YouTube said that their AI algorithms are designed so users watch the most videos and for the longest.
The algorithm learns and literally manipulates the users to keep them on their site.
The algorithm does not care about what is good or bad, but it does care about taking the most time from people.
The problem? Good and valuable stuff often takes time.
Family, values, community, etc. All of this is declining, while mental illness and anxiety is growing, even in the most peaceful times of history. Why? Because that's the only way to keep you watching stuff on internet.
Depressed and insecure people prefer social media validation to distract themselves even more. That's why the algorithms feed you with trash that make you depressed and also addicted to a rush of brain chemicals.
My point? We can use the same technology to promote the opposite, but it may not be profitable... although a healthy society is the most profitable thing that there can ever be. I really hope that p2p and blockchain technology take off and takes the power of these algorithms that may be designed to promote values that you probably don't consciously would agree with.
>YouTube said that their AI algorithms are designed so users watch the most videos and for the longest. You sound like you could be trying to make it look like a good thing. I agree that YouTube is trying to brainwash the user but this does not quite show how. How specifically are the algorithms harmful to the user, beyond merely attempting to make the user interested in what's next?
Samuel Nguyen
I think YouTube is more similar to Reddit in that it tries to show you politically biased content.
Wyatt Hill
It locks you into a circle. If it keeps suggesting similar content that will keep you, well, content then all you will see is one point of view.
It becomes a political yes man, showing you everything agree with and nothing that challenges your world view.
Christopher Cruz
>We can use the same technology to promote the opposite, but it may not be profitable surprise surprise, capitalism fails us again. when will we learn socialism is the only way towards progress?
Xavier Hall
>ai roflmao it's a fucking script nothing else. no such thing as ai. it will never be possible
Ryan Wright
I think the ultimate purpose of the algorithm is to show people politically biased content. The suggestion algorithm will probably gradually shift the user towards such politically biased content.
Ryan Green
>uses roflmao >thinks his opinion matters
Kevin Lopez
So yes, it probably does show you the content that "doesn't challenge your worldview" only to get you to look at it, and once you are looking at it it probably will show you said politically biased content
Julian Bailey
To be clear I'm guessing this is what it does based on what I think might be their overall MO, I'm not suggesting it in any way shape or form.
Wyatt Morgan
I thought this was common knowledge since years ago.
Dominic Barnes
If Youtubes AI delivers me more good oldschool Goa tracks, it can keep me on their site as long as it wants.
Christopher Murphy
Bark bark, dog
Cameron Roberts
k, what's the impact though? hypothetically regular TV stations had the same motivations and should have manually optimized their scheduling to keep the most people watching. now it's automated and personalized making it much more effective. amplification of problems that have existed for a long time do not worry me much
Nolan Williams
so they reel you in with stuff you like watching then suggest a video/article that reinforces this bias they want to push?
Ryder Kelly
I think the problem is that YouTube tries to show people politically biased content which has anti trust implications. That's assuming they are not after some even worse, and more sinister agenda.
Bentley Carter
I've always felt the algorithm just takes what the user thinks and gives them a nice bubble of sameness to hide in. While also creating a false image of the opposition to belittle..
eg all liberals are snowflake cucks and all conservatives are massive racists.
There's no middle of the fence anymore and online echo chambers can lead to a massive divide in society. Just people hurling insults at an opposition that doesn't exist.
Elijah Barnes
That's basically what I'm saying.
Caleb Williams
Its only goal is to sell you shit. The only defense is to consume responsibly.
Camden Hernandez
>selling people shit But why would people want to buy shit, as opposed to good stuff?
Adrian Price
Because they were manipulated or otherwise misguided probably. I'm sure you've made a bad purchase at some point in your life.
William Parker
People get surprised when YouTube give them a video about an issue they were speaking about just some hours ago.
This algorithm is somehow creating synchronicity.
Jaxson Bailey
>somehow It's not that hard to figure out that your phone's being used to profile you for advertisements. My friend and I watched Star Wars a few weeks ago and he was seeing Star Wars ads on Facebook before the movie was over.
Nathaniel Roberts
>YouTube said that their AI algorithms are designed so users watch the most videos and for the longest.
There's a big fucking reason why there's the You in YouTube, and it isn't so you can bitch at it.
Easton Torres
>socialism is the only way towards progress Right on!
Xavier Peterson
Duh thats why mearly every video is 10mins+
Michael Kelly
I'm just glad videos can be >10 minutes now. It's great having a plethora of debates and documentaries
Justin Phillips
Actually capitalism hasn't failed because youtube does not make a profit by serving videos. Google makes a profit selling userdata and subsidies youtube to improve user data modeling.
Gabriel Cruz
LoL. You are so fucking stupid.
It's a simple neural network algorithm that just gives you more of things that are like what you watch the most.
It's not sinister, you're just really fucking stupid.
What's your point? Plus, the guy was advocating for socialism, not necessarily a Soviet command economy.
Parker Lewis
Not werking for me. I just find music and try to find related music/playlist and half of those I get are shit.
Chase Wood
I never watch the recommended videos, I even have them adblocked
William Torres
I bet most people here have stargate videos suggested on their front page.
