Why is Rage Against the Machine so overrated?
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they aren't, or just barely
normies love ratm even though they only know killing in the name
not these days
Overrated? maybe 15 years ago they were, not at all anymore.
Most of their discography is a solid 8 or higher
mu just cringes at anyone with a political opinion
>Most of their discography is a solid 8 or higher
it's not even above a 6
>made millions through a major label
How can anyone take them seriously?
>Der how can u criticise capitalism when u r in a band that makes money
>only homeless people can criticise capitalism
No one should be criticizing capitalism, there is nothing to criticize, and millionaires should be the first to recognize that.
Give your money away and be independent if you hate it so much.
I hate the production on their albums so much.
otherwise they're ok. Their politics aren't that bad, the silliest thing about them is really their metal leanings.
>Everyone must think the same as i do
>There is only one correct opinion
What is this, 1999? Tony Hawk pro skater was the shit, man
>being principled is bad because you might have to disagree and hurt someone's feelings
>There is nothing about capitalism to criticise
Explain yourself and i will concede.
Threads like this really really make me miss 2012 and prior Sup Forums
why is Sup Forums the only board that is able to repel faggots who don't even bother to lurk and and adjust to a boards style?
They're just as smart as everyone else who sells communism as a product to stupid kids, either that or they're completely not self aware
Of course capitalism should be criticized. your value is determined by what i can take from you (capitalism). my value is determined by what i can gloss from the machinery of exchange (lol capitalism). your value is less because i have the capital and make space for you, even though all that capital is produced off the backs of your dead forefathers who choked on shit for me to make a dime. lol mine not yours. capitalism. gonna hide my money of shore and not support the people or state that allows me to strip surplus value. lol capitalism. fuck you poor fux. work harder to feed my machine. lol
capitalism. i can sell the dust from your bones. die already. lol capitalism.
>all that capital is produced off the backs of your dead forefathers who choked on shit for me to make a dime
>le manual labor is the only real work meme
Capitalism is what got them an honest job with an honest living and the means to live and raise a family.
Your worth is determined by how much you contribute to society.
If you can produce 10,000 jobs for people you are worth more because 10,000 people are dependent on you and not everyone can fill your shoes. If you dig holes for a living you are worth less, because just about anyone can replace you. Capitalism makes both these positions able to earn enough to live comfortably.
>Capitalism makes both these positions able to earn enough to live comfortably.
b u l l s h i t bb
>Your worth is determined by how much you contribute to society.
do you even trump?
cuz you got shit backwardz