I'm getting really fucking tired of shit like this being pushed at what's good. Bob Boilen needs to be fired.
Shitty Tiny Desk and NPR concerts thread
I'm getting really fucking tired of shit like this being pushed at what's good. Bob Boilen needs to be fired.
Shitty Tiny Desk and NPR concerts thread
Other urls found in this thread:
You fucking retard newfag, you can't bump your own thread
Also, I don't see the problem. This is what i get for giving you any of my time
Oh thanks for letting me know what the rules are, faggotron
If you don't see the problem, you're part of it. This utterly shit-tier music is pushed on a million people literally every day by what should be one of the most respected names in broadcasting.
Bob Boilen is helping Millennials be literally one of the lamest generations when it comes to understanding what good music is.
hahaha how pathetic, you literally said nothing on what makes this shit. Stop blue balling me and get to the point
Just watch it, idiot. It's just another band of hipster fucks - topknots, suspenders, white sunglasses on head and all - doing nothing new or exciting, appealing to dry gimmicks and being touted as the new cool.
These pretentious fucks have 4 Grammys and got a $400,000 grant to continue writing boring rehashed bullshit
Okay now I'm mad. I thought these fuck were just flavors-of-the-month but holy shit is that terrible.
What do senpai
looks comfy
Naw man Tiny Desk is Bob Boilen's SJW fedora-tier wet dream. I used to actually write and complain to them about how shitty their feed was becoming, but now it's almost totally gone to shit. It's just a bunch of his teacher pet NPR interns screening emails anyway.
I honestly don't think there's a way to fix it without a huge cultural push to stop promoting feel-good bullshit music.
looks lame as balls
If you had even an ounce of musical understanding in your head you'd realize how stupid you sound right now
can this trend of making claims without elaborating afterwards stop?
Seriously, I'm all ears.
hahahahahaha seriously?
Let me know about musical understanding when you play music for a living.
was already listening to it, shits goat
It's objectively bad music
no thanks, I already analyze music critically as a living. I know what I'm talking about
yeah its clearly bad but i enjoy it
Eight Blackbird makes pretty good contemporary music and you're just mad you don't get it
or you're mad at their (admittedly awful) fashion sense. lmao @ being this image-obsessed
Naw dude, you don't.
If you think that any of the Tiny Desk concerts posted so far qualify as good music, you're part of the problem.
you can play music for a living and still not have a fucking clue
trans Matt Damon is pretty cute
> you don't get it
Nope. It's just pretentious nu orchestral music put together by a bunch of music school faggots.
Separating the artist's personality from their music is retard-tier
Shitty harmonies, boring instrumentals, boring lyrics
Tell me why it's good music then, you fucking idiot. It's on you, as the almighty critic, to explain why rehashed hipster bullshit is somehow pushing music forward.
>It's on you, as the almighty critic
you're the only one doing any critiquing here, so it's 100% on you
It's already been recognized by NPR and other professional institutions, even the grammy's. Why does some nobody shitposting on an anonymous message board know better to have his word taken without further elaboration?
>Separating the artist's personality from their music is retard-tier
if that's true, that means no one in their right mind should ever give your music a chance, with a personality like you've got
PS: the fact they went to music school means that their opinions on what is good music are far more relevant than yours
>the fact they went to music school means that their opinions on what is good music are far more relevant than yours
thank you for making this post and confirming that you haven't made it to high school yet
come down girls, no need to go uber retard
>the industry said it's good, must be good
>couldn't be because the industry has to sell you dipshits music hmmm
1. Weak instrumentals. Clearly not pushing any fucking boundaries or even expanding on something already done.
2. Weak lyrics. See above.
3. Weak style. Indicative of millennial hipster personalities.
If you disagree, you either don't even listen to music or you live in your own little Tiny Desk bubble.
Nigger I went to Berklee and you have no fucking idea what music school is like.
sounds like you've got it all figured out
>1. Weak instrumentals. Clearly not pushing any fucking boundaries or even expanding on something already done.
>2. Weak lyrics. See above.
>3. Weak style. Indicative of millennial hipster personalities.
okay, but where are the arguments based on actual music knowledge rather than just "lol this is bad guys"?
>Nigger I went to Berklee
I didn't know they had a middle school traject
Pandering to your audience is an inevitable result of a self-conscious, hyper-consumerist society. People who listen to NPR often think of themselves as quirky free spirits with a strong sense of morality, so NPR provides them with a product that helps them maintain this identity. In modern society, the media you consume is considered an extension of one's personal identity, and the media is only happy to contribute to this concept in order to have access to a loyal consumer base.
This is why so much of media is becoming aggressively progressive--media outlets are morphing to reflect their own audience in order to maintain revenue in an age of shrinking budgets, and this reflection is easier than ever thanks to instant audience interaction via the internet.
