How true is this?

How true is this?

Lol, funny (:

I really, really like this image.

So... Pascal or C?

Pascal, if you had the choice.

>You have Rust
>You spend hours trying to devise a safe way to rescue the princess
>You discover the princess doesn't want to be rescued by a man since it enforces the stereotype of helpless women

>You discover the princess has a penis (female).

Except for the Pascal one they are pretty accurate.
Also, who the fuck is John Skeet.

Google the name, you'll be impressed by what comes up.

>Just as you're almost done, Apple releases another dragon
I don't know why but that made me laugh way too much.

>You mine some coal and iron, forge your own sword and helmet, catch a wild horse and tame it, slaughter a cow to make shoes and clothes from its hide
>Find that the castle runs on ARM and your equipment only runs on x86
>Start from scratch

>Shell script
>You create a script to pipe the dragon to /dev/null
>The dragon escapes and eats the princess because you forgot a quote somewhere

Did do so, but it seems mostly hype.

>vertical center has failed

Fuck this makes me so angry I hate CSS so fucking much fuck the web

>not picking based Cobol so you can fuck the dragon

Guy is literally the one with the highest points on SO.

I don't get the Cobol one.

You'd pick Qt then

Supply and demand.

Cobol programmers are rare, because it's a language from archaic times. It's still used by business who don't want to rewrite their programs. Many banks for example, afaik, uses COBOL.

Cobol seems like an archaic language to learn nowadays, but Cobol programmers make tons of money because a lot of critical applications are still written in Cobol, like bank business backends, stock exchanges and so on. You can kind of say the dragon is the programmer's friend by then.

centering takes like 2 lines with flexbox.

>using flexbox

fucking pussy

I want to fuck that dragon

I can't kill the dragon :(


I like it, too.

That's what I said.

So what's the problem with encapsulating dragon killing side effects? Sounds like a viable solution to me.

You need help.

Until you're trying to align anything slightly complicated.

Lisp is spot on.

brb learning cobol

>Jon Skeet is a Java developer working for Google in London. He is a C# author and community leader, spending far too much time on the Stack Overflow developer Q&A site.

The Lua one is the most accurate.

That seems to be the most sensible answer.
This. But if you relied on having a JIT compiler for an embedded scripting language like Lua just to flee your host language you had it coming.

Even that is a heavy understatement, he basically spends his life on SO.
He has 34,113 answers.