Which open-source OS has the least amount of drama and political baggage tied to it?

Which open-source OS has the least amount of drama and political baggage tied to it?

Pic most definitely not related.

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Install patriarchyOS



But doesn't that have systemd? That's pretty much the definition of drama.

Fair enough. I suppose I should have specified "useful" open-source OS.

Void Linux, but I'd keep my distance for a while after the whole ponysay shit. Might have been some kind of elaborate joke.
I hope.

>But doesn't that have systemd?
It doesn't have to.

>That's pretty much the definition of drama.
For Debian

if you have to ask you're probably the drama queen in the room




I'm not saying you're wrong, buuuuut...

fucker deleted his post like a little bitch. Oh well here's what was saved of it:

basically OpenBSD dev got triggered over a joke about girls

I am sure it was just a dumb joke. Doesn't seem like a big deal to me since is inevitable that any project big enough will have people like that. In the end OpenBSD is safe for the same reasons the Linux Kernel is safe.

>the Linux Kernel is safe
eh, once Linus is gone there will be no guarantee of that. And the people rumored to be his successors have seemed questionable so far to say the least.

phessler is a massive cuck, as are a few other OpenBSD devs. Theo is based enough to keep them all in line though.

It must be one of the European developers.

theo (fortune flavor) in 9front code.9front.org/hg/plan9front/file/ebbef763e589/lib/theo
mg (cli editor, theo feature now removed) github.com/openbsd/src/blob/fc5b63731377e9c428d5d9f0d567937caa818ddc/usr.bin/mg/theo.c

>Berlin, Germany
yep, what a shocker

< Never apologise, when you can criticise. >


dbhur hurr women bad evil sjws stealing my freedom reee

Fucking this
People here are as pathetic as the FreeBSD CoC

Why not focus on equality instead of making women special and teaching them that men are potentially dangerous?

> "I'm a woman, if I don't get massive attention, get spoonfed, paid or mentored, I won't do anything by myself"
> "Hello , did I mention that I'm a woman?"

At least I never heard of any drama related to it

What we need is archmen!

Still BSD, shared community, shared drama.

that's an oxymoron

What's up with that? Was somebody offended again?
Was it 4ch autists?

> selecting an OS is a political decision

If you are autistic Gentoo. If not, Devuan. It's comfy.

>Still BSD
what does this even mean? Does the license and development model just magically have drama inherently associated with it?

>shared community, shared drama
you couldn't be more wrong. See At this point, there is more of a "shared community" between FreeBSD and Linux, than there is between FreeBSD and DragonflyBSD/OpenBSD.

it's sad that this even needed to be stated, but I guess we are on a board filled with socially inept autists.


I wish memes would quit coming true.


it's antipolitical

This image is just a justification for whiny identity politics.

All politics are identity politics.

Linux is a kernel; a program in a system.

>Linux is a kernel
Even kernel devs always say "Linux kernel" instead of "Linux".