Is this the end of pc gayming as we know it?
Is this the end of pc gayming as we know it?
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Get a job son.
They've been predicting the end of PC gaming for decades. Remember when iPads were supposed to make PCs obsolete?
My gtx 970 still does games at 1080p just fine. After these cards come out the miners won't want the old ones as badly anymore so hopefully they go down in price.
PC gaming died years ago when 10GB+ day-one patches, paid DLC, f2p/p2w, DRM, and Jewish subversion ruined the industry.
won't the next generation be 11xx and not 20xx? what shitty editorial site did this come from
>Buying a fermi in 2018
Yep. Time to buy yourself a nice RISC machine, install Gahnoo/Loonix, and pick up programming as a hobby. If you're a poorfag, get a PowerMac and install Debian. If you have a job, get a Talos II.
I hope the 2080 can do VR @ 8k max settings 144hz
This seems like the kind of rumor Nividia would start themselves so they look great when they actually only set the MSRP to $1000 or 1200.
Guess I'm not the only one thinking this.
The standard pricing of GPUs are going to go up, thats for sure.
>Remember when iPads were supposed to make PCs obsolete?
Well they technically did. No one buys PCs anymore.
So actually it's going to cost 3 grand because monopoly money farms?
>PC gaming bigger than ever
>no one buys PCs
OK buddy.
>PC gaming bigger than ever
Peer reviewed statistics please?
valve couldn't be a fucking money hog if PC gaming wasn't big
>Thinking just because people have a job they'll spend 1500 on something worth 700
Lmao get a brain nigga
>something that has existed for 15 years still exists, therefore I propose that gaming is at an all time high
I see. I guess there's also a polar bear birth boom and shit, since polar bears exist at this moment... Idiot.
Valve stopped making games because they don't need to
They're content to just sit around and gather passive income from their platform.
The last real game they released was Dota 2 in 2013
wtf happened to the 1100-1900 series?
Nobody cares kid. Post a peer reviewed source with statistics to support your claim that "PC gaming bigger than ever" or gtfo.
>worth 700
the 1080 was 200-300$ silicon size
shit isn't worth 700, that's just the price you are paying for it.
Take an econ class you dumb nigger
I built a computer for 1600 bucks back in 2010, and it's still running overwatch just fine
Yeah true
the volta one because there is no competition
the 1500 because miners will buy it at that price, not gamers
and the prices are so high because no one wants to ramp up and get royally fucked by miners again
>every claim must be backed up with peer-reviewed sources
i bet you're a lot of fun to talk to
no one buys bcs for 2 reasons
1) if they just browsed the internet, tablets can do it and are more mobile than laptops.
2) since late core 2, and at earliest sandybridge, there has been next to no reason to upgrade parts. the only reason a normal person would upgrade their computer is because shit died, and seeing how anything halfway decent can last 7-10 years, there is very little reason to upgrade.
>claims about something being at an all time high should be believed without evidence
>hehe phun thingz r phun BTW wwwwwwww
Then why didn't you believe the other guy when he said that the desktop computer is obsolete? You're a fucking retard that talks out of his ass to feel like he's contributing something. Get the fuck off this fine board and never make any claims again dumbass.
>PC gaming bigger than ever
You mean software you fucking idiot? LOL
>le ebin flame post me me
oh and here
Now if I remember right, when I started using steam 1million concurrent players was an average
shit has really only gone up
>a year old
>not peer reviewed
>not even an actual study
>implying that Steam growing and PC gaming shrinking are mutually exclusive just because Steam is a big PC gaming platfrom (brainlet as fuck)
So when are you posting a valid peer reviewed source?
i sure fucking hope so
we need more GPUs for cybersecurity than we do for gayming
a salty post if I've ever seen one
why didn't you ask for a peer reviewed source from the guy who said desktop's are obsolete?
these things are going to crash hard one day believe me
gaymerfags be the new macfags.
>why didn't you ask for a peer reviewed source from the guy who said desktop's are obsolete?
Because that has nothing to do with this. You seem to be implying that there's dichotomy between PC being obsolete or PC gaming being at an all time high, and that would be a false one. I can contest one claim without intending to contest or prove the other one.
