastie beef flaps.

they had a beef with the Make editor. He questioned her authenticity, so she and her boyfriend cried sexism and riled up a SJW/feminazi army and attacked him for questioning her backstory. Vice recently interviewed her for a story. It seems they found something fishy about her backstory too because when she found out that they wanted to include some information about her personal life aka her boyfriend/ghostwriter, she pitched a fit on twitter trying to get in front of the story and rile up the white knights once again.

fucking ching-chongs

this is the Sup Forums version of the twitch gamer girl
blame the white knight soyboy manginas too

post her feet

>implying i'm going to follow all these links
>implying i read your post
>implying i care about eceleb drama
Post loods or gtfo.


Seek therapy you schizophrenic fuck.

who cares

Wow that's so fucked up what can I do to make her life more difficult?

does she have nudes?

if not then fuck off, this thread is useless

get a life, dude. like, really.






I hate sweats that talk about how certain models and actors aren't attractive, but come on. she has that weird thai face, humorously massive fake tits, and tiny hips. and they constantly dress her up in 2005 playboy booth clothes. I cannot fathom someone being into girls like this

says the retarded faggot insulting people on the internet

says the retarded faggot insulting unknown people in real life

>actually caring this much about some chinese youtuber bitch

well, since the areolae are officially covered (albeit still visible) and since a good portion of her pubic area is well hidden under a dental floss string (assuming she is tucking her piss flaps inside her vagene, I'd need a forensic expert to double check), these are blue-board-compliant imagesĀ® I guess
the "gap" is totally ayy-lmao grade

>says the retarded faggot insulting people on the internet
that's you, dude. there's nothing insulting in that post. unless for you "get a life" is an insult. it's a suggestion, and you probably should evaluate it. multiple people pointed at that, maybe you should re-consider some life decisions? just a pointer, really

literally who?

Is this like the muscleman of technology (pic related)?

Just a typical "I'm a girl and I do nerd shit all the time/in my freetime while dressing like a total cumdumpster, OMG I'm so unique, I'm not like every other girls" for you. Except it's a deformed disgusting chink this time.

How did they attack him? Like, literally? Or just on the internet where no one really cares and events are forgotten the next day?

>posts the lo-quality twatter version
take this

>925 KB

Privilege detected.

thank you??


down syndrome detected


>actually caring about what she does and not just wanting to put your dick in her

this lmao

tiddies are tiddies, god I wish she was my sister

The only thing that bothers me is how her toes stick out from her shoes.

I double dare you to *losslessly* compress it better.
digital lossy compression challenge?
digital lossy compression challenge.
$ gm compare -metric MAE chink.png chink2.png
Image Difference (MeanAbsoluteError):
Normalized Absolute
============ ==========
Red: 0.0000000000 0.0
Green: 0.0000000000 0.0
Blue: 0.0000000000 0.0
Total: 0.0000000000 0.0

Can I ask why it matters if she's a maker or just following a script? In that case, she isn't actually hurting anyone and is acting as a symbol for something else. If people want a hot woman who knows technology to hold up as an idol, let them. It literally does not matter. I'm going to a technical for engineering tech and there are plenty of women training to be engineering techs and technicians. Not many of them are that good looking and I'd wager again that not many would want to be models since most of them are fairly introverted. Given that, there's really nothing wrong with idolizing someone doing those things that also happens to be beautiful. It isn't a lie, it's a fabrication, and you can't blame them for defending themselves when douchebags like you come along trying to tear down what they're building for no reason at all.

>inb4 white knight
I've had some merfolk bitch (among others) tell me that my opinions weren't attractive and I'd never get a girlfriend (and that I'm on the wrong side of history), so I'm pretty sure I'm no white knight.

>unironically believes gooks are actually ""I love you long time""

lmao, that's your wallet you talking about. I know you're desperate for sex but c'mon man, one fuck and fucked for life, it's not worth it

God, I just want to get on my knees and eat everything that comes out of her holes.

very angry

lossy is too easy
$ guetzli --quality 85 chink.png chink.jpg
>66 Open CL-accelerated iterations later, pic related

And not the tiny hips and obviously fake tits?

Holy shit, next your going to tell me Linus doesn't do all the work or Simone has somebody working the camera.

Literally, no shits are given.You have to be severally autistic to care that Chinese Maker Barbie gets help from her husband and doesn't live up to your fantasy.

Fake tits are fake tits.

desu at least they're honest about it, i mean roasties and other bitches also drain up your wallet but treat you like shit, most of the time without even sex and then fill the divorce for an instant 50% of your stuff + maintenance, at least this cunt let you fuck her until your dick goes flaccid.

Oh sure, if you wanted to become a literal tool, a transport vehicle for some shithole dwelling gook so much then go ahead, let's see who's the one with the smuggling face in the end, fucking beta. You only go after the Asian only for sex, aren't you? That's just fucking pathetic

Go drink some bleach, shit for brains.

VERY angry posters

>3D Prints box
>Adds LEDs and rasbperry pi
>Runs python script someone else coded

Turns out a hardworking smart Asian girl has a boyfriend and some guy gets wildly jellos and upset.

She's not my time either. There's just something unnatural about her whole look that makes it unappealing to me.

>advocating white supremacy in busted English
Yo man, if you're going to talk white supremacy, you should at least speak its lingua franca properly.

I must commend you for triggering the shit out of these inbred retards.

Profound. There will be a place for you in the timeline ahead anons...

If you ignore the face the rest is pretty good..

alright cuck, have it your way. They gonna laugh at your 3 inches dick while sucking off your money as much as they can then proceed to leave your fat ass for some another fatass who willing to bite their bait anyway. Good luck with the future, shitdick

This woman isn't noteworthy for anything other than her big fake balloon tits and dressing like a stripper in public. Why does anyone pretend this "controversy" is worth following? Just tell me when she finally decides to get fucked on camera.

there is no need to be upset

>all asian are cute and loyal, that's like 100% of them are like that, no, I'm not cherrypicking anything, that Jew-nime told me so. They also very tranditional tho... Like... using chopsticks, wearing kimono and sitting on the floor and shit like that, I don't know. But they're God-tier wife material

Kill yourself

Why do I get the feeling you are the CEO of Make and you are still butthurt that the SJWs didn't side with you.

>Camgirl has husband
OMG, worse than Russian collusion.

holy shit you are still replying to me? I didn't even know.

Go drink some bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you dumb fucking shit stain.

>he's still doing it

whoa this is the number one reason the west dislikes that certain asians eat dog

you have no one to blame but yourself, you castrated soy mangina.

gross hag has a bimbofication fetish

I like to think these are real.

At least she waits for the husband to die.

wasn't that the same story about that indian kid with her 'incredible' invention?

Feminists are on her side now? When she first arrived on the maker scene, it was the sjw crowd that attacked her, likely because she was one third of their average weight.

Sorry I don't know who this person is or why I should care. Saged and reported for marketing.


You don't have to marry them dumbfuck. Go to thailand and enjoy sex slaves 24/7 as a white american. Even with neetbux you will drown in pussy.

DO NOT commit to any woman brainlet.