I'm pretty sure most people who listen to NPR consider themselves losers for listening to NPR
What, too modernist for you, you Nazi?
no sleep now.
>tiny desk concert
I do not fucking need to explain to you why the instrumentals, lyrics and style of all these bands is bad. It is plain to see. What you're saying to me right now is this:
>Naw man they're totally blowing my mind with their generic instrumentals that could have been around thirty years ago and were
>Naw man their lyrics are top-tier, nothing contrived or lazy about their rehashed topics
>Naw man their style is top-tier, totally blowing my mind with those outfits they saw people wearing in the latest Rolling Stone
Keep it up
Ooh yeah u got him! Tell him to go back to /r/music next
This is what proved to me NPR is just pandering now
Some do I'm sure, but NPR has spent the past decade transforming itself into the brand of choice for educated young professionals and millennials. There are virtually thousands of people who proudly carry their tote bags and chat around the water cooler about an interesting story they head on Morning Edition during their drive to work. I live in Washington, D.C., and NPR listeners are more or less inescapable.
Don't use the word modernist unless you know what it means
>What you're saying to me right now...
actually no, I didn't even listen to any of the things you linked. I'm just trying to make you understand that you have the argumentative faculties of a 9 year old.
>I didn't even listen to any of the things you linked
stopped there
Kek, giving retards a chance is commendable at least
see what I said about having the argumentative faculties of a 9 year old. though my niece is nine and she certainly is able to construct a better argument than you are.
>shows up in thread about certain thing
>doesn't even watch thing
>doesn't even comment on thing
>only wants to tell someone they're 9 years old
Got it. Glad you're enjoying yourself, bud.
The music is bad. That's what this thread is about. If you think it's good, go ahead and explain why. Maybe I was wrong assuming a board about music would have any actual understanding or appreciation of good music.
it's not that bad though
I believe if you want to convince people of something, such as your claim of "the music is bad" then you should present arguments supporting that claim. you haven't done anything so far other than spew insults about fashion and repeat variations on "IT'S BAD OK"
I'm always impressed that someone as old as Bob can continue exposing himself to new music. Gives me hope that I won't lose my adventurous spirit and become a guy who only listens to Jazz or something.
Also what do we think of Bob's 2015 AOTY list?
Is anyone actually going to comment on what OP posted?
Those "songs" were fucking terrible.
Embarrassing. He'll love virtually anything so long as there's a veneer of "off-beat and eccentric auteur"
Come on bro. She's just small. She's probably smarter than you.
pretty generic list. same thing as basically everyone else on Sup Forums
probably still better than what OP listens to though, I'm willing to bet
The music is bad because it's rehashed generic shit that was boring 30 years ago. It's music that 12-20 year olds write and think is groundbreaking but really, it's just derivative junk. I don't need to go into music theory to explain to you why their music is lazy, uninventive and derivative. If you can't see it yourself, you don't know enough about music to make this judgement. Their popularity comes from appealing to people that don't care about any of this, which was covered here I think I posted on r9k or something, this is strange
>it's bad cuz I say so
so you're not going to deviate from your usual pointless fallacies at all?
boring. go elsewhere with your shitty and unconstructive threads
I'm just fucking tickled that you idiots have not, in any way, shape or form, tried to explain to me why this music is actually worth anyone's time and why it is deserving of all the praise it garners from Bob Boilen and his butt buddies.
Explain to me why it isn't derivative.
Explain to me why their lyrics are groundbreaking.
Explain to me why I shouldn't write them off immediately just based on the way the dress.
Go ahead, friend. Explain to me why I'm wrong.
you sound mad
>coming to Sup Forums for actual answers and well evidenced opinions
The the door is that-a-way, buck-o.
your lack of arguments to support your claims is already a good sign that you may be talking out of your ass. it's up to you to defend your opinion.
also, if you're writing people off based on the way they dress, then I guess art just isn't your thing. try being a receptionist, if you're able to operate a computer, that is.
lel bro go succadicc reddit bro
I really hate the music modern Greeks make
It's all shit
grimes who? bjork who?
:^) Thanks guise.
I'm not going to type you an essay on why this shit is derivative and uninspired. If you can't see it for yourself in the first place, you're part of the problem. If you want to keep splitting hairs and ignoring the definitions of words, that's your retarded move to make.
Sure would be great if at least one of you faggots would try to explain to me why this bad music isn't actually bad.
I might even say
>your lack of arguments to support your claims is already a good sign that you may be talking out of your ass
>whether you're a girl, a boy or another
>you're a player, a lover or a hater
Holy shit kill me
listen broski, you take that back right now or you'll see what'll happen
If you want to start a shitstorm, go on about how this watered-down white fnk band is culturally appropriating black music -- and white-washing the fuck out of it! Holy shit, that some watered-down tuneage.
hey, if you don't even like npr why do you care what's no it? its obviously not for you just listen to something else
>if u don't like conservative talk radio, y dont u just not listen to it wuts ur problem dude
Uh maybe because just ignoring it creates even more stupid people??
so its stupid because you don't agree with it? do you base all of your opinions entirely upon what media you consume?
