>amazing use of flow and creative rhyme scheme paired with use of sound devices such as using the same vowels in connecting words between rhymed ones
>madlib is my favourite hip hop producer probably because of creative sampling and old school beats
>short tracks with no chorus and 1-2 verses play to my probable ADHD
>to me it's a balance between """conscious""" rap and trappish/gangster rap
Post your personal 10/10 with reasoning behind the rating
Other urls found in this thread:
>Amazing use of drum sample rearranging and absolutely stellar bass.
>Not a single bad track until the end, with many of them overflowing with good musical ideas.
It's not necessarily the best collection of tracks, or a collection of tracks of which a few are outstanding. It's just that it works incredibly well as an album. It's extremely cohesive. Everything works together - you barely even notice there are individual songs.
Also, it saved me from my terrible metal kid phase.
>Almost, if not every sound on this album, is sampled
>Very wide range of samples
>Pioneered the genre
>Songs manage to convey a lot of emotion
listening to this makes me feel like i could conquer the world. it saved me from killing myself
>Band was actually badass enough to release it
>Over 900 individual samples used, each retaining their original characteristics
>One song bleeds perfectly into the next
>One of the keystone plunderphonics works
>Every sample used has a unique purpose from one song to the next
Should've gone through with it anyway desu
That's really what's important to me when it comes to 10/10 albums. Also why I tend to enjoy concept albums more than non-concept albums.
why? because he used his own taste instead of just one of the safe universally acknowledged 10/10's like you would probably post?
>That's really what's important to me when it comes to 10/10 albums
Saving people from their terrible metalhead phases?
I agree man. I almost got a fucking tattoo.
>melodic pop/indie rock with electronic in between
>slow dreamy vocals
>creative instrumentation
>songs are creative
>they don't go in the same direction for 10 minutes, they always change pace and variety
I just feel like it has everything and it does it all well. The production just feels perfect to me.
This album has popped up on Sup Forums a lot recently I wish I could listen to it again for the first time
>trappish/gangster rap
are you ok because you sound fucking retarded
It just resonates with me perfectly, I really wasn't even into Radiohead before I listened to this. It came at an emotional time in my life and Thom really does use his voice in such an endearing way, I can't help but love this everytime.
"nigger rap"
"trap rap"
"gangster rap"
You know what I mean fuck head just unintelligent high hat flooded nigger rap
I suspected you haven't listened to any rap but now I'm positive
of course he hasn't, just listen to his internet-racist edginess
>implying posting anything Kanye isn't a "safe 10/10"
pic related mine. kill yourself user
I wholeheartedly respect your opinion, but you must be a pain to hold a conversation with.
Okay how about its a balance between pretentious Overly snobby rappers such as Milo, Open Mike, Kendrick on TPAB and other rappers like waka flocka, asap mob, etc. It's pretty clear what I'm trying to say dude it's just like a decent middle ground for all of rap lyrics
>Overly snobby rappers such as Milo, Open Mike
do you even know what a snob is?
I never fail to feel something.
I also liken it to stages of life or the Bible, though I'm not religious.
Storm is Creation, then the Garden of Eden before the tense section comes and drives us to the mundane and distrust.
Static is wars and conflicting ideologies, I usually imagine dark fog rolling over cities when this comes on. The guitars sound like screams.
Sleep is death. Murray Ostril recounts with nostalgia things that will never happen again. The initial part of Monheim feels like holding back tears before the guitars start wailing. Eventually, peace comes, and the final part of Broken Windows is death.
I haven't worked out what Antennas to Heaven would be, whether it's afterlife or rebirth, but it has various random movements before it goes out with a whimper.
Anyway, that's why it's my favorite album.
>it's just like a decent middle ground for all of rap lyrics
so is a shitload of stuff, which is why it becomes obvious that you hardly know any rap when you say these things
Here's my interpretation
right? i randomly decided to listen to it one day after seeing it posted a fair amount of times and it blew me away. on a rainbow-art note the same thing happened to me with the unicorns' album
Guys I'm just saying I like Madvillainy why does everyone gotta pick apart my reasons, and I know lots of things are a good middle ground, what I meant is like it has a good balance in the album of funny childish lines and lines about girls etc. I guess I was Overly specific but I know lots of rap is a good middle ground you don't have to be a dick bruvuh
That's a pretty cool way to think of it, user.
I think the record is too spiritual for me to imagine sciency shit going on, but the scale of what you imagine certainly fits my interpretation.
