Death Grips - "We're feminist, we support homosexuality"

Death Grips - "We're feminist, we support homosexuality"

No fucking shit they support doing whatever the fuck you want to do and literally fuck who's watching.

when did they say they are feminist

so it's totally cool if i fuck this baby right?


Are you Ian Watkins?

google it

They should read I want it i need it lyrics

this straw man

As a Traditionalist who believes we should protect normal healthy families I'm very disappointed. Kids today don't actually think they just absorb whatever their Marxist professors tell them and get 'triggered' by any disagreement

Is cis white straight male the equivalent of blacks calling educated blacks "uncle toms"

Girls can’t into Death Grips. For the most part they listen to them because it’s a fashion statement. They think “lol so weird”. Women need constant validation from others so they
seek out sub-cultures to be apart of.

What they don’t realize is that Death Grips is about masculinity and male dominance. Women are too fucking stupid to even pay attention to lyrics.

“death fuck lets fuck, just don't touch me just fuck fuck me” Women are nothing but a sack of flesh with pleasure holes for the sole purpose of pleasuring Ride.

“Soon all that's left of you Is your most primal desires” Primal desires meaning the true libertine lusts that reside in the male. A good majority of the song talks about fucking drugged out, unaware sluts and whores.

That’s only a few examples of their lyrics that show a common theme of male superiority. And for Christ sake all of the members of Death Grips are males, just imagine being around all that testosterone. Then there’s that video of Ride pushing that dancing whore off the stage. Sure he probably pushes anybody off stage, but most frontmen wouldn’t push a female.


>Girls can’t into Death Grips. For the most part they listen to them because it’s a fashion statement. They think “lol so weird”. Women need constant validation from others so they seek out sub-cultures to be apart of.

virgins actually think this way

>implying it isn't true

hello fellow gril XD

that's how I always saw it too. I always saw death grips as a character though, just insane masculine energy mixture of punk and hip hop

This is either solid bait or someone who thinks all women are snapshots of tumblr posts


God damn it why does DG's fanbase have to be infested with reddit SJW trash

I love DG's music but this is embarassing.

im a dude with a girlfriend. know why i have a girlfriend? because i don't think this way. your problems are your own fault, stop putting them on other people because your pathetic ass is too lazy to fix them.

girls are memes and you should be embarrassed, you numale cuckboy


I'm black, and yes

I imagine all the redditors in that pic wear glasses and flannel shirts and have shitty beards.

>"white, adolescent, cisgender males"

jesus christ

It's a shame, they've ruined flannel and beards for the forseeable future.

"he said, as wiped the tears from his eyes, collecting the moisture to use as lubrication for his 4th jerk of the day"

No you're not and I doubt you've ever heard the phrase Uncle Tom spoken in conversation

So they're Aleister Crowley ? I'm pretty sure SW's would have a big problem with that due to things like . It takes a real madman to support total chaos in a manner similar to Thelemites.

What's wrong with flannel?

Nothing its just been associated with hipsters

>We're feminist
you can be this without being an annoying SJW faggot
>we support homosexuality
is this even controversial?

My grandmother wears flannel shirts and I don't think she even knows what hipsters are.

It's been ruined by numale cucks who think being a "white, adolescent, cisgender male" is something to be ashamed of.

yes because in this day and age if you are a homesexual in the united states of america you will be lynched on sight

>who think being a "white, adolescent, cisgender male" is something to be ashamed of.

nobody thinks this way

Well duh they are if youre anti either of those youll be fucking crucified on social media.

But who doesn't like flannel shirts ? They're cheap, they're all over the place, they're warm but not exclusive to winter weather, they're durable, and they have pockets. What shirts do "cool" people wear, then ?

cargo shorts and collared t-shirts with flames on them from jc penny

this tbqhwyfamily

full gothninja or nothing

>not wearing what you want because people you don't like wear it
literally middle-school shit

Military surplus stuff, old shit from thrift shops

I've never seen those shirts at jc penny though. Where can I find one

uh, i am, and I've actually been called an Uncle Tom many times myself

let me just lie about my ethnicity pointlessly you guys

this shit str7 :fire: pham


do you actually not get the absolutely as-surface-level-as-possible commentary on that track??


