Easily one of the most albums of all time. Prove me wrong

Easily one of the most albums of all time. Prove me wrong.

yep, it's an album

yeah, but is it the albumiest album of all albums in existence? OP, you've really got me to think.

i'd give it album/album

>not bums/album


honestly, i think albums with "normal" song titles might be consider more album-like

you ok user?

Yeah you have a point there I think you have me at checkmate

it's not a dress, it's a diaper

this gentleman knows his shit.

It's a potato

I dunno, In Rainbows is pretty album

In rainbows is not even close to the most album of all time. It didn't even come with album art on release.

LMAO pleb that is so NOT album

Album art is not album, album is album

>boredom, boris, I'm 15 and REALLY into music!!!


>Album art

>visits Sup Forums twice

Super æ is better

Nah, Pop Tatari is. SAE and VCN spend way too much time on meandering Neu! worship. Pop Tatari is a legit as fuck way of approaching melodies in abrasive music (using a variety of screams/sounds to make a melody rather than the typical wall of sound with a melody like shoegaze or Dinosaur Jr approach.)

who will be the first to use emoji in song titles?

Rubber Soul is the most album of all times.
Challenge me.