The TRUE reasons to learn networking and sec

>Learning networking in order to be able to "control the pipes" so you can have power over the people on the end of it, being the almighty God who decide who can access two what at anytime.
>Learning cyber security in order to be able to bully anyone who pisses you off and also make dirty money when you need it.

Give me other reasons to learn about networking and security.
Protip; you can't.

Could the third reason be interest in knowledge and how things work? Curiosity? Or do you project your weaknesses onto literally anything?

Knowledge IS power my good friend.
Knwoledge for knowledge is just a waste of time and brain use.

If you see the need to want power over people as a weakness, so yeah I do want to project this onto literally anything. Thanks for your input !

agreed, but unfortunately, most (i.e. literally >50%) of the world doesn't care about actually learning things. They wouldn't even recognize curiosity if it smacked them across the face. Why do you think so many retards are in favor of establishing literal "wrong-think"? They don't want to understand the world, they just want answers handed to them.

You dont want power, you want to abuse it. That is what is weak about you, you don't see it as a possibility to improve, to master, to be capable... you only care if it is abuseable or not and that is sad

So you want to be an edgy faggot? Ok.

Some people create, some people fix, some break, some make it better...and then...there is you

>Knwoledge for knowledge is just a waste of time and brain use.
LOL, what a predictable faggot. You're just jealous of people that actually have the initiative to master shit, white you've doomed yourself to a life of mediocrity. You're a perfect example of

Well on the networking side I honestly don't think I want to abuse it. To be precise, I think I want to be given as more power as I want on the org chart, and once I have it it will not be abuse because I will legaly have the right to use such power.

On the "security" side, I must say that I almost agree with you. Let's say I'm a grey hat. I believe I am a good person and I don't want to hurt anyone. But if I have (and can, of course) to steal money from some gullible kiddo from eastern europe if that prevents me from becoming homeless I would not hesitate a single second.

Yes pls desu ok also use gentoo k thx bai

I'm really interested in what you mean by that, if by me you mean "the three at the same time" then I think you're pretty much right.

I do want to master shit, actually. The fact that my motivations doesn't please you does not affect this.
I did not answer to the post you mention because I don't feel concerned by it. I do have my share of curiosity, but it will not ever bring me closer to my goals: having the power to put me and my beloved ones safe from any financial issues.

My my, those statements are lots different from what you first said here

Oh really ? Could you please point exactly were I contradict myself ?

>Give me other reasons to learn about networking and security.
i remembered those sheets of paper from 1996 where i needed to put in the subnet masks with all those 255s and eventually wondered what the hell those meant
so i looked it up, and it was interesting, so i sought more information about how it was put together

the history of networking is interesting, and how much mimicry of the post office systems there was

>Well on the networking side I honestly don't think I want to abuse it.
>being the almighty God

> I believe I am a good person and I don't want to hurt anyone.
>Learning cyber security in order to be able to bully anyone

Sure does sound like a God complex to me... lets just say we shouldn't let you anywhere near the mainframes. But i understand what it is like to be hungry for power, especially when one is powerless at times. The bad part is that which turns you into a monster you can't control. Then it is all just excuses for doing whatever you want, with no moral obligation

While I do agree with you, I think that the power and responsibility sides from learning networking are always being put to silence. That is strange because that's actually on the first plan when you work on this field.

">Well on the networking side I honestly don't think I want to abuse it.
>being the almighty God"
It's not abuse when you're given this power by people above you on the org chart, you know.

> I believe I am a good person and I don't want to hurt anyone.
>Learning cyber security in order to be able to bully anyone" funny how you cut the quote here, let's read some more words shall we ?
"to bully anyone who pisses you off" these are important words. I'm a really chill dude and if you piss me off that means that you really deserve some more troubles in your life.

I totally believe you when you talk about God complex, I really want to do some researches on this subject - see I also have curiosity - but I'm actually afraid of what I could learn on myself while doing research about this.

Just because you are given the keys to the nukes, doesn't mean you get to decide, willy nilly, on weather to fire them or not. The world is not that black and white you know...

>That is strange because that's actually on the first plan when you work on this field.
i'm not a security minded person, i just want cables that look pretty and efficient routing tables for minimal delays and maximum uptime

Interesting perspective desu.

Being capable is one thing, but being irresponsible is another.

Twice I mentioned the fact of being given said "right" by superior hierarchy. Are you even reading my answers?

So you learn basic networking and cable management in, what, one month, and then you're happy with that? And you make enough money to put you and you surrounding out of any risk? Not being ironic here, seriously asking.

How bout raising your goals newfag. Cyber Security is the present and the future.

my goals are to have someone else do the boring parts while i do the fun parts

networking isn't my career, installs are just a side job

I work at a Datacenter and installs are becoming like what Construction turned into. Most of them being done by low paid Mexicans.

Well said user.

The OP is a Machiavellian.