I don't get it
listen to it a few more times friend :^)
if you haven't already, look into the lyrics. they add so much to the album.
Listen to it again, it's pretty good aside from the cringy vocalist.
All you need to know is that Don stepped outside.
Quiet parts are a good atmospheric album, I don't get the loud parts yet though
It's weird because I love GY!BE, and this board gave me some great recs for it, but this kept coming up and I just can't get into it, even slightly.
I've tried listening to it three or four times. The last time I was stoned, and when I'm stoned 99% of the time anything will sound 10/10, I've listened to music I thought was trash and loved when I was high. But it just kinda freaked me out.
What am I missing?
loud parts are the good parts
Especially Washer and Captain
try out Tweez or Big Black's Atomizer. I wouldn't start with Spiderland
that's fine
you're overthinking it
Strange time signatures, strange guitar playing, minimalistic drums used to superb effect, spoken world storytelling with shouts; THE album about what it means to be alone.
Could somebody please explain to me what conceptual link "Breadcrumb Trail" could possibly have with "Good Morning, Captain"? Is there anybody who honestly believes this isn't just a collection of re-recorded B-sides, placed in a random order with a hipster-friendly cover and a nonsensical name? That Slint's addled brains didn't simply run out of creativity around 2 years ago, and after the utter flop of Tweez they've now given up writing truly new music altogether?
Does whatever a Spiderland does
Good Morning, Captain is about a man wanting to return to a more happy and innocent time. Breadcrumb Trail is that more happy and innocent time.
>Could somebody please explain to me what conceptual link "Breadcrumb Trail" could possibly have with "Good Morning, Captain"
>I was looking for the pirate ship
>Shattered remnants of the ship could be seen in the distance
That's it. Anything else is somebody's interpretation.
> Is there anybody who honestly believes this isn't just a collection of re-recorded B-sides, placed in a random order with a hipster-friendly cover and a nonsensical name? That Slint's addled brains didn't simply run out of creativity around 2 years ago, and after the utter flop of Tweez they've now given up writing truly new music altogether?
Jesus christ you sound bitter. Is that you, Albini? Are you mad that nobody liked Tweez and blame you for how it turned out?
listen to it louder
I don't know how to explain Spiderland's appeal really. It's just so raw and because it draws out the shifts in dynamic so much, they hit incredibly hard. The lyrics are great, every track is memorable, I'm not sure what else there is to say desu.
What the hell are you on about man? If you think Spiderland of all albums is derivative you're way off the mark
I used to not get it. But I had an internship this past spring and lived in Louisville for 4 months, and it clicked. Pretty chill chill.
Only complaint is the cringy lyrics of Washer (which sucks because it has some of my favorite instrumentals of the entire record)
sage and report (^:
Albini adores Spiderland by the way.
Yeah I know I was just having some fun.
So you are a grill