>you don't have to be a dick bruvuh
neither do you, just like what you like without edgy racism or shitting on other rappers for no reason. nobody is challenging the fact that you like madvillainy, it's everything else you say that's objectionable
>beats are god tier
>cool imagery/feel
>ridiculously creative
>lyrics on par
>great features
Okay true I'm just generalizing rap lyrics to try and justify why I like the album when really I could say that about a lot of albums
I took too much Biology and not enough English in school to think of it that way. Our interpretations are kind of similar though.
It's cool to get a new perspective on something.
I agree, this album is GOAT hip hop.
I agree, it was cool talking to you my friendarino.
forgot pic
>Some of the greatest melodies I've ever heard
>I love the dense and lush recording of the album, it's cool to focus on every instrument individually
>Vocal harmonies are baller af
>chord structures are incredible
>Just makes me feel comfortable and calm. It evokes a shit ton of feelings too. "I Just Wasn't Made For These Times" is one of the saddest songs Ive ever heard, especially looking at Brian's life now
>unique as all hell
>clever rhymes and countless double entendres
>beats are uniquely amazing
>aesthetic cover art
>funny at times
>amazing all the way through
>Complex, almost orchestral, composition
>Played on one guitar with one man
>Tracks go for up to 22 minutes
>Incorporation, reincorporation and evolution of motifs create the sense of story and characters
>Beautiful melodies and such a rich complex sound from only one instrument.
>How mute people would tell stories.
Ready to hit the studio and shit all on ya mixtape
>completely inaccessible at surface level
>after repeated listens, you start to pick up on patterns and melodies buried under the shattered and glitchy drum samples
>idk I just think it really brings together beautiful and brutal perfectly
I recognize a lot of flaws in this album but I hold this one closer to my heart than any other album
I think it captures the sound and emotions of being a male millennial more than any other album ever
the next tupac obviously
I dismissed this album after one track.
I think I might give it another shot, user.
>The Archandroid
>nice variety of genres. It seems this album just goes everywhere.
>keeps a nice consistent quality despite being fairly long for a pop album. There's proficiency to this album and it shows
>Actually a cohesive and engaging concept album heavily inspired by a good film, Metropolis
>Eclectic and detailed songwriting makes this album rewarding among repeated listens.
>Maximalist, yet carefully composed production make every element stand out
>Only flaw is Of Montreal. But even that song is better than their usual songs and works through the context of the album
>Choirs of the Eye
>Simply the best pacing of any metal or prog album I've heard
>Replay value is awesome.
>Nice assortment of instruments without being too overblown and claustrophobic like Mr. Bungle or Unexpect
>Great balance of dissonance and more traditional songwriting that they never fully achieved again (hopeful for new album though)
>Decent lyrics
>Only flaw is that it doesn't sound as good if your audio equipment isn't necessarily the best. You miss a lot of details unless you're squinting
>The United States of America
>Without a doubt the best and most creative of all the 60s psychedelia records. Everything I wanted the Beatles to be and more
>Everything just sounds awesome. Every part of the songs are crystal clear and nothing is buried. The songs are timeless despite being a genre that is very much of its time
>Good lyrical satire
>Well-placed genre experiments
>Only flaw is that although I Won't Leave Your Wooden Wife is a great song, it's noticeably worse than the rest of the album and kind of a anti-climatic end to side A
>Blueberry Boat
>Probably the funnest album I've ever come across. Combines The Residents experimental pop, prog sensibilites, Belle and Sebastian's songwriting prowess, and a touch of The White Stripes wonderfully.
>Lyrics are fun and clever. No amount of "lol so quirky" reductiveness will ever change my mind
>Only flaw is that it's a little too long.
Its an incredible collection of songs, with some sounding nothing like each other. A compilation of genres of some sort, Ive tried for years to find an album in a similar style that could top it and have yet to do so. Furthermore, It's the album that introduced me to MPB, Bossa nova, tango, and the one that made me appreciate a whole continent's music more than I had before. Not every song is perfection, but together they somehow work as a whole.
>great from start to finish
>no weak songs
>every song is memorable
Yeah honestly I don't blame you, it's really fucking harsh but it's rewarding as all hell, at least to me. It's worth a shot, trust me
If the tracklist was
>Good Ass Intro
>Pusha Man
>Cocoa Butter Kisses
>Interlude (That's Love)
>Favorite Song
>Acid Rain
>Chain Smoker
>Everything's Good
it would be a 9/10
>Posts Nickelback after telling a Kanye fan to kill themself.
Come on, user, even normies know they're shit.
>Only flaw is that the pacing near the end could be better (Picture how awesome it would be to have Midnight in a Perfect World closing the album)
>Pink Moon
>Like The United States of America, it just sounds absolutely awesome. No major genre experiments, no sprawling songs, no clutter. Just Nick Drake's great guitar work and breathy vocals, achieving dream pop's goals before it was ever concieved.
