Why do americans wear shoes indoors?

Why do americans wear shoes indoors?

Idk why not

They are too fat and cannot reach for their shoe laces to take em off

fucking barbarians.
Take off your shoes when you enter please or crawl on your fucking knees.

IDK. It's not like they'll be running anywhere soon.

so when I take them off I'm in my room where I get dressed.

This, can confirm. Eventually the leather and canvas meld into our flesh, providing constant footwear.

Because the fucking Danes filled our houses with Legos.

The only time I wear shoes inside my house is if I forget because burger brain syndrome.

If it is at anothers house I feel like it's rude to take your shoes off unless they say you can.
That's probably just autism though.


Only in television and movies

Because it's a fucking act

We don't!

i wear my shoes inside

We do?

I wear sandels. Now guest may. But in a lot of houses, people take off their shoes off
tennessee AYYYYYYY


East side here, you?


Middle. you get the cool mountain culture, i get moms driving porsches like crazed witches down yonder and gangbangers from memphis.

I don't get it. Shoes inside my house?

I can't speak for Americans, but I keep mine on because the ground in my country isn't made out of shit.

wearing shoes indoors is the biggest meme on the planet. Nobody actually does it

What happened to your pants?

haha i would smell her feet but just as a joke haha I wouldn't like it or anything haha

They are my junk pants, I wear them around the house and on the farm. I ripped the knee out over time from all sorts of shit from barbed wire to falling down mountains and it tore gradually a bit more each day.

Why do americans wear shoes INSIDE THE POOL?

Do you like tracking mud all over the place? Do you live in fuckin' India where the floor is dirt.

you can clean maybe?

Make mess and clean it up, or just not make mess.


What's wrong with this