I unironically like this song.
This is Juno soundtrack-tier music right here
I accidentally opened this in two tabs like 1 second apart, and i'm currently seeing God
This isn't a politics board, but
>thinking conservative talk radio isn't objectively stupid
>thinking uppity, ignorant, bigoted talk radio isn't objectively stupid
>73 posts
>14 posters
>one of which is me
pls stop spamming dude
Let's talk about your favorite Tiny Desk performances, Sup Forums.
Girlpool and T-Pain were pretty great, IMO.
That girl with the funky hair put more time into the hair than the music itself
PS: Music schools are awful, if you went to one yourself you'd see how wrong you are.
honestly this ain't that bad
holy shit this is the absolute worst as of yet
actual talent coming through
Oh christ. Fuck Chris Thile and his newgrass machine gun bullshit. Everyone that likes him and his buddies thinks good bluegrass = 64th notes
Nigger, I have been listening and playing bluegrass for nearly a decade, and you are obviously just being contrarian. Chris Thile is obviously talented, and while sometimes a he plays a bit too much, that doesn't detract from that these renditions are good. Michael Daves is a motherfucker, and they both have good voices and do these songs justice.
Stay jealous, fagtron.
Just listen to that Beneath the willow rendition, any bluegrass fan is gonna admit that it's good.
I'm not jealous and I'm not that mad. Michael Daves clearly can play the shit out of some bluegrass. And so can Chris Thile, but he "plays a bit too much" more often than sometimes. The concept of space is completely lost on him. He only holds back when he absolutely has to, otherwise he's the Steve Vai of mandolin. His popularity comes from wowing the current generation of 15-30 year olds that have never actually listened to bluegrass and think he's bringing something new to the table.
Yes, I agree with you for the most part, but I only posted this concert because it was an Tiny Desk one that was actually good compared to all the other ones posted in the thread, as the poster requested.
That being said, the record he did with Michael Daves is the only stuff I actually like on a musical level by Chris, that and the Bach stuff.
Also Nickel Creek undoubtedly has many good songs, though they get a bit sappy at times, and I saw Punch Brothers live once, and they put on a fuckin great show. I think you're being too harsh on the guy.
in all honesty senpai that wasn't so bad desu
I'm not even mad that somebody here hates Chris Thile. I'm just glad to see him discussed on Sup Forums.
Love Chris. Love most of his stuff. The Michael Daves stuff was only so-so. Probably the weakest album he's put out in a long, long time.
I think the mistake is trying to associate Thile too much with bluegrass. Sure, he has strong bluegrass roots, but he hasn't really been a bluegrass musician in quite some time.
Sure, he plays fast as fuck sometimes, but if you watch him with Punch Brothers now, his mandolin playing is almost an afterthought. He doesn't solo any more than the rest of the band, and even then they don't really solo that much. It's much more song-driven than anything he ever did.
>I'm not even mad that somebody here hates Chris Thile. I'm just glad to see him discussed on Sup Forums.
This desu.
And I'm pretty sure Chris is aware of his habit of overplaying:
Here's some good shit:
>tfw my first serious girlfriend's last name was Jarosz
>tfw she sort of looked like Sarah Jarosz
wasn't expecting these feels today
If you won't even give reasons why you think the band is bad then why the fuck would you expect anyone else. You are just being a dumbass. I mean I agree with you that this band is pretty boring, but you are telling people to explain their opinions and saying at the same time you can't be bothered to explain your own. Come on man don't be such a fuck.
Also this classic
Almost tim minchin-esque, but actually good.
You're fucking retarded, just stop this thread
I don't even give a shit about this arist, it's just your criticism is stupid, and your making a deal about nothing.
>1. Weak instrumentals. Clearly not pushing any fucking boundaries or even expanding on something already done.
We're talking about Monika here? She's not attempting to push boundaries. Why does she have to? Because it's npr?
>2. Weak lyrics
Music bruv.
>3. Weak style. Indicative of millennial hipster personalities.
As in their clothes? Because she's wearing suspenders? Ye how dare she wear the latest fashion.
You want them to be unique, fine. Butt you base your entire criticism on their lack of uniqueness. Like go home lmao. Npr has been posting unoriginal artists for years.
I hadn't heard this before, this is pretty awesome
It's just bad, overly-theatrical kitschy music that lacks any sort of authenticity or earnestness. I honestly couldn't make it through OP's video
I gave more than enough reasons. Read the thread.