Challenge: Find an artist similar to James

Challenge: Find an artist similar to James
Spoiler Alert: You can't.

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Aren't dan lopatin, andy morin, dean blunt & arca supposed to be pretty similar?

WeII this was a quick and shitty thread>

>You're a fucking faggot OP

they're all pretty different, save for maybe james and dean.

>andy morin

Lamborghini Crystal

I don't really listen to their music, but I always see those four and james ferraro being discussed together

taking this guy seriously. C'mon you know nothing about this fucking guy because what he does isn't that impressive. Stop spamming Ferraro threads all the time and start searching for music that isn't just sound effects thrown into FL studio. You look pretty dumb tbqh. Plus it's 2016 - Vaporwave is normie shit now and beyond dead and outplayed.

I mean it's what ever. You can find VW interesting but to anyone who's ever listened to it for more than a year knows that every fucking VW album sounds the same in most ways.

ah yeah, that's a big meme.

>he thinks ferraro only makes vaporwave
off yourself my good friend

>off yourself my good friend
please, go on. Inform us all on the good word of James Ferraro. I'm ready to be blown away.

>you're not
>you're not
>you're not, cooking


yep, you haven't actually listened to him, have you?

>James Ferraro

So, proto-vaporwave. What are you guys on about? Please get your appreciation off your chest already. Otherwise what are you doing in this thread, trying to seem cool because you listen to music that people are bored of hearing?

good b8 my friend



stick to eccojams kiddo
ferraro's "vaporwave" output is like 2% of his oeuvre

>ferraro's "vaporwave" output is like 2% of his oeuvre
k go on. if it's so impressive, please elaborate on how important it is. I'm literally waiting for you to make a point.

gay thread

listen to some of his most stuff and get to your own conclusions? You're probably a troll, but I recommend Marble Surf, Last American Hero, Nightdolls With Hairspray, Inhale C-4 $$$, Silica Gel and NYC HELL 3AM

>probably a troll
I've listened to NYC HELL multiple times. Please give me a reason to appreciate it.

>I've listened to one of his many albums many times and didn't like it, please tell me why I'm too retarded to check out a different one of his albums instead

>you will never be a fly on the wall in a room where james and daniel are hanging out producing
i want to actually die

well I like basically everything about it: the nihilistic take on R&B and hip hop, his vocals, the text-to-speech bits, the hi-fi sound design gives it a very eerie mood taking sounds that should be very humane and giving throwing them into uncanny valley. I like how it focuses on this very specific idea -- a sombre, contemporary metropolitan experience -- and develops on it with very familiar tropes in an unfamiliar fashion

>too retarded to check out a different one of his albums instead
buddy, you can't call me retarded if you never give a single reason as to why one would enjoy his work. Don't get but mad at me because I've already realized that obsessing over boring music is a waste of ones time.

>James Ferraro only makes vaporwave
Go listen to Skid Row

you should listen to more than just Far Side Virtual and NYC Hell kid

I can accept this. I even agree that those are strong and legitamite reasons to enjoy the aesthetic of vaporwave. Personally I don't really feel what you're expressing when I listen to his stuff even when I go into one of his albums expecting to hear what you're describing. It's just not there for me - I don't 'feel' it. I mean all the elements are there, I just don't think he's done a very great job of conducting his work in a way that really grabs me.