>Good cryptic lyrics. Genuinely interested to hear analysis and interpretations outside of mine's
>Only flaw is that it's a bit samey, so general mood is important when listening to this album
>Karuki Zamen Kuri No Hana
>Similar to Archandroid in that it keeps a nice variety of genres while still being heavily consistent all the way through (It's a little more concise though, so bonus)
>Fixed compression issues that plagued last album
>Yeah, pretty much see all my bullet points for ArchAndroid. They're heavily different albums musically but they're good largely for the same reasons
>Only flaw is that it's overly noisy at parts. Plus Yattsuke Shigoto goes on for a little too long
>Great proficiency in rapping. Nas simply sound great even if all he's really doing is boasting
>Very concise (a rarity in hip-hop)
>Excellent beats. Punchy, yet detailed and eclectic, avoiding the bland minimalism Mobb Deep and Wu-Tang Clan would suffer from
>Only flaw is a few lines are fairly questionable and the closer is anti-climatic, as great as it is
I have more but I'm tired desu.
What Does Your Soul Look Like Part 1 is a GOAT closer though...I actually prefer it to Midnight in a Perfect World
nigga this albums is about to become Sup Forumscore. I see it AT LEAST twice a day.
Seems to be a slow thread so I'll post my other 10/10.
Prerequisite is to be a sad fuck, of course, so let's just check that off the list.
A Haunting Presence builds into tortured screams cascading on each other. It may seem like a mess at first, but there is a groove to it. Certainly does a good job of shattering expectations of this being a folk album for first-time listeners. I sometimes have to skip it because it's so intense.
Blackest Bile opens with humming that seems slightly insane after the first track, but the ethereal vocals and lyrics about depression hit hard to me. The last, strained "ghost" almost hurts me.
Grave Filled With Books continues with the ethereal vocals and depressive atmosphere.
Empty Churches has more of dat opressive atmosphere.
I'm Going to do it is less emotional in that it's bleak and depressing, but not sad, if you get what I'm saying. The resentment in his voice as he says "you're everyone you hate" is the only emotion and I can really feel it.
Spectral Bride is the best song on the album. The first part is great, but what puts it into GOAT territory is when the piano comes in. I legitimately can't breathe for a few seconds when that happens. The second half to that song has to be the only happy moment on the album, and it is beautiful.
No One is Ever Going to Want Me is a great, swirling vortex of suicide, the vocals saying "step one, step two, step three, step four we fall through the floor" greatly affect me. My only complaint is that "I WANNA FEEL I WANNA FEEL I WANNA FEEL" is too short.
A Sleeping Heart is even more sadness and would've make a good closer.
Buried Above Ground seems unnecessary, but not bad by any means. It fells sort of like the album riding into the sunset.
I like it more than Deathconsciousness, which just doesn't cross the threshold of being a 10 for me.
Suf really transformed himself with this. Before this album I had only been listening to twee folk and dadrock. The bubbling melodies, schizophrenic beats, cold orchestration were all things I had never heard in a mixture of listenable music. To me it was like an alien had accidentally left behind a demo tape and Suf just sang over it. Also it was my breakup album lel
>I think it captures the sound and emotions of being a male millennial more than any other album ever
Nah m8
Great message, great flow, unique spud, good production, discover something new everytime I listen to it.
>Sending those signals
>Sending those signals
>Sending those signals
>Those digital signals
The fact that so many books still name the Beatles "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success: the Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worth of being saved.
Honestly I'm glad we all managed to restrain ourselves from posting memes until reply 57. Good job, everyone.
>such as using the same vowels in connecting words between rhymed ones
This is called assonance you illiterate boob
It's actually pretty sad that this thread was allowed to go on as long as it did. Posting Sup Forumscore and calling it your personal 10/10 is fucking pathetic desu.
Sorry, man, someone already beat you to first meme of the thread.
Wrong again, friend.
Besides, what the fuck do you call this
Very respectable opinion OP, I agree with it.
Dreary, luminating with creative and uncoventional ways of what is usually already defined for guitar rhythm. Both emotionally tense and extremely stately crafted, listening to this record is more than just an artistic experiment. It questions the very condensed sound we're all use to and smudges it behind fuzz, distortion, etc. to pull out a very sonicly speaking record. Beautifully penned as well, quite the exhausting sounding vocals, too. Truly a title to live up to, tracks like Sometimes are what make me want to keep listening to music and discover so much because of its quintessential and unmatched beauty. This album has kept me alive and I will stand by it as my all time favorite.
>display of genius instrumental songwriting ability
>fairly complex and unsual melodies and rhythms, but not overly so
>got me into math rock
>genre pioneer
On my list for albums I wish I could unhear and experience new again
You people are fucking delusional. How the fuck are these your "personal" 10/10s. These albums and artists are spammed on this site 24/7. Obviously a shitload of people hold these albums in high regard. There's nothing personal about them. You didn't discover these artists and you're not special for liking them.
