Well done apple, well done indeed.
Well done apple, well done indeed
>tfw software notches are the next big Android feature
Can your iphone do this?
this trend is almost as stupid as removing the headphone jack
>Simulate a notch
is this a joke? what the fuck
ahahahahahahahahah the absolute state of android
at least when you play videos the notch turns into a black bar
Peak degeneracy
u blame apple for this shit? android apes who copy dumb shit instead of figuring out what people want.
It's a developer option for devs who need to test how their app looks on a notched phone
What they want is the iPhone formfactor at a lower price with better specs and android delivers that.
it's for developers who want their apps to accommodate the poor morons who bought android devices with notches
nah the notch is retarded, but so is google for enabling this shit, which as far as I'm concerned is worse
what's even the point of a notch if there's plenty of space over the screen?
That's a simulated notch for developers.
other anons already explained it but it's just for developers to simulate a notch like on the essential phone and on chink iphone x clones
Just wondering how do YouTube videos play on the iPhone X. Do you still have the notch in your way, or is it more like android where it just turns it into an extra bezel
>tfw Sony has made too many mistakes in the smartphone market and fallen too far behind to ever save us from this industrial design dumpster fire hell.
I will never ever gimp a software I've created to accommodate for people who paid money for a smartphone with a 'notch', if you see anyone using a phone with a 'notch' do everyone a favor and stab them in their genitals.
>massive bezel
no thanks
>being gay wanting crack screen with shit speakers
>Year and half old phone that has already been replaced
I think he meant the purpose of phones that physically have a notch.
iirc a black bar appears unless you zoom in on the video, then the notch gets in the way.
Well he replied to a post showing a simulated notch, with a complaint that only applies to simulated notches, since phones with physical notches don't usually have significant bezel space above the screen.