Jesus' black life ain't matter

>Jesus' black life ain't matter
Like pottery.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is there any decent rapper that's somewhat redpilled and actually critics black culture and hip hop? And I don't mean a white nigga like busdriver, I mean someone who you would not expect to hear some rational shit from.

Pretty good album. Hopefully holds over till TG16 drops

>white nigga like busdriver
You are part of the problem you fuccboi

Anyway there's Kendrick but based off of what you just said I'm certain you're probably among the group that thinks he's all about kill whitey shit

Pull your head out of your ass. You have no idea what it's like to be black.

So you haven't listened to To Pimp a Butterfly yet, huh?

i guess this thread is meant to be mocking this line or something but it's a great line so i don't get it

you're an idiot. no one's making music with your middle school politics in mind. go back to Sup Forums

This, if you think TPAB is a KILL WHITEY album you didn't pay attention to the lyrics.

Not exactly the same, Killer Mike also spits some sick political bars

>middle school politics
Big boy liberal detected

Except he's right.

I go to a STEM university in the South, and I still haven't heard in person any adults spew the sort of braindead shit Sup Forums loves to jerk off about.

Well yeah grown adults aren't going to spew their unfiltered political views to you everywhere you go.
It is fact though that cops are more likely to shoot whites than blacks, the majority of murdered and murderers are black, etc. so what OP is referring to is pretty accurate and not some shit only believed on pol

Of course you're only going to hear liberal viewpoints on a fucking college campus lmao

>It is fact though that cops are more likely to shoot whites than blacks
This is what the top minds of Sup Forums actually believe

I agree. Ultra-conservative racist types tend to get their education from InfoWars instead

How about you take 5 seconds to google it you moron lol


this is one of the absolute dumbest "studies" i have ever read.

OP here
What am I referring to?

i can't even tell if this is ironic but in any case, no, i honestly don't know what it's like to have an IQ below 90 and a perpetual victim complex

>presented witb facts

you clearly do know exactly what it's like to have a perpetual victim complex based on the amount of triggered pants shitting you and your Sup Forums buddies have done in the past couple months over both this album and lemonade.

those aren't real world facts. the study is based on a simulation. it's completely idiotic and proves nothing.

>i honestly don't know what it's like to have an IQ below 90 and a perpetual victim complex
Oh, but you do.


What's the point you're trying to make?

>Like pottery

Uh, I think that's "like poetry", OP.

What's poetic about it?

Lol classic teenaged liberal idiots

>those aren't real world facts. t

It’s a complex subject, dating back to a 1974 study which concluded that “the police have one trigger finger for whites and another for blacks.” A 1978 report found that 60 percent of black suspects shot by the police carried handguns, compared with 35 percent of white suspects. In 2001, a statistical study showed that black people comprised 12 percent of the population but committed 43 percent of the killings of officers.
What isn't real about this?

Blacks make up about 50% of both murderers and murdered in this country, despite the fact that they only make up a fraction of that percent of the population. OH but they're isn't a problem with the blacks, it's the white man's fault!!!

I see the Sup Forums brigade has arrived.

Kindly get the fuck out, and take your Stormfront copypasta with you.

You never told me what part of
>It’s a complex subject, dating back to a 1974 study which concluded that “the police have one trigger finger for whites and another for blacks.” A 1978 report found that 60 percent of black suspects shot by the police carried handguns, compared with 35 percent of white suspects. In 2001, a statistical study showed that black people comprised 12 percent of the population but committed 43 percent of the killings of officers.

isn't real. You described it as

>those aren't real world facts.

Which part isn't real?

Get out. A board for neo-nazi memeing already exists.

>Stormfront copypasta
It's pasted from the article from the Washington Post linked here

I think you should get out. There are plenty of safe spaces where you won't be confronted by ugly facts when you spout bullshit. Go find a safe space faggot.

>unironically listening to nigger music
you just disqualified yourself from every country club in the country. you are no longer white

No, fuck you liberal piece of shit. Black people are literally all fucking violent criminals, and no amount of liberal diaper shitting will change this fact

this is confirmed bait btw

>Sup Forums - Music

>defending niggers

literally stop, liberal

>get out of my safe space

The OP was a direct reference to the BLM movement.

