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Listen to Lard Free maybe idk

Pierre Bastien - Mecanoid

how's that tigran hamasyan album

I was listening to it and it was ok but suddenly one of the tracks stopped in the middle so I said fuck it and went to listen to something else

an error in the file itself?

What does ROVO sound like?

That was really disappointing from what I remember

Similar to Boredoms' VCN, but wilder, with burning electric violin jamming and massively intense drumming

I think so, it couldn't read after certain point
>That was really disappointing from what I remember
Yeah, it's pretty mediocre 'modern classical' ambient imo
I can see what people like about it but for me it just sounds flat

Whats the second album on the top row?

Also check out Shogu Tokumaru if you like fishmans.

>Whats the second album on the top row?
Same label as Kill Bill, if you like him


>Yeah, it's pretty mediocre 'modern classical' ambient imo
I did enjoy their first album, but Atomos and everything else they've done has been disappointing


post limit

I'm sorry


yes i have a john mayer album on here

yes i don't give a shit

Try some massive attack
++songs from suicide bridge
Try jackson c frank or some nick cave
Congratulations by mgmt
Try some porcupine tree

Thanks again. Already on my 3rd listen. Great album.

Return to Forever

Keiji Haino

whatever you were planning on listening to next

Something from my chart that you have not yet heard


go rewatch A Nightmare on Elm St. You deserve it.

The new Death grips album

if you like keiji haino try hajde jano


add to you're sub-Sup Forumscore collection あらためまして、はじめまして、ミドリです

Listen to RDJ album if you haven't already


adebisi shank



how does make one of these a square for post as photo?



sorry I don't have any recs for anyone :(

You've got a good grasp on the bleeps, so unfortunately you're way more patrician than me. Have you listened to the new LP from Kaytranada?
Stop listening to Grimey and Tay, and you'd be cool. Try On Your Own Love Again by Jessica Pratt, and listen to more Fever Ray.
I like you. Try One by Michita and Vidde by Atlanter.

i never got why its not cool to like mucore

i mean its mucore because it's ridiculously good, why should you ignore these albums just because they're well known? i will never understand the hipster mentality. music is not a fashion statement, listen to what you like.

When you submit a chart of what you listened to the scrutiny of other people for the purpose of personal expression, it becomes a fashion statement.

Had what?

nice bleep bloops

haven't heard any of em other than FlyLo but he's cool and the others look like they might be cool too
I see you've got a Divinyls album on there

I haven't heard anything from them that isn't I Touch Myself but that is a very good song
XTC - Drums and Wires

Here's some poppy Chinese math rock ya weeb

Swell Maps - Jane From Occupied Europe


Do u know Heaven in Her Arms

Yo I'm gonna have to listen to ROVO


already heard it but thanks anyway

it's very good stuff