Would you swipe right?

would you swipe right?

Yeah fuck you Brandon


i just audibly cringed

I like all of those things, but I generally don't like other people who like all of those things. It is impossible to hold a conversation without them memeing out on you.

reddit incarnate

Nah he's fucking himself over. you don't use tinder to try and appeal to tumblr girls

he's cute i could swipe right and then verbally abuse him

He's got shut taste but he's kinda qt. :3 I'd play with his butt.

yep he would treat me nicely unlike most boys

>Animal Collective
OP is male confirmed

Union College no thanks


I'd swipe my dick right across his face if you catch my drift

literally the truest thing i've ever read

Are you straight women, or faggots?

I don't think women have dicks


Take a guess bby ;)

>listens to animal collective twice

weird that he likes jojo. i'd never expect any guys to say that in their tinder profile so i'd swipe right and talk about my favorite jojo songs [but everyone knows it's Leave (Get Out)]

take a gander at that


no bcuz he's a fucking white male