>implying that people using Steam is even correlated with either the desktop sales or the games sales
For all we know a lot of those people could just be online.
>"i-it has grown from 0 users since it started, therefore gaming is growing r-right?"
Right? No. The population of the world has grown over a billion in that time, so for this claim to work Steam would have to be at like 49 million daily users. If we go with your argument then this stats indicate that PC gaming became less popular, and it also would require to know the amount of unused accounts, which you're conveniently ignoring. Can no one here back the claim that PC gaming is at an all time high?
most of these births are in 3rd world countries lol
Holy shit, get an education you dumb faggot.
Ipads are PCs you dumb cia niggers
the number of people buying top of the line gpus is really small just saying
Wow, you're retarded
until amd puts out something worth buying its the hd5xxx series, fury and 390 all over again
i have a 1080 g1 oc i got for $500usd last year so im happy
i will go 4k eventually but im mainly just running dsr to 3-4k which is more than fine
>GPUs have ben extraordinarily expensive for a month in mid-2017 and for 2 months now
>"It's over, people's existing PCs are disappearing, the gaing market is dying!"
>jews got SO buttmad at video game pirates they shilled the fuck out of bitcoin, etc so that playing modern games on a PC would become completely nonviable
>miners will buy it at that price, not gamers
Miners will only buy it if there is no better alternative available
Unless it is actually this much faster than current gen, they will buy all Vega FEs first
Gamers are a lot more likely to buy it because it is the newest NVidia GPU and e-celebs have it
Consoles pull the same shit though, all the time
blame amd fucking up since 2015
>be nvidia
>start an absurd rumor stating that your next gpu will cost up to 1500$
>shitty tech journal- I mean blogger spread the absurd rumor
>officially say that a prize increase is to be believed given the current state of the market
>this make the absurd rumor all the more believable
>more tech journal- erm blogger spread the rumor
>time to release the gpu
>set the msrp at 1000$
>every praise nvidia for not releasing a 1500$ gpu
>everyone is happy thinking they are making a deal by buying a 1000$ gpu
>tfw it's actually twice the price of the previous gen
Oh wow somebody actually posted the correct version of this image for once. It's kind of shittier than the one I made though. Why is the 0 cut off on the bottom?
Because it isn't the correct version and you can tell the text is different. Someone fucked up when putting the zero in.
Valve ruined PC gaming.
>xbox one x costs £440
>equivalent specd pc costs over £1000
theres no reason to build a gaming pc at the moment its a waste of money
>there's no reason to buy a machine that does literally everything when you can buy a toy box at half the price!
PC gaming died when the mining bullshit began.
I'm glad I quit gaming. I couldn't possibly rationalize spending even half of that for a GPU alone. And if there are games truly worth experiencing, you could probably count them on your hands.
Nvidia is purposely planning a line of less expensive cards with no display capability crypto mining cards to help tame the competition in the realtime 3D rendering space though
No one bought AMD GPUs when they were good and no one would buy them now.
Even if they tried, they simply don't have the money to do that anymore and that's why the Vega, 500, 400, fury and 300 series were either shit or couldn't compete with Nvidias series properly
They have a little bit of money to play with now, thanks to miners, but you can bet AMD would rather go for the safer market with guaranteed sales and make a mining GPU
>A small country's worth of electricity is spent on encrypting literally nothing
This is terrifying.
pc gaming sucks anyway, no good games
and don't give me that pub g/overwatch/fort nite bullshit
we need innovation. better engines. more depth. less focus on insane graphics and more on fluidity and replayability. we need angel investors and the best talent with the most experience to abandon the current model and try to create games how they really should be and how they USED to be
This is pretty pointles when they come from the same assembly line. It's not like Nvidia is expanding their production.
