Y is Russia so big????

Y is Russia so big????

y not?


empire bois

>fuck we can't expand west there's those pesky polacks there
>sire there's hardly anything in the east since mongols have fallen

Because if they didn't expan their whole shithole would collapse

most of it's an uninhabitable shithole

>most of it'

Why was northern Kazakhstan allowed to secede?

It takes a sick cunt to find an uninhabitable territory and make it your home.

bascially this

if russia only was as big as the inhabited zones it would look like a snek that runs along kazakhstan, mongolia and china

80% of the Russian population lives in the European part.

Poor tribes of north was too weak to resist

Uninhabitable parts have natural resources though. Otherwise Russia would have got rid of them as soon as they can, and would have gone back to being a proper European country again.

Y is Murica so big?

We not that big

Russia population: 143 million
Bangladesh population: 156 million
Indonesia population: 250 million

Small countries like Bangladesh and Indonesia have larger population than Russia. Why do muslims and East Asians breed like rats?

To be fair same is true with the innermost parts of us.

Biggest countries
Radical dictatorship keeps the country together.
Many states are culturally different from another and have enough economic power to secede as a sovereign country. Sheer size of the US causes a democratic deficit, questionable military interventions

Because we are big guys

I want to kick it in it's face. This kot is just too smug.

It's literally the same size as you and your non-official 51st state combined. What's so surprising?

I thought you talked about Australia

Almost the size of South America.

It's even bigger than in your pic, OP

as Crimea is Russian, and Crimea itself is bigger than Israel or Macedonia for example

It's actually 146 million and it is high IQ population that is stable and slowly increasing

russia is almost empty because even people from africa don't want to live in russia. our country is cold, poor and cruel but still better than garbage like india

Indonesia is located on the equator so it just looks smaller than actually it is

Because war is russian national sport and they have a fetish for clay

We're not small at all

why do cunts like you vote for pauline
go fuck your brother maggot

True. Russia is heaven compared to shitholes in Africa and Middle East.

There are a lot of Asians living here though. Well, I'm only sure about poorer parts of Moscow.
>visit big sis who lives in the outskirts of the city
>All these asians speaking their own language.
But I'm sure that I only saw around 20 blacks irl during my life. But it's not like I go outside a lot, so maybe there are more of them here than I think.

Not big enough.

urs mom's stil biger, lmao



It was more like there were pesky germans since Poland was actually conquered.

I forgive

Russia expanded East, while other Europeans expanded west and Colonized places like America.

was russia hoping to find something cool? like their own new world?


Same reason why Canada, USA, and Australia are so large.

They just steam rolled right through them.

Not so big, Russia like Canada, Greenland or even Antartica looks alot biger than they are in reality because on the standard map we use (mercator) more a country is away from equator, bigger he appears.

No, Tsar was just orginizing expeditions of kossaks and different companies that were trading fur. Kossaks were like conkistadors there-fighting with numbers like 500-1000 men against multi thousand armies of local slant eyed turks. And when they reached the far east it was just like-geographical expedition-establish a fort-an empty land France like size is declared as russian territory-nobody cares. Brits tried to invade once during Crimean war to Kamchatka but were kicked back.

Still almost twice bigger than Canada.

nobody cares coz everyone knew it was a bit of a shithole?

size matters

Nice one, saved
Basically Siberia is an unseparated colony

First of all nobody had any access to these lands. I mean who else could get there? The USA wasn't even created back then, brits were conquering America and India, China was a meme, we bought half of Manchuria in 1890's for a bribe to chinese officials. Sadly we lost it to japs 10 years later.

shithole fill of natural resources***

We are big boned

I am very impressed with russias size. The administrative challenges of governing such an area are immense. Even if done poorly, they havent lost land so thats a feat in and of itself

Because anglos are retarded and basically gave them the land.

я лoлкa я нeyчeлa pyccки нo я вce пaнимaю мoй дядя вce cкaкaзaл кaк бyдeт вce хapaшo кoгдa pyccкaя apмия (caвeцкий coюз ) ocвoбoдит нac oт фaшиcткoe -нaтo и пeдepacткиe клyб-ey .PУCCКИE MOЛЯ CПACETИ HAM OT ETO ГOBHO

Tвoй дядя yжe eб тeбя?

Кypицa - нe птицa, Бoлгapия - нe зaгpaницa! :DDD

This have made me laugh to loud at work now everyone starting at me what have you done

why not china?

China was very weak. Russia would have destroyed them easily.

Tehy had teir own problems with nomads

never mind me

tell me more

There is nothing else to tell. Territories to the north of China never interested them.
There are poor, inhospitable and cold.