I don't have to explain shit
>You didn't discover these artists and you're not special for liking them.
Because that was the point of the thread, right, fuckboy? Go be insecure somewhere else.
fuck off
>introduced me to [...] tango
It's one of his most accessible albums, though
>Pioneered the genre
Yes I'm an arsehole, yes no one likes me, yes I'm pathetic. Wanna fight about it?
There's this song on the album called Goodbye
It changed my fucking life forever
fuck NaNa in particularly
what a faggot, implying unless you discovered an artist you have no personal tie to the music? hipster faggot alert
>hilarious social commentary
>amazing musicality
>perfectly unique
>never feels boring
Not to mention no one can really discover a band because the band members have already discovered their music beforehand.
>no weak songs
>smoke again
that synths seem like they come from an old casio piano
Gas - Pop.
Such a perfect blend of blissful ambience and drones, then the songs with the drum kit just make it an incredible minimal techno.
Totally agree, it's hard to explain why I love this album so much though. I just get completely lost in the atmosphere. It's droning like you said but it also feels like it's constantly morphing and evolving.
I've only listened to his debut EP and self titled. I loved them but since they're so similar to one another I kind of assumed the rest was true for their following albums. Is there any noticeable progression or is that pretty much their *sound*, maybe aided by better production?
Gonna listen to all of them anyway, I just want a headsup
Every song on this album is amazing. The sounds are so dynamic, Avey is somehow able to make these songs so lyrically-dense yet always know the right time to pull you in with a repetitve hook for a while. He allows his vocals to take a backseat at just the right moment, and can plunge them to the front of the mix in an instant, it will always feels natural. Panda Bear's drumming is some of the finest I've heard. It compliments the instrumental so much and perhaps the album wouldn't be so cohesive without him.
The album cover also perfectly gives you a visual of not only what the music sounds like, but where the music takes you.
Perfect marriage between ambient and industrial. It's raw, crude and ridiculously lo-fi but has deep feelings hidden inside. It's the soothing, melodic expression of human sorrow, nostalgia and hope.
A hidden relic buried in the isolated tundras of the past, filled with ambiguities as our own future.
Gas is one of his many projects. He's made a lot of different electronic music, mostly techno under other names. All of the gas albums definitely have a similar sound but you can hear a distinct progression listening through the discography chronologically. Pop is my favorite but all of them are great.
Idk how to describe the progression, aside from denser layering and more lush production in the later albums. Pop feels more constrained, and less meandering to me than the earlier Gas releases. Not in a bad way though; it feels like a solid conclusion of the ideas he started with the EP and self-titled.
So they kind of went from elegantly minimal to subtly maximalist? That sound good.
MF/madvillain is an amazing rapper, I'd probably give that album a 8-9/10 though.
Exactly, that's a great way to word it.
This. I'm surprised this isn't force meme'd more because it's one of the best albums ever. It's a refreshing example of pure virtuosity that isn't found very often in music.
It literally made me pick up guitar even after not having thought of playing an instrument before.
>Virtuoso vocal performance
>Runs the full gamut of emotions
>Really, really earns its high points. Great as a whole album
>Pleasantly overwhelming wall-of-sound production that overcomes its sometimes cheesy textures
>Highly relatable lyrics for a young man struggling to find direction in life
De Stijl will always be a 10/10 for me. Heard it in an older friend's car on the way home from high school and had to listen to it in its entirety when i got home. I think it perfectly encapsulates the White Stripes' sound. At times its funny, heavy, heartfelt, and sentimental. Its a real simple album, as at the time Jack still ran an upholstery shop in Detroit.
More like
>>overwhelming wall-of-sound production that can't even help dissimulate its cheesy textures making the whole album SAAAAMEY
Just ignore the >furry aspect of it, this is imo a really solid album. The songs sampled from are diverse and are blended in a really unique and memorable way that sounds almost natural. Plus it's fun with good pacing.
All of Gas is pretty minimal though. Each song has a theme with many layers that are looped, with slight changes, additions, and build ups throughout.
>the guitar tone is perfect
>the overall dark setting
>despair never sounded so good
also Polvo's Today's Active Lifestyles
I just find the dissonance very organized and unrivaled, the little details like My kimono and the dying keyboard on Time isn't on my side account for a very down to earth, yet dedicated guitar album.
Wagner Tiso, Robertinho Silva, Nelson Angelo you fag
This my man. Panda Bear's drumming is so on point. Also every song has at least one 'moment' that gets me, even the songs that I like less overall.