Matthew Montgomery

Matthew Montgomery

Girlfriend: Nikee Marie Fox

Mom: Lisa Kay Montgomery (Lozmack)
Address: 2227 Anderson Cir, Stevensville, MI 49127

Dad: Stephen R Montgomery
Address: 8245 Date Rd, Bridgman, MI 49106

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck that guy, already have him filtered though, best discovery of my life

what do you want and why do you keep croping up here?

I love Montie

>his parents are separated
his fault

get pranked loser

why would I leave my house too do what?
go do something with ur life instead of stalking kids



he's 18

she got a purdy mouth

oh you're that Montie cunt, so what , wtf

I'm here to talk about music if you get this mad because some kid talked shit about your "special albums" you're seriously pathetic, but then again this is Sup Forums

>montie will drink his own pee



His GF is exactly like his music tastes, both white trash.

She got a purdy mouth

so montie's been on Sup Forums for years?
its probably montie himself posting this

tfw the sadness hits hard

nah, facebook meme pages based off his youtube channels

>mfw faggot thinks this is Sup Forums


>separated parents

well that explains his incredible need for attention

>girlfriends name is Nike
That's vaporwave as fuck

Huh, he can actually do something on the piano.
Oh well, still a shitposter.

Haha epic doxx my fellow user way to show him for having bad taste in music : U )

this is what happens to people who try and discuss music on OUR board! we are legion XD le cake is a lie


You guys don't think this is taking it a bit too far

lel he's releasing an album this month wew lad

wow she has big tits
nice meme montie

>inb4 someone sends Montie anthrax because he doesn't like This Heat and Mr Bungle.

shut up r we dox u next

we r legin
we never do forgot


feel bad for his gf, she doesn't deserve this just because montie is a retarded shitposter

This happened months ago. He's already been doxxed and doesn't care.

put your trip back on montie

because its him doxxing

Nigga what kinda name is Nike

wow this guy is an airhead and kind of a douchebag

epic lulz my amigo

they didn't post his fucking house though
just his facebook
this is fucked tbqh and i think the kid's an annoying little prick but he's just a dumb kid who posts memes and his favorite albums doesn't really deserve this

wasnt that just his facebook though?

It'll just make them stronger
The couple that gets doxxed together stays together.

Dammit, you're telling me I need to burn down two houses in order to kill his family?

maybe her parents thought they'd get free jordans

we all know it's you, cease your assdisaster

Is he saying 'RYM' and 'Sal'?


"Hey maybe if I post """information"""" he will stop posting"

Keep digging bud, you are pretty far off.
Also I find it pathetic that this is your attempt to get me to stop posting. Clearly you don't understand that giving me this attention keeps me posting here.

Learn some shit bud.

what kind of pizza do you think he likes?

he comes from Facebook Sup Forums pages, that explains why he's so fucking awful and keeps trying to force memes

shut up montie, you like Oasis.

Also it is very very funny that, Casey, you went through some very old shit I made back in 2012. Lol I was pathetic back then-moreso than now.

I haven't talked to you in like 2-3 months. You obviously belong on Sup Forums and you need to learn this is a music discussion board, not a "le epic raid XDD" shit.

Have fun on whatever power trip you are on. Im going to continue to post more, and you can keep doing this to make me post more.

I actually would be worried if people on Sup Forums had this info don't be so lax about it

I like sausage.
Order it to 2227, it's my actual address.
Meat lovers maybe, who knows.

>"hit me with your best shot": the post

oh montie...

lol you're a fucking legend m8. Godspeed

Sup Forums is harmless

Ill bet you like sausage gay boy

damn his parents split while he's still an embryo, that's fucked up

Literally Sup Forums BTFO by Monty.

How can you deny info if its on your Facebook page?

>tfw you just want Montie to stop posting and people keep giving him attention

y'all are the real retards here

Not like anyone will hurt him but nobody needs turbo autists calling their mom and shit

>Lol I was pathetic back then-moreso than now.
Yet you haven't matured in the slightest.


It's not my actual info though that's the funny thing. I don't even live in either of those places anymore and I find it funny that whoever found this off whatever facebook page thinks it's my actual shit.

It's not.
I've also been "Doxed" here for a while and have the info on the people doing it.
I choose not to release it though out of pure principle.
Im not Sup Forums level. I don't give a shit what people post anonymously or with a trip on here and people like this obviously take it too seriously.

But yeah, I don't give a shit.



my nigga brandon's better.

literally who


>I've also been "Doxed" here for a while and have the info on the people doing it.
>I choose not to release it though out of pure principle.

if youre so confident this is your real adress, then what is it?

filter him sheesh

>heh y-yeah guys that stuff is all wrong it's not even me


holy fuck is that what he looks like

jesus fucking christ he's a monster



Not your personal army, fucking faggot.

nah the drama is quite funny desu, especially since there are no entertaining tripfags anymore

c'mon Montieboy, release that info, we want blood