>So what do you listen to, user?
So what do you listen to, user?
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Whatever's on the radio played at a reasonable volume.
Whatever you want me to.
That's hard to answer because I don't have any specific genres that I focus on. Though I guess I the styles I tend to listen to most are improvisation and drone. If you have a RYM account I'd love to add you. By the way you are incredibly cute and I want to kiss you right now thanks
who is this chillin chilean
Your farts in my face please
Pretty much everything, but mostly punk, metal, indie rock, singer songwriter, and electronic music.
powerviolence and field recordings of jet engines
She'd fuck you on the spot.
Bach, exclusively.
fuck off degenerate slut
your breathing while you sleep
y-you too
next on the list:
your choking as I penetrate esophagus
R8 my chances, m8s
"I'm into a lot of stuff. Stuff from modern electronic to 60s psych. Lately I've been listening to a lot of Arthur Russell. Oh, you haven't heard of him? He's basically what Zach Braff promised the Shins were to Natalie Portman in Garden State. Here, give it a listen."
Fuck off Alanna, you're an arrogant standoffish man hating cunt who quit your band because you couldn't even stomach going outside for more than a day on the road, so you chose office work over being a musician.
You're the reason your band failed.
>Garden State
Pretty much any genre. I like a lot of artsy shit.
shit you've probably never heard of you pleb hipster bitch
the birthday party, acid bath and p.j harvey cover enough ground for me
Subtle jab at garden state is good and showing a hipster girl Arthur Russell will make her believe you're liberal.
Would have to explain what "Garden State" is (both the movie and New Jersey) and possibly have to identify Zach Braff, depending on whether or not she watched Scrubs.
Nihilistic post-hardcore, trash rock, synth-pop.
>field recordings of jet engines
Does this actually exist? The pretentious asshole in me is intrigued.
Dude, everyone over 22 and under 30 remembers Garden state and who Zach Braff is.
Sure they do.
Good luck.
I've never seen garden state. Is it worth watching?
Wait, who is she?
here's my last.fm babe *winks* *tips fedora*
Nah, It's pretty bad but it was like the quintessential teen movie for people in high school in the mid 00s.
Decent-ish soundtrack for the time, and natalie portman is cute in it.
I'm 25, I know about the movie..Just never seen it.
You have something in your nose
She was the lead singer of Joanna Gruesome, her self-importance and entitlement broke up the band because she literally can't get her shit sorted and handle her anxieties as soon as she leaves the house.
She's a mess of a woman. I was a fan of hers until I followed her on twitter and saw how much of a wretched cunt she was.
Uhh... you mean, like any recording of a jet engines? Somehow that doesn't seem like a really wild idea, a jet engine on record. Have you thought about how people seem to be aware of how jet engines sound without really being next to jets their whole life?
If you're 25, I wouldn't waste your time unless you're lovesick or something.
oh wow
This is dope.
>Joanna Gruesome
>noise pop, indie pop, indie rock, indie, cardiff, 2015 single
Yikes! Into the trash it goes
It's still there.
You're a mess. What are we going to do with you?
>noise pop
eh worth a shot
the sound of my dick going in and out of your wet little boipucci, faggot.
yeah, and I can concede in retrospect the band was never good anyway, its just her that gives me the shits. Read anything she's ever written and it becomes even more obvious no matter how good a band she's inserted in she'd self-destruct it by being selfish.
bruh you got a lumpy penis
"All kinds of stuff, I think most genres have merit. Want to come check out my collection?"
not cool making fun of aids
thats calluses from all the pussy i get, virgin faggot.
it's called texture
girls like it
looks like he put a rubber band around the glans
wow smooth but did you account for being a big fucking nerd?
Give me some examples
no we don't
so why do girls listen to polyphonic compositions so much huh?
this nigga acting like girls don't know garden state.
fucking please.