Jordan Kelly
>YouTube said that their AI algorithms are designed so users watch the most videos and for the longest. isnt that what every site wants? Nobody out there is saying "dont watch my videos they fuckin suck"
>The algorithm learns and literally manipulates the users to keep them on their site. yeah you just said that
>The algorithm does not care about what is good or bad, but it does care about taking the most time from people. That's three times you said the same thing pretty much
>The problem? Good and valuable stuff often takes time. what?
>Family, values, community, etc. All of this is declining, while mental illness and anxiety is growing, even in the most peaceful times of history. Why? Because that's the only way to keep you watching stuff on internet. are you smoking weed? You realise that stuff makes you talk utter complete crap, right?
>Depressed and insecure people prefer social media validation to distract themselves even more. That's why the algorithms feed you with trash that make you depressed and also addicted to a rush of brain chemicals. Oh right I get it now, this is a troll
>My point? We can use the same technology to promote the opposite, but it may not be profitable... although a healthy society is the most profitable thing that there can ever be. I really hope that p2p and blockchain technology take off and takes the power of these algorithms that may be designed to promote values that you probably don't consciously would agree with. Oh wait no, I was right first time youre either smoking weed or crack
Daniel Hughes
>Implying that I watch anything else except for what I'm subscribed This works only on weak humans. I am not a weak human. I am opposite of weak. I am unweak!
Jaxson Evans
>people talking about how youtube tries to politically change you what kind of videos are you guys watching? i only watch RLM and programming videos.
Christopher Cook
Dylan Wilson
Normal people watch a single video before leaving. Doing otherwise is obviously exactly the same as watching advertisements.
Ethan Rivera
>It becomes a political yes man, showing you everything agree with and nothing that challenges your world view.
you know damn well you never consider changing your political views rather than assume it's everyone else who isn't adhering to your perfect logic
Nicholas Hill
What's this meme about millennials worshipping "the algorithm"? It's literally just Googe trying to maximize the money they make off underage kids' influencability.
Nicholas Butler
Quite. I don't know who this algorithm is supposed to be tuned to, but recommended videos are always hot garbage in my experience.
Andrew Lewis
I've been getting really bored of youtube lately, there is nothing i want to click on the home page and my subscribtions only have like half an hour of content every day worth watching
John Green
Charge for "quality" algorithm.
I just solved all of Google's problems.
Henry Gray
It does, user. Take my experience as an example: >watch loads of car videos, a few clips from TV shows and a few airsoft videos >recommendations start to lean towards those three subjects with a few oddities >get linked to a sargon video by accident, turn it off after a minute because fuck sitting through some sperg ranting about le trump >recommendations literally full of politics, takes a good month of clicking "not interested" to get them to stop
Mason Phillips
Thoughty2 recently posted a video glorifying Putin, which was a shock. Nowadays nothing surprises me anymore. I grew up in the 90's, I can honestly say-the internet's changing-for the worst. I think people have a right to be concerned about A.I algorithms. In fact A.I is rapidly becoming a threat to our current human way of life. And if you can't already see what its doing and its potential future abuse, you are too ignorant or to stupid...
Joseph Turner
this desu. op is acting like the shit that youtube is doing hasn't been done in various forms by other companies for literal years. casinos, restaurants, and other stores all do the same thing. They are designed to manipulate you into giving them money. But you somehow don't see a problem with this. there is no where that you can go where you are not being manipulated
facebook also did the same thing but it had unintended side effects and i think they reverted the algorithm. >We can use the same technology to promote the opposite oh so you don't want to stop people from being manipulated you want them to be manipulated into things that you deem acceptable. fuck off.
Jason Johnson
>It's not that hard to figure out that your phone's being used to profile you for advertisements. My friend and I watched Star Wars a few weeks ago and he was seeing Star Wars ads on Facebook before the movie was over.
I never claimed it is bad. I just say it is not good or bad, which makes it just practical and very mechanical.
Hudson Torres
Is it a surprise that non transparent algorithms only show you what you want to see?
Jace Allen
>conflating algorithms with AI >when you are the AI who cultivates your own recommendations with viewing history and ability to say "NOT INTERESTED"
do you have any sentience or agency at all? abject fucking retard
Dylan Morris
You're forgetting that most people are weak willed unthinking sheep. Sup Forums samples of free thinkers(or those who claim to be) are skewed by the nature of the site. For some reason Sup Forums is still normie repellent. Everyone else I know irl is litterally so much of a pussy they don't go on Sup Forums because they are scared of it. It's those people that get stuck in the autoplay content feed.
Daniel Nguyen
Tbf most of the sheeple have lost it already. Just look how readily they accept telescreens into their homes.
Hunter Perry
Is attention hacking this generations sugar addiction? Think about how hard it i to put down your electronics and then think about how ingrained that will be into younger generations. Companies are only going to get better at this and they will automate it with ML. How does the consumer stand a chance against this?
Joshua Lewis
666 symbols in most companies names >still asleep
Jaxon Russell
By using ethical FOSS and not being a fucking chad.