PUBG is the most innovative game of this decade though.
you gen z shits are so lost
remember when $650 got you the best video card? good times
>less focus on insane graphics
It wouldn't be that much of a problem, if there was an original, immersive story which you don't have to pay an arm and a leg to experience.
not including like ramdac and display ports (hdmi// DP licenses) does reduce the cost of the device itself, maybe they'll also throw in some FPGA parts to to make it more interesting for tailoring certain things for the different hashing methods along side the primary compute capabilities or something. Basically they are looking for ways to make it a better investment for them to use less powerful more specifically tailored and efficient hardware and leave the frame-pushing to GPUs
HPU- Hash processing unit? IDK lol...
Them's the facts whether you like it or not. It broke new molds, grew insanely popular as a result and pretty much kickstarted a new subgenre. And it happened on PC. Meanwhile, on consoles literally NOTHING changed since Xbox 360.
>arma with a literally a cod of duty play mode.
>$1500 at day one launch to gouge the miners
>drops to $500-600 within 6-8 months
>It broke new molds
are you retarded? it's a standard king of the hill game
The first one in history that wasn't a half-assed mod or an abandoned beta, actually.
dude ive been pc gaming forever, the last 5 years has been very poor.
consoles are always 2nd tier. the fact that you think pubg 'broke new molds' is sad.
you were probably still in diapers when HL2 was at E3 in 2003. The energy after that feature was like no else.
just because someone made a 'non buggy' battle royale game doesn't mean its innovotive in the slightest. It definately a good game but far from innovative desu
The high end PC market is tiny, so this will make no much difference.
nigger you do not understand how gaming works, to young fags shit is gold, to older people they can see your gold plated turd, you need to face it games get worse, and your gold of gaming will look like gold because everything after is turd, but to youngins that all they knew and it will be gold to them
>$1500 LAUNCH
you've never played pubg, have you?
>gold plated turd
I have it is just Arma, with meme cod tier game mode
You do know that battle royal games have been around at least since that arma 2 mods, back in 2013
>Estimated Normal GPU prices = 700
>+ Cryptomining Inflation = 1100
>+ A.I. / Automated Cars market = 1500
prices seems about right...
This. Ever since the 680 they are overpriced.
Mostly due to minning but I also think they increased price since cgi rendering has turned to being gpu dependent and nvidea bought mental ray and are shilling it fucking hard. I know a lot of people don't use mentalray anymore but I am guessing Nvidea does want anyone who was still using it to not only buy a mentalray license (if not another render engine license) and buy a new card since earlier if using mentalray you didn't need a high end gpu card.
Meanwhile, regular folks will just buy laptops with cheap raven ridges and the ugliest 1380x768 TN panels you can think of because "it's cheap and can run pubg".
It's literally a flat +$200 increase at every price point.
$200 1060 3GB is $400
$600 1080 is $800
It just means for people buying, it's better to just go all out than buy low tier trash that's getting inflated both by miners AND poorfags that can't afford to get a 1080 even at regular prices.
gaming is moving towards the cloud.
its all oger
Not really.
All cloud attempts died.
It tried several times and nothing came out of it. Onlive fell flat on its face, PS Now is equally dead and after an attempted cloud computing push by MS, the only game that did any use of it all was Forza.
Things are only getting more expensive. I think the only thing that continues staying cheap is food in grocery stores and I'm certain it's because the government subsidizes food. Everything else is skyrocketing. Years ago, $1000 was consider a modest budget for a mid-range build and I'm sure that's going to increase to $2000 in the coming years.
>Is this the end of pc gayming as we know it?
no, why
1050ti is only $100 up.
Nvidias platform GeForce NOW is going to become the standard
physics says otherwise
Miner's wouldn't buy them or be as eager to buy them as opposed to the normal cards. If something were to happen and btc fails as a whole or becomes no longer profitable to mine with the cards then there is no one or hardly no one to buy these miner specific cards. People would want some sort of security where they can still get some form of compensation if they sell all their setups.
That said the prices are also ridiculous, they are really trying to resell their miner cards for around 500.- which is way too much.
We’re approaching the end times
You mean the failed cloud service for the failed gaming platform that had to be rebadged as a nintendo console to sell any units?
Right, and you base that on absolutely nothing, ignore past failed attempts and disregard the fact that infrastructure in USA is completely incapable of handling cloud gaming with no possible improvement for years to come.