>implying masturbation isn't infinitely better than sex


what about fingerless gloves

it's cool with me


>old shit from thrift shops
I do, too, but all the old shirts I ever see in thrift shops are either flannel shirts or really ugly graphic t-shirts that literally nobody in their right mind would wear.

Are there people out there who think this sincerely?

>hahaha this guy's a beta male
>and this is supposed to be a nullification of his argument

Welcome to Exhibit A of why you don't argue with women. Everyone stop to take notes.

Women don't operate on logic, they operate on instinct. In this case, their instinct is "I like big muscular masculine men and I don't like weak well mannered beta men that discuss music on imageboards" and they either believe that this is a rebuttal or that being the latter means you just don't deserve one. The answer is that it makes no sense and there is no tangible train of thought here because they don't think logically about what they're saying.

If you want to get a women to support immigration of Muslim refugees then you show her a picture of a cute little Iraqi girl, if you want to get a woman to oppose the immigration of Muslim refugees then you show her a picture of a greasy 50 year old man raping a white girl. If you want a man to develop his own opinion about the immigration of Muslim refugees then you give him tangible data and logic to infer from and put into context.

Arguing with a woman is the equivalent of playing chess with a pigeon. No amount of skill at playing chess is going to make it concede defeat, it'll just poke the pieces with its beak and shit all over the board.
If you want to appease it then pat it on the head and feed it seed before going back to doing whatever you were doing before with a human being capable of logical thinking.

Hopefully they alienate this demographic and then the entire Death Grips fanbase will leave them.

Not that guy, but I honestly do. I don't really get much sensation from sex. Idk what's wrong with me.

I already heard some gay saying that good marsturbatin is better than average sex
but not all sex

>some gay
frotting is pretty rad

That's a nice suit Penn has on.

Are you doing it with or without condoms?


zach here

thanks cis white male

>LOL look at this virgin who doesn't understand women, better berate him on a Chinese finger puppet site so all these internet strangers will know that I'M not an autist

please stop

cut fags btfo
bet u wish u had my foreskin

I always thought that Death Grips was a warning against degeneracy, yeah it's about masculinity but not in a good way.

>I don't know what a straw man is

oh you

It's not you inbred fuckface

Yes, that falls under the umbrella of "pansexuality"


Totally wrong


age isn't a gender retard

Did you have a stroke?

see, THIS is how you properly use pasta

i already told you im a dude, dipshit. im just not a friendless virgin with an unfulfilled emotional and sexual needs who takes their frustration out on the opposite sex.

i do

there are 3.5 billion women out there. if you're a virgin, it's your own fault. do some pushups.

>Did you have a stroke?
>He doesn't know what noise a car suddenly stopping makes
Did you?

Dead meme
It wasn't even good to begin with either

I like this copypasta.

My car doesn't make a noise when it stops. Maybe you should take a look at your brakes.

>He tries to emulate the sound of a car tire squeal over text on a Cambodian basket weaving forum
Stroke victim confirmed

Like when cars come to sudden halt and the brakes screech, that's what it sounds like no?

>im just not a friendless virgin with an unfulfilled emotional and sexual needs who takes their frustration out on the opposite sex
numale cuck detected

mine goes SKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET (skeet mothafucka)

I wouldn't know, I'm not a reckless driver.

meh. i can take an angry nerd calling me names on the internet. at least i'm fulfilled in other departments


I haven't ever had a stroke

Okay whatever you say man...

I never want to hear (or read, whatever) "cisgender" again in my life.

The user you're responding isn't really into surface reality



I honestly cringe so hard when I see that term being used unironically


those damn white male cisgenders, always starting those western societies that you live in and benefit from.

Let's talk about the fact that black people also owned slaves. Let's talk about the fact that white people, such as the irish, were also slaves.

homosexuals make good music, girls don't though

you Sup Forumstards aren't even trying to hide your shitposting anymore

I prefer 'normal sane, human being ' pls

you can say that again

Where the fuck is the music decision. Sage! Reported. This is a shitpost!