They're remaking The Rocky Horror Picture Show

>they're remaking The Rocky Horror Picture Show
>with a fucking woman as Frank N' Furter

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laverne cox is trans so it kind of makes sense


>so it kind of makes sense

No it doesn't. The point is having a tall, masculine, obviously a handsome British man with a deep voice play a womanly drag queen is the JUXTAPOSITION. It's silly. A literal transgender "woman" will kill the joke.




i said "kind of"
yeah i guess idk im dumb

I just realised that tim curry would have to play doctor scott if they remade it

Why does Rocky Horror seem less faggy than most actual musicals, despite the faggy imagery?

I wish they'd stop with this trend of remakes and reworks and just make something original.

found a trailer

did Richard spend all of his dosh on boipucci and needs the cash or something

drag and being a tranny are two hugely different things
why is the 21st century forcing this shit when it'll always be awful
let's just remake lawrence of arabia with a black woman, xd umad republicans?

holy fucking shit dude you just made my fucking day thanks

Rocky Horror has a pretty cringe fanbase

Never going to happen. Making something original is too risky. It's better to just remake the same shit everyone already likes, maybe with a gimmick like this. Or to adapt something that already exists and is popular. Video games also suffer from this. Thankfully this kind of thing doesn't really work with music as much.

i dont think its really supposed to be a serious remake like its just supposed to be fun and then you forget about it

jesus fucking christ that's an abomination

I'd listen to Dark Side Of The Moon by One Direction.

Because at the end of the day, it isn't gay. It's camp. Everything gay in it, is intentional, for humor. All other musicals are gay as shit because they're fucking musicals.

Rocky Horror is tongue in cheek, other musicals are dick in mouth.

Or make good remakes of bad stuff instead of bad remakes of good stuff.

yeah why dont they do that more

the fly is great

there is literally a dick in mouth in it tho

Just think, dude.

Some day they'll remake Pink Flamingos, with an actually tranny, instead of a gay drag queen who was still firmly a man in his mind.

Huxley was right...

It's not gay if you suck dick ironically

"dude it's just a joke"


>not cruising gay bars with the squad and sucking cock for laffs

this makes me sad

Reminder: The original Rocky Horror Picture Show is shit

It's also not gay if you don't cum

trust me

>le epic contrarian poster

No even the audiences are getting tired of this shit.

Look at Ghostbusters and Fantastic 4. We're at the dawn of a film renaissance.

It may not seem apparent now, but the next generation of designers and thinkers are going to be brilliant. They have the ability to draw inspiration from whenever where ever they want meaning that art is about to get really interesting. Before hand you were just limited to what you were given more or less, now it's whatever you are drawn to.

Think about it we're the first generation to truly be able to every, film, song, book, tv show and designer available at our finger tips. Before we were only limited to what was local but with a touch of a button we can have it all. Think about how much that really is. Think how large and how varied the influences are becoming now. We're also in an after of recycling right now and people are starting to become bored of it.

Before every renaissance there's a stagnation

What if the cumming is ironic along with the overall having gay sex?

i like it but i also respect your opinion

Listen, I know you think it's good, but it's not, and you're wrong to like it

also i dont really care and im just deciding to be devils advocate for some reason


what if you get bukkaked by like 6 dudes with big dicks but you don't cum?

asking for a friend btw

I agree, it's just a queer cult film. I went to a live screening that was an experience. Other than that it's okay but over hyped.

Pink Flamingos is better

it would probably be literally impossible to do Rocky Horror now with a manly drag queen transvestite. you'd get burned at the stake for it.

On the other hand, Laverne Cox I can actually see doing this okay. Depends on how it's done. If she can pull off the double crosstranny it could be good.

RH is stockholm homo, it has the talent and charm to give you the homo succ

>Pink Flamingos is better
Rocky Horror is like Transformers 4 compared to Pink Flamingos

well honestly I'd have to say that's actually gay but it's just my opinion that no one can cum ironically.

Transformers 4 is a post-modern masterpiece

How long till Tumblr calls it transphobic?

not a lot of movies have the courage to stop the story dead in its tracks to explain when and how it's okay to fuck underage girls

literally not gay

>comparing Pink Flamingos and RHPS because they both have drag queens

the apt comparison would be Hairspray but Shock Treatment is better than both

Deep Throat is superior.


interesting I'll have to check out this transformers 4

i cant wait to see someone say that not realizing Laverne is trans

>in-depth scene on the legality of underage sex
>Brony reference
>Mark "Vietnam Fucking Shits" Wahlberg
>robot dinosaurs
Literally the peak of cinema

Deep Throat is a porno tho

yeah I'm not even joking either

wat, the point is they're two different genres and you have a John Waters movie that would fit the comparison way better

Shock Treatment still shits on all of 'em

we get it, you're here and queer and we should get used to it

LOL If we're talking erotic cinema in general?

Emmanuelle, no contest.

Deep Throat is childish shit

>i'm a pleb so i'll just call you a fag


that's exactly what a fag would say

>actually liking this faux-transgressive spork shit


I hate Rocky Horror but this meme needs to die

>faux-transgressive spork shit

eventually every sentence we write will be completely meaningless vapor.

Not even a huge fan of the movie but some things should just don't need to be revisited. I don't think anyone asked for a remake of Rocky Horror Picture Show, you can still show the original in theaters and make a profit. This just seems really, really unnecessary to me.

That's how language evolves