
Greatest thing I've ever heard. Where do I go from here?

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The Carter Family have stuff worth listening to outside of the 3 or 4 tracks they have on that comp.

>tfw you will never travel from village to village in Appalachia, listening and collecting music from each

>greatest traditional folk ever

looooooooooooooool you guys


Goodbye Babylon

try this user
shut up u fucking idiot

typical septics

where are you hampus?

What? Are you fucking triggered? Did I fucking trigger you? Well stay fucking mad. I don't a fuck about your dumbass feelings? Please get fucked you stupid asshole. Bringing useless arguments in here. I don't work six days a week of backbreaking labor to read your worthless shit you stupid attention seeker.

Now please please go get fucked idiot.

Gonna post something you enjoy, or are you just here to act like a retard for no reason?


This record changed my life.

Picture this scene

>I sneak into your house
>I seduce your mom
>I give your mom the best fucking of her life that your impotent dad could never do with his weak stamina
>You walk in the room at the moment of her pure ecstasy right before I snap her neck
>Before you have the chance to panic and called 911
>I ram my huge cock into your eye into your dumbass brain thus killing you instantly

Now get fucked

yeehaw pardner


So are you going to share some of your didgeridoo music or not?


>all the worlds trad to listen to
>pardners still listen to american crap

>amerifats too salty

Are you laughing? Are you fucking laughing? Will you still be laughing when I jump out of the fucking bushes and bash your gay head in with a rusty lead pipe?

I'm not even American though.