And you're complaining about hearing from the other side?

I dont understand the line or what it represents.

It's a line from the album, you mongoloid.

> I dont understand the line or what it represents.
It's a more socially acceptable way of saying "fuck whitey" .

The OP he is referring to is the guy who made the first reply, not the post


How? Jesus wasn't black. Is there some kind of symbolism I'm missing?

If you think that's what BLM is, it's time to stop using Breitbart as your main source of news, buddy.

>Jesus wasn't black
Tell that to black people and you'd end up getting mugged, shot, or raped

>ask simple question based on real world hard facts
>gets called a nazi

This is why people listen to moonman.

>you're just pretending to be polite!

>getting people to justify their claims is bad

/pol is retarded but the concept of sealioning is even moreso. If you can't back up your claims then don't waste your text/breath saying them in the first place.

No, what happened is some actual scientific research was posted that disagreed with your argument so you just started calling everyone a nazi and ignoring it.

No one is asking YOU to provide evidence. Just disprove ours - you say it is false, so prove it.

Sup Forums go home

not a single one of your favorite musicians shares your warped worldview. in fact, the vast majority would personally hate you for the sort of shit you spew. do you think that's maybe indicative of something? does that ever give you pause? or can you not introspect for more than a second without risking painful realizations about how pathetic every single element of your life is and always will be?

I'm trying to watch TV. I'm not going to answer your stupid loaded questions, cry me a river

Yet you still feel the need to come back to this thread and reply
Holy shit desu senpai. This is some top-tier damage control

>I'm not going to answer your stupid loaded questions
My loaded question of asking you to back up your previous statement here here you said
> those aren't real world facts.

Now I posted a part from the article on the Washington Post (which you labelled "Stormfront Copypasta" here )

>It’s a complex subject, dating back to a 1974 study which concluded that “the police have one trigger finger for whites and another for blacks.” A 1978 report found that 60 percent of black suspects shot by the police carried handguns, compared with 35 percent of white suspects. In 2001, a statistical study showed that black people comprised 12 percent of the population but committed 43 percent of the killings of officers.

So now I will ask you again.

Which part of it wasn't "real world facts"?

All memes aside-
Do African-Americans believe Jesus Christ was black in the vein of West Africans who were enslaved and brought to the United States, Caribbean etc.? Or is this lyric meant to be taken symbolically, i.e., Jesus was black in the sense of being rejected by the people who had more power than him? Sort of like how "Rock n Roll Nigger" referred to anyone who is an outcast of society?

ok, first off, that guy calling you morons neo-nazi wasn't me (but he's probably right anyway).

second, the part you copied from the article completely omits the new study conduct which is the simulation I was talking about and is, like I said before, still completely idiotic. you can find studies to back up whatever claim you want if you look hard and i'm sure you can (and have in the past) do this all night. i can assure you i have no interest.

here's some hard facts for you. black men make up six percent of the population of the united states yet account for 40 percent of the unarmed men killed by police this year.

here's some more. in 2015, black men were killed by police at five times higher rate than white men.

i'm sure you have some rhetorical ready to roll about the violent negroes who do it to themselves and yeah, it's probably the jews' fault too. and that's all well and good but this is a music board so please go back where you belong.

This guy fucking sucks, if I was arguing against me I already have two rebuttals ready to fire. He needs to step up his debate game.

>here's some more. in 2015, black men were killed by police at five times higher rate than white men.
Considering they are responsible for half the crime while being 13% of the population, it sounds like they are probably still getting off lightly.

>expecting euphoric gentlesirs to be self aware


Rap is for brainwashing white kids though

Jesus Christ this thread is a fucking shitstorm. Pretty good album overall, either Angels, Blessings (Reprise), or Smoke Break is my favorite.

Why is there so much hatred in the world



>Is there any decent rapper that's somewhat redpilled and actually critics black culture and hip hop?

Seriously, if any person is offended by "To Pimp A Butterfly," they must be a realtor.