Does Sup Forums like neo-prog?

Does Sup Forums like neo-prog?

Is this neo-Prog?

Also Clutching at Straws > Fugazi > Misplaced Childhood.

Marillion are pop and AOR not neo-prog

>Marillion are not neo-prog
u wot m8

They aren't

the rest of the stuff on there I would assume most people would call neo-prog
it's a stupid genre tag anyway Wind & Wuthering has the exact same aesthetic as most neo-prog

Nah. All neoprog is stupid Rush inspired wank. Rush was the true worst thing to happen to prog.

Rush are not related to neo-prog at all

Yes they are. Neo-prog took Rush's more melodic wank approach to prog instead of the more well crafted, context driven route the true masters of prog took.

Neo-Prog is worst prog after Alt- and Post-Prog

Isn't DT one of your favorite bands?

>prog anything

Yes, so what?
Me liking a band doesn't mean said band is good.

why are you so fucking autistic youre like a robot

Because I'm superior to regular humans

no but i like avant-prog like zappa, snakefinger, the list could go on.

nope, 80s prog that isn't king crimson depresses me

You aren't a real person this entire trip is an act

What is wrong with alt and post-prog? Porcupine Tree and Mars Volta are fantastic

>you aren't a real person
D-don't tell me what I can or can't be!

The genre is usually pretty bad, generic, derivative, etc.
Sure, Mars Volta is good, but other stuff tagged under those genres is usually bad.

Most prog after the 70s is derivative and generic

>stuff tagged under those genres is usually bad.
How much have you heard?

That only shows you don't know how to look for the good post-70s stuff.

I have heard plenty of albums and YouTube samples posted by anons on prog threads. Plus, the stuff I have been able to find on my own.