Does a more overrated album exist?

Does a more overrated album exist?

Kid A
The Money Store
The Velvet Undeground & Nico



this +

Led Zeppelin IV
Abbey Road



God yes

I'm so sick of seeing it on Sup Forums


You and OP should get together and give each other reach-a-rounds. Screw this, abandon thread.

You win

Cut Student Demonstration Time and it's 9/10

Pet Sounds

kill yourself

Any "melodic ______ metal"

Yes that includes TRITSIO
Yes that includes storm of the lights bane

This is one of DG's less exceptional records, why is it so acclained here?

sorry i'm on mobile and the thread watcher was in front of my reply text box

actually kill yourselves

OP you too

this album is underrated if anything

Because Fandango gave it a 10

it's just crescendo after crescendo with some priest shouting

Neither of those things inherently bad


Surf's Up > Pet Sounds

>an album with SDT and Take a Load Off Your Feet is better than Pet Sounds
nice try



>Take a Load Off Your Feet

>it's just [insert description of album]

>being a teenager

What don't you like about Take a load off your feet?

Its got that indie folk sound and themes

captures some of the silliness of SMiLE

Disney Girls and Surf's Up are better than anything on Pet Sounds

Doesn't matter when half of the record is mediocre drivel. Pet Sounds is consistently great, the same cannot be said of Surf's Up.

Kid A
Pet Sounds
Every Death Grips record
The Bends
The Glow pt 2
Hot Rats
Sleep Cycle
Lift yr Skinny Fists to Heaven

Nahhhh...Abbey Road's side two medley is absolutely inspired
Wouldn't it be nice and God only knows are two of the greatest feats in american songwriting.
beyond that, Pet Sounds tries my patience. If you are looking at it as just a listen, I think there are a ton more listenable, but if you are considering how groundbreaking it was, you'll realize that at least half of the previously referenced albums that are "better" owe most of their success to Pet Sounds. Same can be said about VU & Nico (tho I far prefer White Light White Heat)

Blackstar is allowed to be overrated. The circumstances were unheard of.


>it's a i'm dead so my last album must be good! episode

>it's just crescendo after crescendo
There are two, arguably three crescendos on the whole album. Not everything with dynamics is CRESCENDO CRESCENDO CRESCENDO